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[PP-F1] One to Three (Cilla, Gorou, Pyroth)

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Priscilla took a deep breath in, taking in the sweet aroma of the bakery that was spewing over in a variety of sweets and the warmth of different teas. The poor girl had yet to take the opportunity to take herself out for an afternoon tea party, even in the company of herself, as she had been busy elsewhere. She had heard the rumors that they were believably alike to the tastes of the real world and was silently praying to the GM as she closed the door behind herself, "Please don't ruin this for us, Kayaba..." Making her way up to the front counter, she would begin salivating at the thought of what laid before her, but kept her urges in check as she looked up to the cashier, "I'll take a glass of hot Chai tea and..." That was supposed to be all, but she couldn't help from staring at the pastries on display, "Oh, barnacles... I know I shouldn't, but I'll take an apple tart too." She let out a sigh of disappointment as she swapped the goods for Col and took a seat at an empty table for four, "Here goes nothing, down the hatch." She grasped the teacup and raised it to her lips, nostrils filling with the overwhelming cinnamon as she sipped at the heated drink. She'd place it back down on the china plate and begin staring at the pastry, "I... didn't expect it to be so gooood..."


@Gorou @Pyroth

Edited by Cilla
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Gorou was wandering through the streets of the city somewhat aimlessly. Today was another uneventful day that he would no doubt use to head out into the field and gather some more materials, but he had to admit that was becoming a little bit stale. It's not very exciting to follow such a boring routine, but it was the safest thing to do before he got himself some better equipment. His stomach grumbled amidst his thoughts to which he winced slightly. "Gotta get something to eat." he grumbled and mentally cursed Kayaba for the simulation of hunger in this death game. "As if we don't have enough to worry about." His eyes caught a glance of a quaint little baked goods store down the street, so he decided to head on in and see what they had to offer.

The doors jingled as he went inside the shop. It was practically void of any customers, save for a tiny, purple headed girl at a table. She looked content with her order, a cup of steaming tea and a pastry of some sort. "Hmmm." Gorou was never one for sweets, so he'd probably get something simpler for himself. Gorou stepped up to the counter and gave it a tap to get the clerk's attention. The npc turned around towards him and offered him a warm smile, while he considered what he should get. "Just some freshly baked bread." he finally decided, as gave the person some col. He turned around to lean on the counter and found himself looking at the purple haired girl yet again. She appeared to be alone, but was probably expecting some company if she was seated at a table for four by herself. "Yo." he greeted deciding to try and make some small talk before her friends showed. Talking a bit couldn't hurt before he went back to gathering materials.

Edited by Gorou
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Back in town Pyroth had just got finished going to fight a few boars, He wished he had killed more. It was truly a treat to watch them explode into tiny shards of light. But for some odd reason it make him a bit hungry... He had some bread and water in his inventory but he wanted to sit down. Looking around he wandered the streets of the town, jumping over the water fountain pyroth looked down at his feet watching as he quickly glided over it. Then the impact from the ground. It had been a while in the game but he couldn't get use to how real it felt.

Upon impact Pyroth looked up seeing a bakery sign, Pyroth waved his hand in the air opening his hud. "Yup... for sure a bakery. He said as he looked under the image of the sign and in small white text it said "Bakery" Closing his hud the word disappeared. That also meant that the bakery was NPC ran. Walking in Pyroth looked around, There was a man leaning against a counter roughly his height. But maybe a few years older. There was also a girl, shorter. About his age. They seemed to be in conversation so Pyroth approached the NPC "Bread." He said in a cold tone laying down some Col. He wasn't much for other people and conversation. He didn't want to spark anything up that he didn't have to.

Once the bread was handed to him he looked around the bakery. It was just them. He wondered was it best to ignore them and go back to hunting. Or should he attempt some socializing. He couldn't do everything alone... Or could he? Would it be better if he did? He paused for a moment. He knew he was going to regret it. Pivoting on his foot he turned to the two others. "Little empty, Mind if I join you two?".  There he went, Getting himself into situations he wouldn't be able to control again.

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Diving in for another sip before indulging herself in the steamy bundle of perfection, she would be cut short before she could commit to grabbing her silverware to cut into the delicacy, "Oh." She blinked four times, not in a particularly expeditious manner, while maintaining eye contact with the player. Her mind, slowly unwrapping itself from the sole attraction and focus of the snack in front of her, would eventually find its way back to social awareness and proper etiquette. Had she been expecting company or even something as simple as a greeting, this would have played out much easier, but with a second player now approaching, she would have to snap out of it. Bowing her head a bit, partially as a form of respect, but mostly as a method of hiding her shame, she spoke to the two players alike, "Salutations, both of you are more than welcome to take a seat." Priscilla might have come off a little strange to the first player, but at least the second one hadn't witnessed her blunder, "I'm Cilla, by the by. The two of you here for an afternoon tea brea-?" By now, she had noticed that both of the players were complacent with nothing more than bread... bread... Her right eye twitched suddenly as if somewhere, deep down inside, a small cog within her heart had fallen off track, completely and solely broken at the thought of someone having little respect or even no knowledge for the concept of the ever glorious tea time.

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While Gorou was attempting to initiate conversation with the purple haired girl another player had wandered into the store and purchased what he himself was just starting to dig into. Gorou raised a hand to quietly acknowledge the newer person's presence. while biting into the freshly baked loaf of bread. It was very good. Flaky... Warm... Much better than the bread that was included with in the starter pack for every player. That stuff was horrible. It was as hard as a rock, and tasted like cardboard. He shuddered at the memory of consuming such horrid food, and was partly glad that he dumped his entire supply.

Gorou's thoughts were cut short when the other man had spoken up and asked if they'd like some company. "Nuh uh." he grunted, and shook his head in response as he continued to down the bread. He didn't think speaking with his mouth full would be very polite, and attempted to finish it as soon as he could before the purple haired girl introduced herself. She seemed very formal and refined with the way she spoke, to the extent that Gorou was beginning to think he looked like a slob in comparison. He noticed a pause in her statement, and what felt like slight annoyance in her expression.

"...Gorou. My name's Gorou." he said once the pause had gotten uncomfortably long. Maybe he wasn't making a very good impression here with her, and opted to just continue standing near the counter instead of taking her offer to sit down. There was an obvious difference in social etiquette between them.

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Eyes shifting between the two, Pyroth walked over to the table taking a seat. He smelled something sweet. "Is that tea?" he asked. Of course it was why even ask? Pyroth wondered. It had been a long time since he had had tea... Milkshakes were more his style. Though, he didn't know if they even existed in this game. "Are you okay?" He asked as she didn't look as if she was pleased at the moment. Did I do something wrong? He wondered to himself turning to the Male player raising an eyebrow. Then he turned back ripping a small pice of bread off of the loaf and eating it.

Whoa... It tasted almost real, Pyroth let a confused look out onto his face looking down at the bread. Swallowing he looked up. Waiting for a conversation to start. He wasn't much for words. But he didn't want to sit in awkward silence with two strangers. Of course he didn't feel like initiating the conversation. The girl seemed too um... Sophisticated , While the guy seemed... Well not so much. Pyroth ripped another piece of bread off of the loaf eating it. Pyroth thought quickly about all the ways this conversation could go. Horribly, Good, Kinda Good Or Horrid... He caught the mans name at the end of the thought. 

"So, Um... How are you, Both....?" he asked, It was his go to question in the real world whenever there was an awkward silence. He looked between the two. Questioning if his question was even a valid one to ask. They were trapped in a game eating virtual food. Talking to strangers. Probably all homesick just like him. It didn't help that every little thing reminded him of the real world. He wished he could go home already. But then he snapped back to reality. He asked the question it was best he heard the answer before getting lost in his own thoughts. Then he remembered he hadn't even told them his name... Well that could wait for now. Maybe...

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While she wasn't the poster child for manner and proper etiquette, there were a few rules that should never be broken, albeit sometimes a self-made rule. When it came to snacks, the age old tradition of tea with an appropriate side was absolutely necessary. Not only because it was tradition, but it was by far, one of the greatest and diverse drinks in existence. She kept her tongue bit though, not wanting to correct them as she barely knew them or their culture, "Oh no, it's nothing. It just caught me a little off guard with how good this tea is, first time trying it in game and it's better than most stores in the real world." Having now snapped out of her little diversion, she directly answered the likely rhetorical question  Pyroth asked, "It's Chai tea; a lovely, warm combination of cinnamon and a hint of spice. I'd highly recommend it sometime if you've never tried it." While she was at the heart of the conversation, she carried on before Gorou could mention what he was up to, "Well, just taking a bit of a break before I go do a bit of scouting in the wilderness. What about the the two of you?"

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