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[PP-F1] Gypsy Speak <<Feeding The Enemy>>

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After spending  a little time on the fourth floor with his comrade Caspar, Ronin had decided they should head back down to the first floor and check to see if this quest was available.  He had encountered it once before, with Jambi, but he was curious to see if he and Caspar could gain access to it once again.  If so, they might be able to find a familiar for the scarred gunblade wielder, one that could help him out and aid him in combat.  Ronin wasn't exactly sure how to go about retrieving the quest again, but he decided their best bet would be to return to the little food shop he and Jambi had been to, and see if anything popped up.  "C'mon man, it's this way," he said, peeking back over his shoulder at Caspar.

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"A battle companion huh? I guess it wouldn't be a bad thing to have around." Caspar said as he then followed his friend. To be honest, Caspar wasn't to familiar with... familiars... anyways, Caspar was still curious about them all. As he walked down the street with Ronin the two passed many shops and every one he passed he wondered what type of familiar he would even be able to receive. As the two arrived at the shop, Caspar stood in place as he let Ronin take the lead with the owner. After all, he had apparently been here before with Jambi...  

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"Right right..." agreed Ronin, moving into the shop and looking around.  "The last time I came here there was this wild ass gypsy chick that came up to our table and started talking to us all about this quest, then the little menu popped up and we accepted it before heading off into the forest.   What was that place called again?"  Ronin thought about it for a moment, before moving to the same booth he and Jambi had been sitting in and took a seat.  "Maybe if you come sit down for a moment, she'll appear?" he wondered aloud... unsure if the quest could even be accessed again.

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After listening to Ronin speak of the quest, he continued to follow his lead as he sat down in the booth across from Ronin. As Caspar sat down in the booth, he looked around for a few seconds as he placed his elbows on the table and interlocked his fingers together in front of his face. Waiting patiently, he and Ronin waited to see if a game menu would pop up so they could accept the mission. After several seconds of waiting, a sudden menu popped up in front of Caspar's face as it seemed to take him by surprise. Looking over the game menu and at Ronin, Caspar nodded to his friend, indicating the quest seemed to accessible to him. Lifting his hand up in front of his face, Caspar then pressed the accept option and then awaited the result as the menu then disappeared from view. 

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Just like clockwork, as soon as Ronin's comrade pressed the accept button on the quest menu, the swordsman looked over to see the gypsy woman from before staring over at them.  "Oh [censored], not this again," he said, shaking his head.  "C'mon hurry, let's get the hell outta' here," he pleaded, quickly standing up and moving away from the booth.  The gypsy woman would undoubtedly go through the same routine as last time and try to get them excited about finding a beast to tame in the forest of the wavering mists.  Ronin had already done it once before, so he knew the drill.  He moved to the counter and quickly purchased a common food item, before high stepping it outta' the store and back into the street.  "Man, that chick is crazy... No way am I going through all that again...  C'mon, you've accepted it, so let's head to the forest.  We can start looking right away..."

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Frozen in place, Caspar sat there with his finger still pointed at nothing but empty air as he watched Ronin started to leave in a hurry. As he watched Ronin get up from the table, Caspar did so as well at the same time before uttering aloud: "Now?... Ok then I guess we're leaving." Following him out the front door in a hurry, the two were now back in the street as they planned their next move. "Good thing we have already been to the forest, so this should be a quick trip there." Caspar said as he swiped his finger downward in front of his body accessing his menu. As he did he scrolled until he found his inventory screen, once there he then selected his new sword he received from Ronin as it materialized in his hand. Gripping the crimson colored clothed hilt tightly, Caspar was ready to go as he then turned and headed towards the Forest of the wavering mist...

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Rolling right along in stride with his comrade, Ronin peeked back several times as they traveled, wanting to make damn sure that the crazy haired gypsy chick wasn't following them or something.  He didn't know if NPCs were capable of such a thing, but he wasn't taking any chances.  She had freaked him out on his first encounter with this quest and he was just glad that he and Caspar had managed to get the hell outta' there before she began all her ranting and raving about beasts in the forest.  He sighed a breath of relief and turned his attention back to the front as they reached the forest and stepped inside.  "Alright... now we just gotta' keep our eyes open for any creatures that might be wandering around in here... if you see one, let me know and we'll try and use this food to lure it in and tame it..."

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As they got to the entrance of the forest, Caspar looked left and right of the tree line to make sure there were no other players or enemies lurking around. Once he saw the coast we clear he then turned and faced Ronin. After hearing his instructions, Caspar then nodded to him in acknowledgement as he the turned around and stepped foot into the forest. As soon as his black boots crossed the threshold of the forest the mist suddenly digitally materialized as it blanketed the floor of the forest. Slowly advancing forward, Caspar kept his eyes open as he tried his best to move through the forest as slowly and carefully as he could.  

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"Watch your step..." whispered Ronin, trying to creep along just as cautiously and carefully as his comrade was.  He had been here before, yes, but that didn't mean it was any less dangerous or freaky this time around.  All this damn mist was down right annoying and he was having trouble seeing much of anything in this [censored] hole.  He sighed and licked his lips, knowing if he sparked up another cigarette, it wouldn't do much to screw up his ability to see any more than this mist already was.  He sniffed at the air and fingered a cancer stick out of his pack, preparing to spark it up and keeping his eyes peeled for any little creatures wandering around...

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Looking left and right carefully, Caspar's eyes were widened as he slowly scanned from his left to right. That way he could pick up any type of movement more easily. Slowly, his black boots were placed in front of him one foot in front of the other as he continued to grip his sword tightly, just in case some monster decided to get cute and ambush the two of them. Looking down carefully, Caspar watched his step as he made sure not to step on any twigs or branches that may alert someone or something of their current location. Creeping his way up to a tree, Caspar then stood behind it as he slowly leaned up against it as he peeked around the large trunk looking out into the vast creepy forest that still seemed to be littered with creepy twisted trees... 

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Ronin sparked up his ciggy at last, pausing and taking a good long drag at the cancerous cylinder in between his fingers.  He sighed a long breath of smoke, adding to the mist and fog of the forest around them.  He looked upward, trying to see the sky through the trees, but was unable to do so.  He lowered his gaze back to the world around him, feeling like he was completely surrounded in this dense fog.  He realized suddenly, that he couldn't even see Caspar anymore and wondered where the man had gone off to.  "Pssst... Caspar... where you at...?" he whispered, keeping his eyes wide for any signs of the man.

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Unable to hear his friend due to both his concentration being heavily used, and also the fact that he dense fog was being used as a barrier, Caspar continued to hide behind the tree and look out for anything that may seem like a familiar. As he crept his out the side of the tree, Caspar looked along the ground for any signs of an animal that may have ran through here. However, due to the dense and fast moving fog it was close to impossible to see anything above your knees. Sighing, Caspar then turned around as he looked around Ronin. Lowering his head, Caspar then turned his attention to Ronin as he tried to locate him. "... Ronin.... Ronin..." Caspar started to say as he tried his best to back rack through the dark, foggy, and twisted forest... 

Edited by Caspar
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"Damnit, this is some bullshit," he grumbled, dragging at his cigarette and walking blindly through the fog now.  He knew he was going to bump into something sooner or later and hopefully that something would be this creature they were searching for, or perhaps Caspar himself.  Either way the swordsman smoker would be pleased and he would do his best to keep his hands on whatever it was he came into contact with, to avoid losing track of it again.  If it was the familiar he would pull out the food and try to lure it in immediately, just like he had done last time with Jambi... "Here kitty kitty kitty..." he called out, trying to lure something, anything out into the open and praying that it wouldn't be some boss level creature ready to tear their throats out...

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Slowly making his way through the fog, Caspar started to hear something unusual coming from the far distance to his right. Stopping in his tracks, he then heard the noise get louder and louder. Slowly crouching down and closing his eyes, he then started to concentrate on listening more intently to the noise that was approaching his location. "..itty kitty kitty.." Opening his eyes, Caspar knew that voice belonged to his companion Ronin. Slowly standing up, Caspar made his way to the sound of Ronin trying to lure out a familiar. "... Ronin!?" Caspar whispered loudly hoping his friend would hear him now... 

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Ronin pulled the little hot dog out of his pocket and began waving it around in the air.  "Here kitty kitty kitty..." he continued to repeat, over and over as he moved through the mist, hoping he would encounter something.  To his dismay, he didn't seem to be having much luck and he continued to wave the little hot dog harder and harder, hoping it would put off a scent and lure something... anything in to greet him.  Finally, he heard his name and he stopped dead in his tracks, looking to his right and seeing Caspar standing about an inch away from him.  "Oh hey pal!  Find anything?" he asked, knowing he hadn't found [censored] himself...

ID# 54940 results:

Loot: 3 = [2-10] The mob is not interested. :(

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"No... I can't see [censored] in here can you?" Caspar asked as he kept looking around. As he crouched down next to Ronin he then heard nothing but the ringing sound of silence that seemed to echo loud inside his head. "We should try again tomorrow with Jambi... what do you think? Maybe if we have more eyes around here we will be able to catch something moving around in here and it'll increase our chances." Caspar said as he then rested his elbows on top his knees. The forest was freaky and the trees all looked black as if they were poisoned by something horrific. The more he observed his surroundings the more he wondered what type of boss would be lurking in this fucked up area... 

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"Nah, not a damn thing... I thought I heard something scurrying around, but it mighta' just been my own stomach or some [censored]... I dunno... but this seems pretty damn hopeless right now.  I mean, how the hell are we supposed to see through this damn mist in the first place?  Even if there is some creature roaming around here, would we even know it if we were standing right next to it.  I was standing right next to you and didn't even know until I heard you say something.  This place is fucked up.... I dunno' how much longer I can take it..."  Ronin ranted for a moment, before finally quieting down and taking another drag off his smoke.  "Whatever... what now?"

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"I say we head out of here and go back to town. To be honest, I don't want to stay out here any longer than we have to. Who knows who or what we may run into out here. I don't want to get ambushed by anyone either if something followed us in here if their sneaking skill was high enough." Caspar said as he then slowly stood up and looked behind him quickly. "I say we come back with your wife and try again, if you're cool with that, I think it'll be easier on us all that way." Caspar said as he then looked around them one more time before making his way out of the misty forest. 

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"Yeah man, sounds like a plan, this [censored] is too crazy up in here right now... and I don't think we'll be finding any creatures roaming around right now that are interested in this damn hot dog."  He sighed, looking down at the hot dog he had brought along and shaking his head. He put it back in his pocket and followed Caspar out of the forest, leaving all the mist and madness behind him.  His smokey cigarette trail followed him as he weaved his way back through the trees and eventually they reached the outskirts of the forest.  "Hey man, we should go pop by my shop real quick.  I wanna' show you the set up I got runnin..."

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As the two of them stepped foot out of the forest, they found themselves right back where they started. Standing in place, Caspar extended his index finger as he swiped down in front of him. As he did so, he accessed his menu as he then placed his sword back into his inventory. As soon as he did the sword digitally vanished from his hand as he then looked at the empty black gloved hand. "Alright, sounds good." Caspar responded as he then let out a sigh of disappointment from this quest. He could only hope tomorrow would bring new adventures and new luck for them when they returned... 

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