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[PP-F1] <Earning A Living> (Cilla)

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The Starting City seemed as busy as ever. Droves of players scattered the city by the masses, swallowing up any of those unfortunate enough to get caught in their wake. Date wouldn't be that person. In fact he had a simple goal in mind. He needed to meet with an NPC over in the Alchemist shop so he could begin his training for becoming an Alchemist. With that goal in mind, the spear-toting brunette pushed through the players, weaving his way to the shopping district of the city. 

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Having dropped all the way from Floor 5 to the starting floor, Priscilla was quite content with how populated the floor was in comparison to the others. Not to mention, the weather was considerably more fair than the extremities of the fourth's harsh cold and the fifth's overbearing warmth. She wasn't here to do much in terms of business, beyond working towards increasing her social circle, especially among those at or around her level. She was in the center of the town, quite near the start of the quest in which players can pursue a profession of their own liking. She wasn't going to start engaging with random players here in town unless they showed some sort of interest in grouping up or they happened to be doing something that piqued her interest. Taking a deep breath in, then looking around at the nearby players, she would make her way over to the nearest bench and people watch until something happened.

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Despite his best efforts, the area was sill very much crowded, making it quite impossible for him to simply walk through the plaza. Taking note of a bench not to far up, the brunette weaseled his way between folks here and there and plopped himself down on the bench. A huge sigh of relief escaped him as he looked up into the sky. He still planned on getting that profession, but he needed a breather first and the crowd to die down.

Shifting his gaze from the sky back to those around him, the ma suddenly jumped as he noticed the purple-haired lass taking up residence right next to him. "How the- when did you get here?" he inquired.

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In a most peaceful manner, Priscilla had been minding her own business, even if her own business revolved around the business of others. There didn't seem to be too much to be too eager about as many players were obviously preoccupied in their ventures, be it quests or quick visits to some of the shops in town. It caught her a little by surprise when a player sat down beside her at the bench and questioned her as if she had showed up afterwards, bringing a little bit of light to what had started off as a rather dull day, "Salutations, yourself." It was her usual greeting, but she treated his question as if it was a greeting of his own, "I've been here for a good minute, a bit before you broke away from the crowd. You must be rather focused to have not seen me, in a bit of a pickle or just lost in thought?"

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"Greetings," replied the brunette as he shifted himself to make conversation a little easier. "I suppose, lost in thought would qualify for an answer hehe." Shifting his gaze back to the masses, he spoke to the lass. "The name is Date. Pleasure to meet you?" He let the question hang, hoping she'd be kind enough to fill it n for him. His amber eyes flicked back from the crowd to her and for the first time, he actually looked at her. Purple hair cascaded her shoulders, with eyes much like his own serving as her sight, She was cute certainly, and her height only added to it given his own.

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