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[PP-F1] Releasing the Music <<Earning a Living>> (Dawn)

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The Orangish-Blonde haired girl had walked around almost 60% of the Town of Beginnings, a lot of it she traversed over and over so she got a true feeling for the Town she knew she would be spending a lot of her time in. She remembered a quaint little building that had some signs that indicated it was a musical building. In the real world, Katsumi was never that good at playing instruments. She could do many other things such as cook, fish, play sports. But she never got a handle for playing music.

As she walked through the town she slowly made her way up to the store she was thinking about that was in the main plaza. The long orangish-blonde haired girl stood infront of the building with her topaz eyes gazing upon the main letters of the building. She was wearing a white frill-like blouse, a knee length black skirt that fluttered outward, black stockings with some black heels. She took a deep breath as she was collecting her thoughts before she would enter the building.

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Dawn walked through the town of beginnings for the first time in awhile. Since she was still new, she hadn't had a feel for combat just yet so the best thing to do was practice on some boars until she felt comfortable. Obviously, with the weapon and armor she obtained while travelling with made it rather easy to take out those boars. 

Dawnika only wished to resupply, but the knowledge of the death game they played still weighed somewhat heavily on her. She wandered the streets of the Town of Beginnings for awhile. The last few days have mainly been training for her, so it was nice to take a short break. Though with many things on her mind, she seemed to lose track of the things around her, and wandered straight into another person. Dawnika bumped into Katsumi roughly almost knocking herself down. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I was distracted! Are you alright? I didn't mean to bump into you like that!"

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Katsumi was about to open the door to the musical hall, as she stretched out her hand to push on it she heard footsteps. She turned her head toward where the footsteps was coming from and noticed the woman just a slight bit too late. The speedy person ran into Katsumi hard, knocking the girl onto the pavement right upon her rump. She placed her hand on her head, "Owww, that is the second time in just two days that someone has run into me. I have to be cursed about that sort of thing or something." She chuckled as she slowly got up on her feet moving in such a way that her skirt didn't flutter in the wind

She looked at the girl who apoligizing to great detail, Katsumi sighed then smiled at the girl, "No worries, it's not like you were intentally running into me to knock me on the ground or anything. Simple accident is all." She laughed as she tried to joke about the pain that was poking at her buttocks from slamming on the ground... Or more so the placebo effect of such a thing happening since her physical body wasn't actually in any sort of pain at all.

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Dawnika grabbed Katsumi's hand as she stood back up to help her up. "Please pardon my clumsiness. I got lost in my thoughts and was actually just sort of wandering."

Dawnika's redish tinted eyes focused on the building the stranger was about to walking to. The outside of it gave away it's intial purpose with the signs of musical notes, and the instruments in the windows. "You're a musician? That's cool. Before the game started I was a drummer." She implied, not really meaning to change the subject. "My name is Dawnika. I am again sorry for having made you fall down."

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