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[PP-F1] Telling Stories (Katsumi)

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Gaster was taking a rather peaceful stroll through the Starting City. His mind was filled with several daydreams, his attention ditching one when he got bored of it, and grabbing hold of another once it was interested. The daydreams themselves were filled with thoughts of what lie beyond or before, what could be or what couldn't, and every other impossibility and possibility that could possibly be thought. Gaster smiled, blissfully content with himself. He was lost in his mind, and he enjoyed it. His curiosities kept him company in a world where he wasn't afraid. A world where he could be brave.

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Katsumi found herself waltzing around the Town of Beginnings. She was almost at the point that she had completely trekked every part of the town, albeit taking a few days to do so. But she always wanted to feel comfortable knowing all the in's and outs of city she resided in, even in the real world she was quite the explorer of such. After awhile of walking, she noticed a man staring up into the sky blissfully ignorant to the world around him.

Curious the Orangish-Blonde haired girl approached the man with no lack of confidence in herself, "If you don't mind me asking, what might you be pondering about up in that head of yours?" She asked with a genuine smile and her eyes brought to a close as she was happy to ask. Her compulsion to rear her cute little head into other people's business was becoming evident once again. Her large pink rose sitting daintily in her hair, slowly moving in the light wind the floor constantly produced.

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Suddenly pulled out of his thoughts by a voice from outside himself, Gaster jumped, luckily, away from its source. He looked down, breathing heavily, and saw a young woman standing in front of him. Immediately, and unintentionally, he averted his gaze, suddenly becoming very bashful. "Um... Nothing, really." he said softly. "Just... Just daydreaming. Nothing all that special." Gaster began searching for something to occupy himself, or at least distract himself from his nervousness, but he couldn't find anything right away.

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