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[PP-F1] Into the fields (Katsumi)

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Allania looked out from atop one of the rolling hills of the plains that surrounded the town, Her hair rustling slightly in the gentle breeze. The air was mild, not cold but not burning, it was a nice temperature. The Sun was high in the sky, not at its peak, but on its journey back to the opposite horizon, it still blazed brilliantly bright, its light cascading down upon the soft grass of the ground. Clouds played in the sky, racing across the azure sea above, colliding, overlapping and running away, they seemed to be enjoying themselves greatly. From the hills crest Allania could see plains all around her, just the hint of buildings off in the distance, their black outline making the horizon jagged in one direction, the building differing heights the cause. 

She was out in the plains today to go hunting, to fight some mobs and gather some materials. It was a great difference from the deserts she frequented now, a refreshing chance from the blistering heat on the floor way above her head. Allania sat down where she stood, scanning the horizon, taking little note of the players that were scurrying about on the plains and instead was looking for some mobs that seemed unoccupied, ones that she could take on to gain some materials. They would have to be relatively strong ones, compared to the weakest the floor had to offer.

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