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[F1-PP] What happened(Ratatosk)

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Rae Rose was sitting on a bench in the middle on the town, trying to think up something for her to do, And that's when it hit her. I should probably see how Ventus is doing, him running away like that kinda got me worried. Rae then thought to herself. She then brought up her PMs and sent a PM to Ventus saying, 'Hey Ventus, It's me Rae Amalia Rose, the girl from before. I was just a little worried about why you ran off the other day. I was also wondering if you'd like to hang out again today? If so meet me in the middle of the town, I'll be sitting on a bench, I shouldn't be too hard to miss. Thank you for your time reading this. Love~ Rae amalia Rose'. After writing the message she sent it to him and put her PMs away. I hope he shows. She then thought to herself.

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Ventus got a notification from Rae and blushed, "Oh no, I hope Ratatosk doesn't come out again. It would be a pain to cover it all up if I start getting angry for no reason..." He took in a deep breath and mustered up all his courage, "Alright! I'm going to meet her again, I just hope Rata- Agghhh!" A gigantic rat appeared in front of his face and he fell back. An unfamiliar player came up to him and laughed a bit, "Sorry, you just said my familiar's name, Rattatata. He must've mistaken you for me, really sorry!" Ventus rubbed his head from the fall, "Damnit! Why is my luck so bad today..."

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