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[PP-F2] (Quest: Earning A Living) Spearing for a Living (Lawfer)

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The new spear felt lighter yet more powerful in his hands. Despite still being a novice with the pole-arm, Date wielded the weapon quite well as he twirled it from hand to hand. Swiping the air, he thrusted the spear her and there. Cutting down and impaling imaginary foes with each move. Pant's fumbled from his throat as his inexperience and lack of stamina caught up to him. Taking a seat in the grass, he opted to catch his breath and reflect on his overall progress the last few days. On paper it seemed good, but for him it simply wasn't enough. He needed to keep getting stronger.

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It had been some time since Lawfer decided to play around on the second floor. Before realizing it he had wandered from the safe zone and had found himself in the wilderness. Looking over his shoulder, the blonde brushed back the strands of hair that had impaired his vision and noticed an unfamiliar face. As the dark haired spearman, swung his polearm. Lawfer couldn't help but chime in. "Hey there!" He exclaimed, loud enough for his voice to travel the distance between him and Date. "Not too bad of moves you got there! But I think your opponent might just get the better of you if you sit down and rest." Lawfer stated with a bit of a smirk. As he walked closer, he outstretched his hand. "I'm Lawfer. Nice to meet you!"

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"Tch. Fair enough," grinned the brunette as he responded to the man that had approached him from seemingly nowhere. "Nice too meet you as well. I am Date", he explained as he grasped the blond's outstretched hand and gave it a firm shake. "I imagine you use spears as well then eh? Doesn't seem like a popular weapon choice among the general player base if you ask me. Why did you pick it if you don't mind me asking?" He was genuinely curious as he himself didn't quite understand the logic behind his own choice other than it seemed different.

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"That's a firm handshake you got there." Lawfer replied as he retracted his hand. "Its good to meet you Date. And yeah, i'm in the same boat as you when it comes to spears." He commented as he reached back with his right hand and slung the heavy halberd from its harness on his back, and planted the spearhead in the ground. "Yeah... Well when I was first building my character on the start screen, I figured the range of the spear would be helpful, that and its supposed to be the balanced weapon for the two-handed class. But due to the updates... I was proven wrong. But none the less. I've grown attached to the thing." the blonde spearman finished as he grabbed the pommel of the planted Lawbreaker. "It looked like you were image training. I did the same thing when I was getting started. You getting any good results?"

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"Ahh, I see. I suppose I just thought no one else was going to bother with a spear. Not as flashy as some of the more common weapons such as straight swords and daggers. While also not being niche enough to be used like war-hammers and battle axes." Plucking his own spear from the ground, he placed the weapon on his back and addressed Lawfer's follow-up question. "As for the image training, I'd say the results wee alright. I still don't think I'm fluid enough with the damned thing. I've never used one before so I just mimic what I saw from my days in the real world."

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"Well... I wouldn't say that they aren't flashy. Once you hit the higher tiers for attacks they have quite a bit of finese, but they lack some of the damage." Lawfer commented as he watched the spearman remove his spear from the ground. "Fluidity will come with practice... My mentor, told me one time that there are two kinds of ways to use a spear. The spear that dances, and the spear that pierces. The dancing spear is good, but all it does is aims at immobilizing. Where the spear that pierces kills in one shot.... Honestly, that drunkards speech was full of [censored]. But who knows it may just help." Pausing for a moment, Lawfer gripped the pommel of his halberd tightly and kicked the broadside of the spear head. This forced the halberd to rip from the ground and arch back to a resting position on his shoulder. "I got some time, so if you want some pointers, i'd be happy to help out."

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"The spear that pierces huh?" The young man thought about what that all entailed. He almost ignored the rest of what Lawfer was offering as advice, but drifted back into the conversation at the mention of gaining a few pointers. Blinking, he stared at the man before him and nodded. "What did you have in mind fellow spearman?" He had never thought of having some one tutor him in the ways of the weapon, despite how logical it would've been. Sighing at his own foolery, he looked towards Lawfer to see what he would do. 

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"Well... I was thinking that you could kill some mobs... I'll watch while drinking some booze." Lawfer stated as he opened his inventory and selected his giant flask of scotch. As it materialized in his left hand, he continued. "Then I'll fight a few mobs, while you drink some booze." Pausing once more, he took a small sip from the flask. "Then we can tackle a bigger mob." As he finished he tossed the vanity flask of scotch to Date. "It's nothing special, but the burn on the way down always makes things a bit more entertaining."

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The brunette chuckled at the man's gesture. "Fighting mobs sounds good enough." Tossing the flask back to the man, he commented. "As for the booze, its not my cup of tea, despite not being able to get wasted here even if I wanted to." Turning towards the field that laid about before them, he unhitched his spear and pointed at a wolf that had just spawned. "And I believe that is a sign from Kayaba that I need to get back to training. Let me know if I do anything wrong," explained the brunette as he launched off towards the unsuspecting wolf.

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As Lawfer caught the flask that was thrown back to him, he couldn't help but laugh. "You cheeky [censored]." He commented as he took another long pull from the flask as he began walking towards the scene of the upcoming battle. "I guess that just means more for me." he said to himself as he fell further and further away from the man. The wolf seemed simple enough for any low leveled player to handle. But Lawfer was interested to see how he would handle the situation. 

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The brunette chuckled at Lawfer as he downed some more of whatever he was swishing around in his flask. Date focused on the wolf ahead. If he could get some wolf blood, he could begin on his profession. Having made up his mind, the spearman charged at the creature and sent his spear careening into the darkened grey fur of the beast. The spear plugged itself into  he earth as the wolf evaded the blow and snapped at him. Grasping the spear, he yanked it from the clutches of the dirt and aimed it at the wolf.



12 HP
3 Energy
3 Accuracy
0 Evasion
4 Base Damage
27 Mitigation

Gungnir - Perfect Rapier [+2 Damage/ +1 Accuracy]
Pendant of Oversight - Perfect Lucky Charm [+2 Accuracy]
Infinite Wall - Perfect Heavy Armor [+27 Mitigation]

Two Handed Assault Spear | Rank 1

ID: 55860 BD: 1 (Miss)

Date: 12/12 E: 1/3

Dire Wolf: 8/8 D: 6

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As Lawfer watched the spearman raise his spear and plunge it into the earth. A large chuckle welded up from the depths of his being. As it exploded out into a full blown laugh, Lawfer shook his head. Raising the flask, he took another sip. "Date! You should probably aim a little bit higher than at the ground. It will probably help you out a bit." Lawfer said jokingly as he walked up just outside the beasts aggro zone. He could try to get closer, but the dragoon found no reason to do so. Date seemed like he was a capable enough fighter. Bending his knees, he sat down of the soft grass. 

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"You don't say" retorted the amber eyed lad as he danced around the wolf. The two beings glared at one another. Daring each other to make the first move. Feigns here, and almost-lunges there. The two continues to circle before Date's impatience begin to swell. Gritting his teeth, Date lashed out the creature. His spear cutting through the air like a knife to butter. The metal of the tip tore through the creatures flesh before causing it to disappear into polygons. Turning to Lawfer, the brunette twirled his staff, before planting it firmly into the ground with his right hand. "How about that then?"

ID: 55860 BD: 8 (5+3) LD: 4 [Heft: 4 x 2 = 8 - 0 = 8 DMG]

Date: 12/12 E: 0/3

Dire Wolf: 0/8 D: 6 [-8 HP]

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Setting down his flask, the the golden haired dragoon clapped his hands. "Looked good! Got the jitters out of the way real quick and was able to finish strong! Well done." Grasping his flask once more, Lawfer smiled then proceeded to down the rest of the giant flask. Letting out a minor belch, he hopped up to his feet and threw the flask off into the distance to watch it shatter and dissolve into pixels. Turning his head to his left, he watched as a alpha wolf spawned near him. "I Guess i'll take this one... You sit back and take a seat." He commented as he began walking over to the larger wolf while changing his accessory to his newly acquired Amulet of Accuracy.

-Switched Bahamuts Tear for Amulet of Accuracy-

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Raising his hands, Date shook his head and grinned.

"All you Lawfer."

The blond male strut past the brunette, replacing him on the battlefield and imposing a much greater threat at the same time. Conjuring a bottled water from his menu, Date attached the spear to his back once more and let his gaze fall on the fellow spear man and his prey, an Alpha Wolf.

"Show me what you're made of," chuckled the the observer, as he tipped the crystal clear liquid down his throat.

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Looking back over his shoulder, Lawfer watched as Date began drinking the cool refreshing bottle of water. "Are you serious? Water? You might as well drink something that singes on the way down." The blonde spearman yelled back to Date, with a chuckle to follow. Shaking his as he stared down, the newly spawned red alpha wolf. Reaching back, he grasped the pommel of his Lawbreaker and tried to rend the beast in half, but missed terribly by a good six inches. "And I jsut invested in new equipment so this wouldn't happen!" Lawfer muttered ss he retracted the swing, the wolf tried to return the favor only to have Lawfer circle out, and dodge the monsters lunge. "Write down the evading part... not the attack part." Lawfer jested as he looked over to Date.

ID: 55959 BD:1 MD:4  LD: 19 -_-

Lawfer: 88/96    EN 22/24 -8HP

Red Dire Alpha Wolf: 50/50 13 MIT, 20 DMG

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The brunette scrawled invisible notes on his hand as he nodded to the blonde. A chuckle of his own soon followed, a she took another swig from the see through plastic container.

"I've already told you. Alcohol isn't my thing hehe. Plus it seems to be inhibitory give your epic miss there," jested the man.

Placing the the canister on his right, Date focused once more on the fight before him. While he joked, he was serious all the same. He wanted to become an efficient spear wielder, however, as of late. Martial Arts was beginning to look more and more viable.

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"Yeah yeah... Just watch little one." Lawfer responded in kind as he began to chuckle. Turning back his attention, to the mob in front of him. The dragoon circled left, and lowered his level by bending at the knees. As his Lawbreaker began to glow gold and crimson, his armor activated its special enhancement, heavy momentum. Pulling the spear back slightly, he unleashed <Vent Forth>. Immediately, he slashed three times, and followed through with a devastating lunge that pierced through the throat of the wolf, shattering it into pixels.

"A spear that pierces... You can definitely write that one down." the dragoon joked once more as he raised his Lawbreaker over his shoulder and latched it into its harness on his back.

ID: 55961 BD: 10  MD: Dead  LD: 8  [8+2HM+2Crit= 12*4*2= 96DMG

Lawfer: 96/96    EN 22/24 [+1/-8] 

Red Dire Alpha Wolf: EFFED/50 13 MIT, 20 DMG


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Glass. It sounded like shattered glass every time something was killed. Pixels would form and subsequently disappear in the matter of seconds and players would be stuck in a small state of awe. Date glanced at Lawfer and offered him due praise.

"Well then. The power difference is far more evident than I thought. I still have much to learn."

Pushing himself up from the ground, Date then stared at the blonde.

"I need to return this material to the shop I took the quest from so I can get a profession."

ID: 55996 LD: 15 (+1 Material, 1 Material total)

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"Sounds like a good plan!" Lawfer commented as he reached up with his right hand and opened his interface. Quickly, he sent over a friend request to Date, then shifted over to his inventory and removed another flask of booze. As it Materialized in his right hand, he popped the top off and took a good sized swig of the alcoholic elixir. "SInce there are so few of us, us spearman need to stick together. Give me a holler if you need some more tips or if you need help with some quests." the golden haired dragoon stated as he took another sip from his glass. "Take care Date!. Oh here take this." He said as he threw over the vial of wolfs blood he collected from the mob earlier. 

- 1 Mat given to Date

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