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[PP-F1] Wolf Hunt (Snow)

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Growls hummed in unison as four snarling wolves circled the player. Their eyes twitched with the want of blood-lust. Each of their maws snapping at him, waiting for the signal to attack.

The player's own eyes were lit aflame and he stood poised for their slightest of movements. Rage coursed through him, as he was cornered by the pack.

Date looked to the forest's edge.

So close.

Yet so far.

His grip now shook. Impatience banging on his door of violence, as the spear he tightly gripped, creaked beneath his grasp.


The neck of the first wolf folded over like a lawn chair. As Date released his grip on it, his amber gaze settled on the three whelps that remained.


ID: 55949 BD: 7 (4+3)

Date: 12/12 E: 3/3 D: 4 M: 27 A: 3

Dire Wolf 1: 0/4 D: 2 (-4 HP)

Dire Wolf 2: 4/4 D: 2

Dire Wolf 3: 4/4 D: 2

Dire Wolf 4: 4/4 D: 2


Edited by Date
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