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[PP-F3] «Worn out Welcome» Raz is Uncomfortable (Endilix)

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Raz stood in the NPC armorsmith's shop. Griswold, Raz thought his name was. Raz wasn't very good at these types of things, NPCs or otherwise, as he awkwardly made his request to get the quest to pop up so that he could get a nice leather coat made by the man. Raz accepted the quest, and as quickly as he had come in, he was out in a flash, without hardly even a thank you. Raz blew towards the gates so that they could get the quest done, with hardly a thought to whether or not Endilix was behind him. Raz is uncomfortable. Endilix should have done this days ago, but he has been too busy or something. Raz wants out of this stinking armor. Raz needs something more fluid.

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Endilix watched as Raz burst out of the blacksmith shop and out towards the gates. He was surprised that Raz didn't blow the door off of its hinges with the speed at which he went, without running. Endilix sighed and shook his head. I suppose Raz wants this done. But Endilix picked himself up off the wall and made his way after the thief. Goodness knows the boy would get himself locked in battle with the quest mob all by his lonesome and get himself killed. Although, maybe not, seeing as Endilix had given him the armor he was wearing. Not that Raz had any real appreciation for that fact considering they were out getting new armor for the boy. But Endilix shrugged and made his way towards the gates where he would meet with Raz once again.

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Raz turned to see Endilix making a sluggish pace towards him and tapped his foot impatiently at the man. "Endilix, I'd like to get this quest done today! Raz wants out of this heavy plate! It smells like a sweaty you!" Raz called out, hopeful that his poking would make the man move a bit faster. They just had to kill an elf and it wasn't even a difficult one. Raz didn't technically need Endilix with the armor he was wearing but he figured it was better than risking things going wrong by having the man present to do his job. Since, you know, Endilix was only good at one job, and that was taking hits to the face. Raz chuckled and shook his head.

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Endilix walked up to Raz at the gate and gave him a sour look. "You're in an awful good mood today, I see," Endilix said, folding his arms across his chest. He looked up at the taller redhead and sighed, "Well alright then. Let's get this over with before you start to smell like me too. We can't have that. That'd just confuse people like Flints." He gave a laugh and patted the young man on the back, pushing him forward into the prairies. "Find me an elf, and I'll tank it. You know how this goes."

Edited by Endilix
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Raz grumbled at Endilix's talk, the man was far too aloof for Raz at times, and far too stoic on others. There was no happy medium with Endilix, and it bugged Raz to no end. But Raz had no time to think about that, he needed to find a Dark Elf. How hard could it be to find a monster in the plains? It's all open and you can see all the way to the horizon, Raz thought to himself, not wanting to give Endilix any further banter to weigh in with his opinions. Raz had barely even started the quest and had already had enough of the armored man. And yet, despite all that, Raz couldn't see any elves anywhere.

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Endilix walked behind Raz, who was furiously scanning the horizon for their target. At the intensity of the boy's stare, he couldn't help but laugh. "Having trouble, Razum-dar?" Endilix asked, walking up next to him and giving the boy a slap on the back, "You'll find it, don't worry, I have faith in you." Endilix gave another laugh as he scanned for his own goodies, those of which being things he could use to cook with. Sure enough Endilix found some wheat grass growing in the field. It wasn't the ideal material, but it would do to start. He smiled as he pulled it out of the ground and put it in his inventory.

*** Out of Combat Gathering ***

  • ID: 57094
    • LD: 15
      • +1 Material [1 Total]
Edited by Endilix
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