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[F6-SP] Me, Myself, and Gemini. <<The Gemini>>

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Having found himself once again on the 6th floor, Nikodemus had been spending time hunting about the floor and was seeking some new quests and jobs to take. After finding nothing with local information brokers or NPCs, Nikodemus decided the best thing to do would be to go out and hunt some creatures. With a slight sigh, he had left the safezone at around noon and had begun his hunt. After the first hour he had come up with no creatures, but his luck seemed to turn for him. Nearby a large wolf was seen scavenging carrion nearby the forests edge. With a smirk, Nikodemus snuck up to it and watched it and the movements it made for a time, preparing an offensive tactic to bring the beast down down.


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 36/36 HP | Energy: 9/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Blackiron Wolf>> 24/24 HP | 18 DMG | 6 Mit




Gemini Info based on my info:


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 36/36 HP | Energy: 9/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Heavy Armor: Rank 1. +3 Mitigation

One handed Battle Axe: Rank 2: +2 dmg

Sword Arts for Rank 1 and 2.

Plague Knight's Battle Axe: One handed Axe. +1 dmg, +1 BD, Bleed: 8 DMG on BD of 9-10 for 2 turns

Plague Knight Armor: Heavy Armor. +9 Mitigation +7 Thorns, Regen +9HP

Scales of the Dragon God: Mit +18, Thorns +7.


Gemini: Lvl: Lvl: 9 | 36/36 HP | Energy: 9/9 | MIT: 3 | | DMG 3 (1+2) | x2 modifier per attack


Heavy Armor: Rank 1. +3 Mitigation

One handed Battle Axe: Rank 2: +2 dmg

Sword Arts for Rank 1 and 2.

Plague Knight's Battle Axe: One handed Axe. Vanity

Plague Knight Armor: Heavy Armor. Vanity

Scales of the Dragon God: Shield. Vanity

Basic Quest info:


<<The Gemini>>

This quest takes place on Floor 6

This quest is not repeatable
This RP will not count in the benchmark.


An NPC with no name appears before you when you are adventuring. He challenges you to a friendly duel and promises magnificent rewards if you win. However, once you begin the duel, you realize that it is a duel to the death! His name appears and he is revealed to be the Gemini, and then he transforms into you. He has the same HP and skills as you. If you win the duel and kill the Gemini, you gain the skill of <<Concentration>> if you roll a 1-17 on your loot die at the end of the battle. This adds a +1 to the attack it is used for, but has a 5 turn cooldown period. If you roll and 18-20, you can the <<Disguise>> skill. It temporarily transforms you into the other enemy, giving you a +1 on your combat die and them a -1 on their next action. It only during your and his turn, and can only be used once every twelve turns.

Good luck Players!



-RP must be at least [2]  (21 or more posts)
-This RP is SP only
-Must defeat Gemini

Gemini Information:

The Gemini has all your skill levels and your HP, but uses a vanity version of your equipment without the enhancements (though skill bonuses still apply). The Gemini uses sword arts too, so their base will be multiplied using your mid tier weapon rank multiplied. Use this table for an exact amount to use.

Your Weapon rank Gemini Damage Multiplier
0 1
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


  1. You will be gifted with the extra skill <<Concentration>> if your final post completing the battle has a loot die roll of 1-17, or <<Disguise>> if your loot die roll is 18-20.
  2. You will gain 3 Skill Points

This RP is SP only
Recommended Level: 6


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Having watched the beasts movements, Nikodemus leapt up into the air and brought down his axe in a harsh downward chop. The blade split the side of the <<Blackiron Wolf>> open and activated his weapon's <Bleed> effect. With a smile, Nikodemus knew the battle would be over soon. Leaping away from the beast as it lunged with a maw of razor sharp teeth, Nikodemus cleared a good space between himself and the beast and prepared to strike one more time.



ID# 58155 results:

 Battle: 9 +1 crit, <Bleed> procs for 2 turns.

 Craft: 11

 Loot: 6

 MOB: 5 Miss


Sword Art:  Swinging Arc - 2x2 - (4 Energy)


My DMG: 4 + 1 = 5 x 2 x 2 = 20 - 6 = 14 DMG


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 36/36 HP | Energy: 5/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Blackiron Wolf>> 10/24 HP | 18 DMG | 6 Mit <Bleed> -8 HP for 2 turns.

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Underestimating the <<Blackiron Wolf>>, Nikodemus stood in an offensive posture, preparing to strike the beast. Without warning, it leapt and cleared the distance between itself and Nikodemus, it's jaws clamping down upon his left arm just near the wrist where his shield did not cover. Yelping in pain, Nikodemus almost dropped his axe. Recovering his wits as quickly as he could, Nikodemus activated his Sword Art <Hack> and struck the <<Blackiron Wolf>> 2 times in the shoulder with his axe. His attack made the beasts health dip low. Fearing he would not break the beast from his arm, Nikodemus lifted his axe and prepared to hack his own arm away, when the <<Blackiron Wolf>> took another hit of damage from the lingering <Bleed> effect. It's health dropped to 0 and it burst into pixels and dropped 2 materials. Shaking his arm as if it would make the pain and minor bleeding stop, Nikodemus knelt down and grabbed the 2 materials, pocketing them.


 ID# 58156 results:

 Battle: 7 + 1 = 8

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 18

 MOB: 9 +1 crit


Sword Art:  Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy)


My dmg: 4 + 8 (bleed) = 12 x 2 x 1 - 6 = 18


Blackiron Wolf: 18 - 30 = 0 + 1 + 1 = 2


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 34/36 HP | Energy: 4/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Blackiron Wolf>> 0/24 HP | 18 DMG | 6 Mit  1 mat on death, +1 mat for LD 15+

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sitting down for a moment to regain his health and energy, Nikodemus felt as if eyes were upon him. Not liking the feeling, He kept his axe and shield both at hand and alert to any attacker. After an hour he had regained his health to full and small portion of his energy. With a grunt, he lifted himself from the grass and began to head toward the safezone, wanting to be out of range of any mob or player before they could apprehend him. Traveling a few hundred meters, Nikodemus found himself at the top of a small hill and smiled looking down into the valley. With a slight sigh of relief at seeing no mobs or players nearby, Nikodemus turned and noticed that a person wrapped in cloaks and robes stood a couple feet away. With a start, Nikodemus took one step back and then took a deep breath. Glaring angrily, Nikodemus spoke in a tense tone, harsh tone. "Who are you, and why have you been watching me?"

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Standing there with a look of anger plastered on his face, his icy gaze attempting to pierce through the cloaked figure. The being shifted slightly and then spoke, it's voice slightly muffled by the thick layers. "I am a simple duelist, seeking a new challenge. I heard of a man in large ornate armor who was skilled with an axe, and wished to test your skills with mine.' Lifting one of the folds of the cloak, a large axe blade could be seen attached to the side of a leather belt. 'If you win, I shall give you a reward larger than any you have ever seen. Do you accept?"


With that, a large <<Duel Accept>> screen appeared before Nikodemus. Having seen duels in the arena, Nikodemus knew that it would be a simple duel that would end when one of the combatants dropped below half their health. Shrugging his shoulders, Nikodemus tapped his finger across the screen on the <<ACCEPT>>. With that, a loud ding was heard and a small timer activated, counting down from 15. Holding his axe tightly in his hand, Nikodemus sighed and then smiled as he waited for the timer to end so that he could strike. The Cloaked Figure had also pulled an axe from it's resting sheath, and a shield came up also from the cloak. With a bit of worry, Nikodemus thought the weapons looked familiar, but his mind couldn't focus on them as he was more focused on the timer.


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 36/36 HP | Energy: 6/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Cloaked Figure: Lvl: ? | ??/?? HP | Energy ?/? | MIT: ?? | DMG: ?

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As the timer struck 0, Nikodemus charged towards the Cloaked Figure. His axe began to glow a deep emerald green as it cut a vicious arc downwards. The blade struck hard against something, and Nikodemus was shocked to see his own shield blocking the axe, absorbing a portion of the damage. The tip of his blade had cut into the black cloak and drew a bright red slash in the figures armor. Stammering, Nikodemus planted his boot into the figure's midsection and pushed as hard as he could, kicking off and leaping away. Seeing the health bar above the being dip near halfway, Nikodemus smirked and assumed the fight over. When it did not end, he glared at the being. "Why has this duel not ended. You are near the halfway mark of your HP. It should have been over. This is no duel to the... Wait... Who are you? Tell me now!"


The Cloaked Figure reached up and grabbed at the torn section of it's layers, then with a flash of black material, torn the cloak from itself and into the air. Nikodemus breath caught in his lungs as he stood there, staring at himself, clad in the same armor and wielding the same axe and shield. Shaking his head, he mouthed the words "how" and tried to force what he thought was a hallucination of his broken mind away. With a twisted smirk, the figure spoke in a hollow voice. "Simple. I am you. Well, a mirror of you that is. I am Gemini! I have all your skills and gear. You will die here, and I will take your place. No one will know the difference." A maniacal laugh broke from the <<Gemini>> and it threw it's head back as it roared with laughter.



ID# 58162 results:

 Battle: 6 + 1 = 7

 Craft: 11

 Loot: 17

 MOB: 1 Miss


Sword Art: Swinging Arc - 2x2 - (4 Energy)


My DMG: 4 x 2 x 2 = 16 - 3 = 13


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 36/36 HP | Energy: 2/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Gemini>>: Lvl: 9 | 23/36 HP | Energy 9/9 | MIT: 3 | DMG: 3 | x2 on all damage rolls.

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Still in shock, Nikodemus couldn't believe that he had to face this doppelganger. With a howl of rage, Nikodemus charge forward and swung his axe at it's head. The <<Gemini>> ducked it's head at the last moment and brought it's own axe up, slicing at Nikodemus chest two times. Had his armor been inferior, he would have died then and there. Falling back with a grunt of pain, Nikodemus grabbed at his chest and took deep breaths to steady himself. Realizing this fight was going to be a tough one, Nikodemus tried to calm himself and prepared to strike.






ID# 58213 results:

 Battle: 4 + 1 = 5 Miss

 Craft: 4

 Loot: 15

 MOB: 9 +1 crit



<<Gemini>> SA: Hack - 2 x 1 (2 energy)

<<Gemini>>: 3 x 2 x 1 x 2 = 12 - 30 = 1 + 1 = 2


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 34/36 HP | Energy: 1/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Gemini>>: Lvl: 9 | 23/36 HP | Energy 7/9 | MIT: 3 | DMG: 3 | x2 on all damage rolls.

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As Nikodemus tried to calm his mind and prepare a sword art he realized the mistake he had made, but it was to late. <<Gemini>> had already closed the distance, his axe glowing a sickly green. The Sword Art <Swinging Arc>> hit Nikodemus hard in the chest and he felt a rib break. Screaming in pain, Nikodemus was happy to see his armor's <Thorns> effect activate, sending a surge of damage through the <<Gemini>>'s body. Fleeing back, the doppelganger growled and shook the pain off. "Lucky for you, I didn't hit any harder, or your little armor would have split beneath the blow!"


 ID# 58214 results:

 Battle: 4 + 1 = 5 Miss

 Craft: 1

 Loot: 8

 MOB: 6 Hit, <Thorns> proc'd


<Thorns>: 14 - 3 = 11


<<Gemini>> SA: Swinging Arc - 2x2 - (4 Energy) 

<<Gemini>>: 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 24 - 30 = 0 + 1 = 1


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 33/36 HP | Energy: 0/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Gemini>>: Lvl: 9 | 12/36 HP | Energy 3/9 | MIT: 3 | DMG: 3 | x2 on all damage rolls.

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With a smirk, Nikodemus charged in with a gleam of hatred in his eyes. His axe came in at an upward arc and sliced <<Gemini>> in the right side, breaking atleast one of his ribs. With a howl of pain, <<Gemini>> swung wildly at Nikodemus, missing him with each swipe. Nikodemus fell back into a downward roll and cleared a distance between himself and the <<Gemini>>. Coming back to his feet, Nikodemus smirked and prepared to activate one last Sword Art.


ID# 58216 results:

 Battle: 10 + 1 = 11 Crit +2

 Craft: 7

 Loot: 17

 MOB: 2 Miss


My DMG: 4 + 2 = 6 - 3 = 3


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 33/36 HP | Energy: 0/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Gemini>>: Lvl: 9 | 9/36 HP | Energy 1/9 | MIT: 3 | DMG: 3 | x2 on all damage rolls.

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The two combatants began to circle eachother for a moment, each wounded and breathing laboriously. With a calculated step, Gemini and Nikodemus charged in with their axe blades glowing a sickly green color. Each had activated the Sword Art <Hack>, intending to slay one another in a final blow. With sharp arcing swings, both axes passed by one another and struck home. With a clanging ring, both axemen grunted under the blow of their attacks and then stepped back. Nikodemus once more felt a rib shift after breaking. Breathing with difficulty, Nikodemus fell to one knee and tried to breathe deeply. He could feel his armor's <Regen> effect begin to kick in. Closing his eyes, Nikodemus began to use his newfound <Meditation> skill to get back some energy. Looking up, he saw the Gemini kneeling two, a large gash cut open in it's armor. Nikodemus' axe had activated it's <Bleed> effect. The battle would be over soon, but Nikodemus did not wish to let himself be drug down with the Gemini. Preparing himself for the final attack, he smiled slightly enjoying the challenge he had overcome.


ID# 58220 results:

 Battle: 9 hit +1 crit, <Bleed> procs. -8 HP for 2 turns.

 Craft: 11

 Loot: 8

 MOB: 10 Hit +2 crit


My Sword Art: Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy)

Gemini SA: Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy)


My DMG: 4 + 1 x 2 x 1 = 10 - 3 = 7


<<Gemini>>: 3 + 2 x 2 x 2 x 1 = 20 - 30 = 0 + 1 = 1


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 32/36 HP | Energy: 0/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Gemini>>: Lvl: 9 | 2/36 HP | Energy 0/9 | MIT: 3 | DMG: 3 | x2 on all damage rolls. <Bleed> -8 for 2 turns

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Nikodemus dropped from his knees down into a sitting position. His armor effect <Regen> had healed him completely, Smiling, he set his axe and shield down and looked at <<Gemini>>. Speaking calmly, he kept the doppelganger's gaze locked on his own. "So, it ends like this. You have lost and I won. What of this great reward you mentioned? Was it to a lie?"


<<Gemini>> sneered and then spat at the ground. "Foolish punk! I have not lost! You will get nothing from me!" With a roar, <<Gemini>> charged towards Nikodemus and swung his axe as hard as he could. Nikodemus saw him coming and simply snatched his axe from the ground and tossed it lazily at the doppelganger. With ease, <<Gemini>> batted the airborn axe aside and continuted his charge, coming up to Nikodemus and preparing to swing his axe downward with all his might. Without a word, Nikodemus sat there, motionless and smiling.


As <<Gemini>> began to bring his axe down, he gasped and took a step back, dropping the weapon and clutching his chest tighly. A scream of terror flew from between his lips and he fell to his knees, rolling about the ground and thrashing in pain and anger. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?!? HOW?!? AAAAAH!!!" With a shout, he tore at his rent armor and clawed at the wound in his chest, the horrible realization of what was happening dawning on him. Nikodemus stood up and smiled softly, speaking one word. "<Bleed>." Looking down at <<Gemini>> with a slight expression of pity, Nikodemus stepped over him and retrieved his axe. Turning back, he watched as the Doppelganger's health dropped to 0 and it shattered into pixels, vanishing before his eyes.


ID# 58224 results:

Battle: 3 + 1 = 4 Miss

 Craft: 8

 Loot: 18

 MOB: 1 Miss


<Bleed>: 8 - 3 = 5


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 36/36 HP | Energy: 0/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Gemini>>: Lvl: 9 | 0/36 HP | Energy 0/9 | MIT: 3 | DMG: 3 | x2 on all damage rolls.  DED


End of fight LD:  ID# 58225 results:  Loot: 12. Reward will be <Concentration>.

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Having taken the time to gather his shield and axe, Nikodemus began the trek back to the main settlement. With a sigh, he ran his hand where he had just had two broken ribs. His armor's <Regen> had knitted the bones back together as if there was never any break, and he could breath normally once again. Recalling back to the fight, Nikodemus realized how lucky he truly was. The <<Gemini>>'s armor and axe was a simple vanity item of his. The doppelganger had all his skills and Sword Arts, but none of his armor or weapon perks, Many times he assumed he would be hit with <Thorns> or a <Bleed> effect, and worried the <<Gemini>> would be regaining health via <Regen>, or deflecting 90% of his damage via Mitigation. When he suffered none of these and saw the mass health drop <<Gemini>> took, he realized that the armor was just minor decoration, and the axe a simple weapon. Thankful for that, Nikodemus continued onwards.

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As he came closer to the safezone, Nikodemus smiled slightly as he wandered across Floor 6. He was happy, and enjoyed the moments of coming under a copse of shade trees for some shade. As he continued on, he recalled  the fight once more. The <<Gemini>> used the same Sword Arts as he did, yet they felt stronger somehow, even if they didn't hurt him thanks to his armor, there was still power behind the strikes. He wondered if <<Gemini>> had some kind of damage boost, but never noticed anything extra aside from the normal armor, shield, and axe. No trinkets, plushes, or even food had been seen by Nikodemus. Sighing at the thought of never learning the answer, Nikodemus pressed on toward the safeszone.

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As he strolled along, Nikodemus came upon a small pond beside a cliff face. set in the side of the cliff was a small hole. Bits of carrion and refuse littered near the opening, signaling a den of some beast. Skirting the edge of the pond, Nikodemus tried to avoid the den so as not to be face to face with an angry mother. As he stepped cautiously, he felt his foot kick up an object. Looking down, he saw a small bit of material resting along the ground. Grabbing it, he smiled and pocketed it, then began to move along once more. As he got to the other side of the pond and began to make his way back, he glanced back and smiled happy to have avoided the den. Upon turning around, he came face to face with a <<Blackiron Wolf>>. With a sigh took a step back trying to slip away without it noticing. His foot landed on a small branch and snapped it, alerting the beast. With a loud curse, Nikodemus yanked his axe free and prepared to fight.


ID# 58227 results:
Loot: 15 +1 mat.


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 36/36 HP | Energy: 5/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Blackiron Wolf>> 24/24 HP | 18 DMG | 6 Mit

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With a reckless abandon, Nikodemus swung his axe at the <<Blackiron Wolf>> and missed by a fraction of an inch. The beast lunged for Nikodemus, and he rolled out of the way and began to run farther into the small forest he was in. Wanting to put some distance between himself, the wolf, and the den, he smiled and got a few hundred feet out before stopping. Turning, he saw the <<Blackiron Wolf>> had followed and was snarling, it's razor sharp teeth bared and ready. With another curse, Nikodemus prepared to strike the beast once again.



 ID# 58237 results:

 Battle: 4 + 1 = 5 miss

 Craft: 8

 Loot: 4

 MOB: 1 miss


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 36/36 HP | Energy: 4/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Blackiron Wolf>> 24/24 HP | 18 DMG | 6 Mit

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The two combatants once more charged one another and attacked, missing and dodging the others moves. Rolling past the beast, Nikodemus tried to quickly use his <Meditation> skill to clear his thoughts. Doing so, he smiled and felt abit better. Luring the <<Blackiron Wolf>> circular turn, Nikodemus paced around, trying to flank the beast quickly. With a wicked grin, he kept his eyes on the beasts and made sure that when the time came, he would strike the first blow.


ID# 58238 results:

 Battle: 4 + 1 = 5 miss

 Craft: 10 <Meditation> +1 energy next turn as well as the natural 1 energy regen'd

 Loot: 3

 MOB: 4 miss


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 36/36 HP | Energy: 2/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Blackiron Wolf>> 24/24 HP | 18 DMG | 6 Mit

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Striking out at the <<Blackiron Wolf>> Nikodemus was becoming more and more frustrated. His axe slid once again past the beast, leaving it unharmed. Rolling to the left, Nikodemus avoided the jaws of the wolf once more. With a yell, Nikodmeus jumped back and ran a few feet away once more, cursing himself for being so stupid. Stopping and turning, the beast wasn't there just yet. Preparing himself by using <Meditation> once more, he prayed that he would finish the beast there and then.


 ID# 58240 results:

 Battle: 3 miss

 Craft: 12 +1 bonus energy with natural 1 energy regen

 Loot: 15

 MOB: 1 miss


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 36/36 HP | Energy: 2/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Blackiron Wolf>> 24/24 HP | 18 DMG | 6 Mit


((OOC: Ignore roll ID: 58241. accidentally rolled a second time for same thread.))

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Angry, Nikodemus lunged with reckless abandon at the <<Blackiron Wolf>> just as it lunged at him. Turning to the left slightly, Nikodemus dodged the beasts jaws, and brought his axe, it's blade gleaming a sickly green with the power of his Sword Art, across and sliced the beast, sending it yelping to the ground. Spinning in place, Nikodems smiled prepared to bring another blow to bear against the beast. His breathing came out in winded pants, and he smiled as sweat rolled down his brow.



ID# 58242 results:

 Battle: 6 + 1 = 7

 Craft: 4

 Loot: 1

 MOB: 3 Miss


Sword Art: Swinging Arc - 2x2 - (4 Energy)


My DMG: 4 x 2 x 2 = 16 - 6 = 10


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 36/36 HP | Energy: 0/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Blackiron Wolf>> 14/24 HP | 18 DMG | 6 Mit

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With one last attempt, Nikodemus lunged in and brought his axe to bear, striking the beast along it's side and breaking ribs as his weapons <Bleed> effect activated. As he did, the beast clawed at Nikodemus and scratched him, activating his armor's <Thorns> effect. The beast was sent sprawling to the ground with a surge of damage, breaking into pixels immediately upon contact with the ground. Kneeling down, Nikodemus gathered the material dropped by the beast and smiled, preparing to finish his return to the safezone.



 ID# 58243 results:

 Battle: 10 + 2 crit <Bleed> proc'd on nat 10. -8 hp for 2 turns to enemy

 Craft: 12

 Loot: 7

 MOB: 8 hit <Thorns> proc'd


My DMG: 4 + 2 + 14 = 20 - 6 = 14


<<Blackiron Wolf>>: 18 - 30 = 0 + 1 = 1


Nikodemus: Lvl: 9 | 35/36 HP | Energy: 1/9 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


<<Blackiron Wolf>> 0/24 HP | 18 DMG | 6 Mit DED. +1 mat on death

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Making his way to the safezone, Nikodemus entered it and sighed a breath of relief. A HUD pop up came into view showing a reward had been granted to him. Looking through it, he saw it was an Extra Skill. Looking at the skill, he smiled and realized the <<Gemini>> was a walking quest NPC, and upon it's death and entrance of the safezone, he had finished the quest and was now being awarded the reward. Continuing on to the town, Nikodemus entered the center and went directly to the Teleport gate. Teleporting to floor 7's city of Nimbus, Nikodemus was happy to be him.

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