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[PP-F2] Finding Strength <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> - Complete

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After Husky's attack, the boulder in front of her was at a laughable amount of HP. The orange-haired girl narrowed her eyes, focusing on the center of the target. The rock had several small cracks running throughout its surface, threatening to shatter the object at any moment. With steady breathing, Aster slid her right foot back to set her stance. She prepared another strike, following through with the same calculated movements. In an instant, her strike connected with the weakest point of the boulder, draining the last of its HP and causing it to crumble into pieces before those fragments dematerialized into pixels.

While the completion of her task sunk in, Aster stood herself back up straight, a small smirk of satisfaction spread on her face.

Combat Details:

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  • Boulder
    • HP: 50

Turn Order:

  • Aster
  • Husky

Combat Roll:

  • ID#: 59450
    • BD: 8 - Success
    • CD: 8
    • LD: 17
    • MD: 9

Combat Results:

  • Aster:
    • HP: 24/24
    • Energy: 0/6 -> 1/6 -> 0/6
      • Hit! Basic Attack:
        • (1 Base) + (2 Equipment) = 3 DMG
  • Husky:
    • HP: 40/40
    • Energy: 9/10
  • Boulder:
    • HP: 2/50 -> 0/50 -Dead-
Edited by Asteria
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Husky claps, cheering Aster for destroying the boulder. It had took her longer than expected, but with a little trials and error, it eventually went down just as expected. The crumbles of the boulder before it burst to million of pixel particles sound just as a satisfied victory tune. Packing up everything, as well as putting little Woofles onto his shoulder, Husky approached Aster and bowed, saying goodbye to her. "Well, this is where we depart, I suppose. Good luck on the new skill you earned. I hope it would come in handy somewhere in the near future. I hope you remember the way back to Urbus. Just down this mountain and follow the trail. You'll get back in no time." Husky said with a smile, with Woofles on his shoulder, panting playfully. After saying his goodbye, Husky started his descend down the mountain, and returned to town.

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