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[SP-F6] Breaking Through The Façade <<The Gemini>>

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Gaster traveled through the sixth floor, making sure to mind his step. He brushed his way past vines and bushes, over roots and other obscurities that might lay in his path. Gaster decided to travel to the sixth floor and venture out for a change of pace. It was a relatively nice place, although it was a rather dense area. After a while of exploring the jungle, Gaster found an NPC wearing a cloak with no apparent name above their head. Their face was well concealed, so he couldn't really get a good look. He stopped, wondering what they could be doing out in the jungle. Perhaps they were out doing some exploring like he was. In the middle of Gaster's staring, the NPC noticed Gaster and approached him.

"Excuse me sir, but would you like to participate in a duel?" the cloaked NPC asked.

"Ah," Gaster said, pulling himself out of thought. "A-alright..."

At Gaster's agreement, the NPC grinned eerily. He took hold of his cloak and threw it off, revealing that he had Gaster's appearance. He had copies of Gaster's Duality's Façade and Azurewrath equipped, and the name <<The Gemini>> appeared over his head.

Startled by the sudden appearance of an enemy, Gaster jumped back, almost falling over himself when he tried taking a few more steps back. He quickly equipped Duality's Façade (+1 Loot Die, +1 Evasion, +1 Keen), Azurewrath (+3 Damage), and his Hard Leather Chestplate MK2 (+18 Mitigation, +7 Thorns). Gaster clumsily drew Azurewrath and pointed it towards <<The Gemini>>, ready to fight.

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Gaster ran toward <<The Gemini>>, although feeling a bit week willed, And struck out at him. He dodged Gaster's attack and struck at his right shoulder hitting his armor, doing minimal damage. Gaster's armor reacted to being struck and dealt damage back to <<The Gemini>>. Gaster recovered from the strike and put his guard up. <<The Gemini>> backed away from Gaster and did the same. 

Gaster 19/20 HP | 4/5 Energy | 5 DMG | 18 MIT | 7 THN |

The Gemini 13/20 HP | 2 DMG |

ID# 58967 results:

BD: 1 (Crit Miss)

Mob: 9 (10 - 1 = 9) (+2 DMG)

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Gaster grit his teeth and charged at <<The Gemini>>, drawing back Azurewrath. He used his skill <<Rip Ravine>> and slashed twice across <<The Gemini's chest. <<The Gemini>> tried to return a strike, but Gaster dodged out of the way. Gaster retreated to a safe position and readied his rapier for the next attack. He watched his enemy carefully, ready for his opponent to make a move.

Gaster 19/20 HP | 3/5 Energy | 5 DMG | 18 MIT | 7 THN |

The Gemini 3/20 HP | 2 DMG | (Rip Ravine 5 * 2 * 1 = 10) (13 - 10 = 3)

ID# 59005 results:

BD: 8 (Hit)

Mob: 5 (6 - 1 = 5) (Miss)

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Gaster lunged at <<The Gemini>> for one final attack. When Gaster was upon <<The Gemini>>, he thrust Azure wrath at his chest, piercing through the copy of his own armor. Meanwhile, <<The Gemini>> returned a strike but just barely grazed Gaster's shoulder. For a moment, they both stood frozen there, neither one retreating nor retaliating. Then, in the middle of the most dead of all the silence, <<The Gemini>> burst into pixels, signifying its death. After a moment of standing still, paralyzed by what had just happened, Gaster collapsed to the ground, letting out a long, relieved sigh. "That was scary!" he said to himself, reveling in the moment of relief he had. Gaster now took notice of the new skill he had just acquired; <<Disguise>>. "Interesting..." he thought, closing his menu. Gaster stood and closed his menu. He took a look around the jungle, making sure there wouldn't be any more surprises waiting for him. With little more to do, he decided to continue on with his exploration while keeping an eye out for anything of particular interest.

Gaster 18/20 HP | 3/5 Energy | 5 DMG | 18 MIT | 7 THN |

The Gemini 3/20 HP | 2 DMG |

ID# 59010 results:

BD: 7 (6 + 1 = 7)

LD: 21 (19 + 1 + 1 = 21)

MOB: 9 (+2 DMG) (10 - 1 = 9)

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Gaster cut down vines with Azurewrath and brushed past bushes. At this point, he was looking for anything in particular. His eyes darted to the ground constantly, making sure to keep a lookout for where he was going to be placing his feet. Occasionally, he'd stop to look under some rocks, and if nothing was found, examine the organisms he did find underneath with a biologists curiosity. Remembering his objective, he carefully reset their home each time and carried on.

ID# 59152 results:

LD: 11 (9 + 1 + 1 = 11)

(No Mat)

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Soon, Gaster came to a clearing. He took slow steps out to the center, looking around the great space in the opening. Sun beams were peaking through the gaps in the leaves of the jungle's canopy. Vines hung from branches that extended far over the clearing, but the branches weren't plentiful, nor were the vines long enough for him to reach. There were several types of flora to be seen in the clearing, none of which Gaster thought he should take along with him. Fining the clearing of little importance, he spent little time idling there, and went on his way.

ID# 60588 results:

LD: 5 (3 + 1 + 1 = 5)

(No mat)

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As Gaster passed through the wall of the clearing, he happened upon a lost bindle. Perhaps it was dropped here or left on purpose for somebody to find. One way or another, he'd found it. He opened it up and examined the bindle's contents. The bindle contained Some food, a bit of drinking water, a few other uninteresting miscellaneous items, and a bit of rubbish scattered here and there. After a bit of rummaging, Gaster found a hilt, bare of a sword. Perhaps it could be melted down and turned into something new. Having found something of interest, he repacked the bindle and carefully put it back where he found it. He continued to look around, scanning from the jungle floor up to the jungle canopy.

ID# 60747 results:

LD: 21 (19 + 1 + 1 = 21)

(Mat Found)

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Not long after leaving the bindle behind, Gaster happened upon another interesting sight. Up on a tree not too far away from him, there was some bark that stood out from the rest on the particular tree he was examining. The tree itself was quite damp, but one spot on it was rather dry. The first thought that had occurred to him was that sun beams might have dried that particular spot of the tree, but after some closer examination, he found that that spot on the tree was heavily shaded. Gaster approached the tree and ripped the dry bark away, catching some of the damp parts as well.

Behind the damp mask was a hole in the tree. Inside the hole, however, was sap. It appeared that the sap went further up the tree. He estimated that the sap was some how warmed by the sunlight from above the tree tops, but he didn't he wish to find out how, nor have the time for it. He was an inventor, not a scientist. With some quick thinking, Gaster found a hollowed out nutshell nearby and scooped up some of the sap, sealing it in the shell with the other half. He would have liked to seal it back up with the bark, but he didn't think it would be staying very well, even with the sap seeping out. He carried on, further through the jungle.

ID# 60750 results:

LD: 22 (20 + 1 + 1 = 22)

(Mat found)

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As Gaster walked through the jungle, he could hear the soft buzzes and chirps of insects as they sat on trees or flew past his ears. Occasionally he'd hear the distant roar of an animal being slain by some predator hidden by the undergrowth of the floor, and the fact that he heard it from a distance made him glad he wasn't there. Other times he'd hear people yelling, but he couldn't quite distinguish who they were. Really, the jungle was quite the peculiar place, but strangely quite relaxing all the same.

ID# 60752 results:

LD: 10 (8 + 1 + 1 = 10)

(No Mat)

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Feeling a bit tired, Gaster took a break to gather some energy. He took a seat on a sizable rock that was on the path he was taking. He swept the tail of his coat out from under him and planted himself firmly on the rock. For a moment, he examined the flora and passing fauna with a careful eye. He made sure to keep quiet, careful not to disturb the serenity that surrounded him.

ID# 60753 results:

LD: 7 (5 + 1 + 1 = 7)

(No Mat)

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Gaster's eyes drifted down to his side, where he found something wedged under the rock he was siting on. Promptly removing himself from the rock, he wedged his hands under the rock and lifted it up, with much effort, and pushed it over, away from the thing he had found. Under the rock was a small hammer. It looked like it was made from stone, some yucca, and a stick. It looked like a pretty primitive tool, so he didn't think anybody from any of the lower towns would have made this. Regardless, he took it with him.

ID# 60755 results:

LD: 15 (13 + 1 + 1 = 15)

(Mat Found)

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Gaster had been on a trail for quite some time. Since he'd left that monster behind, he'd seen a great many things, all of them piquing his interest on some level or another. He would have liked to stop and watch some animals, but he had a feeling that sooner or later he'd have to leave the jungle, and he might as well get some more searching done before then. Just before he'd passed it, a small patch of flowers was laying, basking in the sun. They looked to be made of a fibrous material, thus worth taking along. He knelt down and picked them up hurrying along the trail.

ID# 60762 results:

LD: 20 (18 + 1 + 1 = 20)

(Mat Found)

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He came to another clearing, and saw a few animals peacefully grazing. He saw a few tapir, some monkeys lounging in the canopy above, and even a pika scurry through. What a rare sight! Gaster hid behind a tree and watched this wonderful scene play out, smiling to himself at the wonder before him. Suddenly, a jaguar leaped out, striking out at one of the tapir. It caught the tapir's neck in its teeth and strangled it in a rather violent way. It trotted off victoriously, its prize hanging from its mouth, and Gaster cowering from behind the safety of his tree. He'd never seen something so terrifying in his life. He waited till he was sure the jaguar was gone before stepping out into the clearing, and very carefully went on his way.

ID# 60763 results:

LD: 10 (8 + 1 + 1 = 10)

(No Mat)

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Not long after Gaster had abandoned the clearing, he felt it necessary to make a quick rest by leaning against a tree. His mind kept returning to the jaguar that had attacked that tapir, and the thought of it simply made him ill. After a moment of resting, and a bit of dry heaving, Gaster recollected himself. He took lots of deep breaths and cleared his mind. Before moving on, he also made a quick mental note to stay away from any more clearings he came to.

ID# 60784 results:

LD: 14 (12 + 1 + 1 = 14)

(No Mat)

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In the middle of some deep thought, Gaster was ripped back to reality by a pungent odor. He quickly covered his nose and began searching for the source of the smell. After a time of searching under rocks, in trees, and pilfering bushes, Gaster found the source of the smell hidden in a cluster of rocks. The smell permeated the air from the carcass of a tapir. Gaster hoped that it wasn't the same one he'd seen get carried away, but all the same, the sight of it made him feel ill. If anything would come of use from the tapir besides its meat, which was taken by a predator, it would be what was left of its hide, which Gaster squeamishly took, quickly fleeing before he actually threw up on himself.

ID# 60785 results:

LD: 21 (19 + 1 + 1 = 21)

(Mat found)

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After once again recollecting himself, Gaster made doubly sure not to have anymore unfortunate encounters. He wasn't sure if his body, or his mind, could handle it. At this point, Gaster began looking for a way out of the jungle. He was about fed up with his time there, and he felt that he was expending to much energy. If he happened to find anything else of interest, then he'd bring it with him.

ID# 60786 results:

LD: 7 (5 + 1 + 1 = 7)

(No mat)

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Gaster's steps were more rushed now than they were before. Perhaps it was because he wished to leave as quickly as possibly. It may have also been, perchance, that he felt as though something was chasing. He wasn't quite sure whether or not something was or wasn't, as something had made a noise behind him and he had panicked too quickly to do any rational thinking. He felt that if he slowed down to do some rational thinking now, then whatever is chasing him will catch him if there is. Although, in and of itself that's not very rational, is it? 

ID# 60787 results:

LD: 10 (8 + 1 + 1 = 10)

(No Mat)

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In the midst of Gaster's hurried trek toward the outside of the jungle, he heard another, startling noise which set him off running. However, a stroke of clumsiness caused him to trip over his own feet. When he feel to the ground, his head banged off of something metal. Cringing in pain, Gaster clasped his forehead and clenched his teeth. He looked back to see if there was anything behind him, since he hadn't been killed, and moved his eyes down, his heart sinking with relief. Behind him was a single pika staring up at him. The moment he turned to face it it scampered off into the underbrush of the jungle. Gaster sighed and returned to the metal that assaulted his forehead.

Rubbing his forehead, Gaster dug up the piece of metal from the earth. He found that it was a small piece of uncooked iron. What a lucky find. Pocketing it, Gaster stood and took his time the rest of the way out of the jungle. He wouldn't like to have any more injuries as a result of clumsiness.

ID# 60789 results:

LD: 15 (13 + 1 + 1 = 15)

(Mat found)

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Gaster stopped to look up at the canopy for a moment. He noticed there were some monkeys fooling around with each other among the branches from where he could see them. It was entertaining for what it was. There was debris from their games falling to the floor bellow, which he made sure to be out of the way of, and lots of fruit cores, and several uneaten ones as well. It was a special little habitat for them, and it was refreshing for Gaster to see something so peaceful.

ID# 60790 results:

LD: 11 (9 + 1 + 1 = 11)

(No mat)

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After a bit more walking through the jungle, Gaster could see a clearing in the jungle. The sight of a clearing made him a bit nervous, but it wasn't as dense as the others were, so he wasn't as deterred as he would have been if it were. He began a steady jog towards the clearing, ready to go around it the second he saw more jungle. If there was anything that would make him feel ill, he might seriously consider turning around and heading back into the jungle.

ID# 60792 results:

LD: 5 (3 + 1 + 1 = 5)

(No Mat)

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