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Jakobe's Journel

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Username: Jakobe
Real name: Jakobe Styles            
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"

About: History/personality
Orphaned at the age of three after his parents died in a car accident. Jakobe was taken in and raised by his elderly grandmother. Retired however and living off of social aid meant to support only one person combined with her failing health, she was in no position to raise him. Forced to wear the same clothes his dad wore to school 25 years ago. Jakobe was often ridiculed, which forced him to develop somewhat of a quirky personality in order to cope. Due to the overall lack of parental supervision and his ever increasing frustration with his situation. Jakobe ended up falling in with a bad crowd at the age of 12. Enticed by the fancy clothes and smooth talk of a wanna-be gangster named Ventus. He took to the streets as a petty thief. Unfortunately for him however he was never the sharpest tool in the shed and that combined with his gullibility led to a less then successful criminal career. Often left as the scapegoat by his "crew". It did result in him eventually learning how to talk his way out of bad situation.


Jakobe found his way into the world of SAO after stealing multiple sets of Nervegear off the back of a delivery truck. Having only played arcade games in the past and knowing that Ventus would never allow him to keep one for himself. He decided to hide one in a nearby ally way before returning to his gangs hide-out and turning the rest in to his boss. Rushing home after being dismissed, Jakobe couldn't wait to try out his new toy. With no idea of the events that were about to unfold, he joyfully turned on his nervegear and entered the world. 

Kindhearted- Despite the fact that he has been a street thief for the past three years, Jakobe still has a kind heart and strong sense of conscious. Never having stole from someone who he thought couldn't afford to lose a few bucks. He never really viewed what he was doing as bad. In fact he often took a small portion of his loot and gave it as a donation to the local homeless shelter. And although often on the losing side of the fight, Jakobe was known for standing up to bullies on behalf of his friends and classmates. Lastly whenever he had to witness cruelty towards others carried out by his fellow gang members, it always left him feeling numb and hollow inside.

Smooth Talker- Having been routinely caught in the act of his criminal activities by his teachers, police and countless others. Jakobe developed the ability to talk his way out of anything. Most people believed it was his ability to read people which allowed him to do this. After only spending a few moments with someone he was able to discern what type of person they were. From there it was just a matter of telling them what they wanted to hear in relation to whatever the current situation he had found himself in was. Sadly for him however he was never able to use this ability to further his luck with the ladies, although it never discouraged him form trying.

Optimist- Through all his trials and tribulations he has never lost his positive outlook on life. Often manifesting itself as his can do attitude, Jakobe has never been one to backdown or give up when faced with a challenge. Refreshing for others, his positive attitude is often infectious to those around him and has been known to lift spirits of entire rooms full of people. Even after being trapped inside a death game, he still has hope for the future.

Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
Gullible: Never that bright, Jakobe has always been overly trusting and routinely takes things at face value. This is most noticeable in his interactions with his gang. As he was often talked into being the scapegoat without knowing, as well as scammed out of his cut of the take. In addition to his gullibility, Jakobe often has trouble detecting sarcasm. 


Over Confident: His energetic and positive outlook have often resulted in misguided confidence for Jakobe. Loving to show off and be the center of attention, he has frequently made a fool out of himself on multiple occasions. Combined with his gullibility he has also been known to engage passionately in arguments on topics he tragically knows nothing about.

Flirty: Unfortunately, given Jakobe's rather big...ego, he tends to have a bit of a problem avoiding giving women a bit of extra attention. While by no means pushy, he merely has zero qualms about showing his own interest. Despite this forwardness, Jakobe tends to be almost a subconciously chivalrous individual.








Weapon skills:
» One-Handed Curved Swords(R1)

- Curved Sword
-Starter Armor

-Bread x10
-Water x15








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