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[SP-F1] A New Awakening .:COMPETE:.

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Nathan's eyes kept feeling heavier and heavier as he walked. He wasn't entirely sure what it was that had made him exhausted. If it was that fight with the boar then he was horribly out of shape. He would need to train some more or else he would only end up getting himself killed. He kept walking for a bit and then almost tripped. His eyes opened up wide, not having realized they were closed in the first place, and he steadied himself. This was becoming dangerous. He started slapping his cheeks gently in a vain attempt to wake himself up. He did a few exercises as he walked in an attempt to get the blood flowing and that seemed to work a little bit at least. It seemed that the very first thing he would do once he got to town would be climb into bed and sleep.

ID#59176   LD: 2

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As Nathan walked down the road, doing these small exercises, he began to feel more and more awake. Since they were working he kept at them and kept becoming more aware of what was around him. He looked around him and noticed, with a smile, another one of those fiber plants. He approached it and harvested it, gaining yet another material. Crafting materials, he could do with a few of these. Getting into crafting might be a smart way to make some money. Nathan looked down the road and, upon not seeing anymore obvious material plants on the side of the rode, began jogging so that his heartrate would increase a bit and keep him awake.

ID#59177    LD: 15 (+1 Mat)

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In an excited fervor, maybe from the fatigue and sleepiness he felt, Nathan jogged down the road, scanning the roadside. As he went about his search for more mats he continued pressing onward towards Horunka Village, not losing any time now to hop in a bed. A few minutes after his previous find something caught his eye so he stopped jogging and stood there, searching for it again. It took a few passes over the vicinity but he once again saw the fiber plant. He walked forward and leaned down, harvesting it like the previous ones. He smiled as he searched for more plants to harvest but saw none so the only thing to do now was continue. He began jogging down the road once more, heading on his way down the road in search of more materials and eventually to arrive in the village for a safe haven.

ID#59178   LD:17

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Nathan kept on jogging and jogging, keeping up a brisk pace as he sped down the main road to the village. He did not see any more plants similar to the ones he had found earlier but kept on jogging nonetheless, not concerned if the fast pace was resulting in him missing some materials. He was ready for bed and that was all that mattered to Nathan at the moment. He kept on pushing forward, not letting himself stop to think how tired he was growing. Over the next crest of a hill he could begin to see some warm lights more pronounced than before, an indication of the village's proximity. Once he reached the top of the hill he only pushed harder in an attempt to get himself to that village which had just come into view by going over the top of the hill.

ID#59180   LD: 6

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Nathan carried himself and his newly acquired materials all the way to Horunka village. It was not by any means a large village but it offered a bed at the local inn so it was enough. He sat down in the eating area of the inn and dined on his ever present food and water, which at this point was getting rather bland, and enjoyed the warmth of the fire which burned brightly in the room. After his small and exquisite dinner he carried himself up to the room that he had obtained for the night and lay on the bed with a sigh. A lot had happened today and he was glad that he had been able to find some new determination to pick himself up and carry on. Fatigue slowly took over and Nathan passed out on the bed, sleeping heavily through the night all the way to the next day, which would be filled with searching for something to do.


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