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[F1-SP] Mats Matter

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Once again he stood at the gate sectioning off the Starting City from the great plains and their endless horizon. His brief trips farming for Mats, the main source of revenue for the level 1s of Sao, ensured he knew the surrounding area well enough, but beyond the comfort zone was the obscurity of the unknown. It would only be fitting that his first step into the dangers of Sao be a step into what he hadn't explored of F1, but that day was not today, for today, he was weak. If he had any wish to better himself, he'd need EXP, and the only safe way to go about gathering that is accessed by decent gear, and thus the motions he'd gone through gained value. A few miles away there lay a small tree nursery from which Mats could be farmed with an axe. The path to this destination was riddled with nothing short of pathetic enemies, and nothing he couldn't handle or hadn't before. He reached to the mirror and felt it's smooth surface, one small step, then the big. 

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The crack of his neck and he was off, the taste of a simple breakfast lingering on his tongue. He currently lived under one of the many housing units created for the 'useless' players of Sao, for their ranks were sizable, to say the least. Dinner, Lunch, and Breakfast all consisted of lower-end good-tier foods. He supposed his diet would be the first thing to change once his momentum picked; if it ever did, that is. He didn't like acknowledging the possibility of death, but it was very real, and he was and would always be very weak compared to the monstrosities of the world. Even in his fights against the mobs of this particular path there were close calls and he could recall them all.  

He sighed, dismissing the grim thoughts and returning his mind to the what lay before his feet. The path itself branched off from the dirt road leading to the crossroads a few miles down, so for the moment, he walked among the average foot-traffic of F1, which mainly consisted of Mat farming crews that employed the low levels. He never joined any of these crews, as his work-ethic granted him the agency of independence, but he could see the appeal. 

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Up ahead on the road he could see a duo of players pit against 4 wolves. Wolves were the one of the more dangerous 'common mobs' in F1, so the fact that 4 had spawned so close to the city was worrying. He made an internal note to alert the Mat guilds of this fact just in case they didn't already know, but since the players clearly had the battle under control, he merely nodded a hello and continued down the road. He could hear a pain-wracked yelp dim to nothing as he left the sounds of combat, and when he looked back, the wolves were cut down to two. He smiled. 

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Time passed by, and he soon came across a sign labeled 'Worm Woods, 5 miles away,' any who were aware of the routes of F1 would also know the signs, and how often they are wrong. The Worm Woods sign was also misleading, as the distance between the two couldn't be more than 3 miles. Nonetheless, the signs proved an adequate reference point in conjunction with a map, as every sign was labeled on the paper editions, which B0nse trusted intimately. He needed no map to know his route, however, as he'd often come to Worm Woods, the catchy for that nursery I mentioned before. It's namesake, the worm and most of its variants, could be found writhing in some moldy nook or another, the dangerous hues of their breed hidden away underground and in the nursery's center.

Thinking back to the wolves, he realized there was fair chance that the dangerous worms might feel like exploring the forest circumference. Fortunately, all of the worms were easily avoided, as they were slow creatures. Nonetheless, the possibility was problematic. He figured he'd have to keep a vigilant eye out.   

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The path emerged from the horizon, branching off from the dirt and towards the nursery, which could now be seen, albeit as a distant clump. A small mat farming crew was sat at the intersection of the road with the path, eating their lunch. When asked, they said that Woods were relatively calm whilst they had done their work, so it was with good spirit that B0nse entered the path. The path itself was a thin line that weaved through the grass, which hosted a wide array of insect mobs. Most came out at night, and thus, those wishing to avoid a fight would set off for the Woods during the morning, much like B0nse did. 

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[It will take 1 Mob encounter for B0nse to reach Worm Woods, so I rolled the Mob Die to decide how strong this mob will be, I got a one :y] 

Suddenly, the grass began to rustle as a small thing shot through and towards B0nse. He drew his hatchet and prepared to deflect whatever blow came his way, standing his ground for sure footing was the best footing. The thing emerged and revealed itself as a wolf pup, fangs bared as it leapt for his leg. It hit its mark, or rather, its mark hit it, smacking the poor thing aside and back into the grass. Wolf pups could often be found alone on the plains, but if allowed to cry for help, they would become more than an easy fight. Fortunately, the Mat farmers weren't too far away, and could easily come to his aid by the time any reinforcements came. Running might seem the wisest choice, but a wolf-pup cried for help not only when it felt its life was in peril, but when it felt humiliated. The pup had to die. 

ID# 59069

Wolf Pup [Hp: 3/3] [Dmg: 1]
MB: 1 [Crit Failure] 
Clumsy [Passive]: -1 Accuracy

Whimp[Passive]; When put down to 1 Hp, Wolf Pup will stop attacking and begin to cry for help if it can't escape. If not killed in the next turn, Wolf Pup will summon 2 normal wolves each turn until it succeeds in running away. Half of the summoned wolves will leave with Wolf Pup. If Wolf Pup is spawned with company, it will only attempt to run away at 1 Hp unless that company is killed, which will then result in it crying for help. If wolf pup escapes before finishing a call for help, then only one normal wolf will spawn, as the other will be concerned with protecting the pup. Pup ignores hp restrictions on escape, and merely acts in accord with the maximum required roll for escape if it's hp is too low. 

B0nse [Hp 4/4] [Dmg: 2]
BD: 5 [Miss]

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B0nse watched the grass shift and followed the trail the pup left behind with the focus of his eyes, the young thing's next attack telegraphed in perfect clarity. He caught a few of the mat crew from earlier watching the skirmish with mild interest in his peripheral but paid them no mind. A youthful yip declared an attack, and B0nse swung his hatchet at the air the grassed declared the pup would be. The blade hit its mark, cleaving through the Pup's snout. It was sent spiraling away and into the grass once again, whining in pain. He rolled the grip in his grasp, moving in to strike the final blow.

ID# 59070 
BD: 7/ MD: 3
CD:4 / LD: 18

Wolf Pup [Hp: 1/3] [Dmg: 1]
MD: 3 (Miss)

[Ener:0/1] B0nse [HP: 4/4] [Dmg: 2] 
BD: 7 (Hit, -2 HP from the Pup)  

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[Since Monsters don't have CD's, I'm using my CD for the pup's escape roll] 

Plodding into the grass, he rested his axe on his shoulder in the position of Slash, intending to use the wide arc of the sword art to clip the pup if it somehow had enough reaction time after howling to attempt an escape. Unfortunately, with grass came uneven footing, and so it was that the glowing blade shaved only the grass above the pup as he flung himself towards it. The Pup, frightened beyond bearing, let out the closest thing to a howl before scampering away, a single wolf trotting from nowhere to accompany it's escape, another moving towards B0nse in a slow trot. He rose up to meet eyes with it, groaning at his horrible luck, and moving back to the path. 

ID# 59071
BD: 3/MD: 10 
CD: 11/LD: 1 

Wolf Pup [Hp: 1/3] [Dmg: 1]

CD: 11-Wolf pup escapes!
[Ener: 0/1] B0nse [HP: 4/4]  [Dmg: 2] 
BD: 3 (miss)

Wolf [HP: 4/4] [Dmg: 1] 

Wolf Spawns! 

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The Wolf lowered itself to the grass B0nse took up the same approach he used against the Pup, waiting for the Wolf to leap before reacting in accord. The Wolf feinted to the left before lunging at his right and in reaction, he sidestepped to the left, kicked the wolf's belly as it neared. The Wolf was knocked to its side, attempting to roll back up on an instinctive whim. Before it could fully regain itself, B0nse's blade sunk into its side, leaving shards in the air and a pixelated gash as he pulled away and rose his blade up in the air. Another swing and the wolf rolled away from the attack and onto its feet, clearly displeased with the turn of events. B0nse pressed onwards. 

ID# 59072 
BD: 7/ MD: 4
CD: 3/ LD: 20 

[Ener: 0/1] B0nse [Hp: 4/4] [Dmg: 2] 
BD: 7 (Hit) (-2 HP from the Wolf) 

Wolf [Hp: 2/4] [Dmg: 2] 
MD: 4 (Miss) 

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The wolf plodded back into the grass, well aware of the advantage it provided. B0nse followed as the path would permit him to, watching the grass with a diligent eye. The wolf paused and so too did B0nse, the two motionless for a few moments. Then, in a sudden movement, the wolf charged B0nse down, tackling him in the chest and ploughing him down to the ground. It moved to bite down at his neck, but B0nse managed to throw the animal off him before the fatal bite could be made. The wolf growled at him from within  the grass and he quickly rose up, waving hatchet erratically in the air before him to still the Wolf's approach. "RAWR," he shouted, slowly backing away towards the Mat farmers, unwilling to continue the fight with the threat of a crit looming in the distance. 

[Next turn shall be an attempt at escape] 

ID# 59083
BD: 1/MD: 8 
CD: 8/LD: 8 

[Ener:1/1] B0nse [HP: 3/4] [Dmg: 2] 
Preparing to escape next turn

Wolf [HP: 2/4] [Dmg: 1] 
MD: 8 (Hit) 


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One paw slowly proceeded another and the two slowly tread back to the Mat farmers, who had grown wise to the situation and had risen to aid B0nse. The wolf, not a breed programmed for suicide, snarled at the group before trotting away into the grass.  B0nse sighed, content with the turn of events, sheathing his hatchet as he watched the disturbance in the grass trot on to the horizon. One of the mat farmers offered B0nse a seat among their crew and so he joined them in their break, taking the time to chomp away at one of his own apples and regain himself. The crew merrily went on about some arena battle which B0nse hadn't seen, and so he had little to add to the conversation. Regardless, their company was enjoyed. 

ID# 59084: 
BD: 3/MD: 9
CD; 11/ LD: 10 

The Wolf [Hp: 2/4] [Dmg: 1] 
Leaves the battle

[Ener 1/1] B0nse [HP: 3/4] [Dmg: 2]
CD: 11 (B0nse escapes the battle, lucky he didn't try to fight]  


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With all good things came and end and the group soon went their sperate ways, the crew toting their gains back home and B0nse faced with Worm Woods. He threw his apple core far into the grass with the hopes of baiting away some annoying flies and continued on his way. A gust blew over the land and the "shshshshshshsh" of grass soothed him. He hummed a familiar tune to the beat of the receding wind, keeping an eye out for any disturbances in the grass. If the wolf came again, he would be ready for it, but caution ought not ruin the peace.  

-1 Apple Core
+1 Hp, now [4/4]

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The woods grew closer and closer and then they were there before him. If one looked past the initial greenery they could see signs of a feeble fence that had once wrapped around the entire of the grounds, but had now been overgrown. Deeper within the woods there was a hut that was home to some form of quest he wasn't particularly interested in at the moment, for he did not want to even go in the forest at all. Inside was the Danger, and all he wanted could easily be found in the circumference. Among the stumps and half chopped trees he found one that he liked, a particularly thick and old thing whose very shaving could be considered adequate enough to be a "Mat". 

He shrugged off his knapsack and unsheathed the axe, tapping his mark along the tree's side before raising the axe up and swing down and down and down. The first few of many swings. 

ID# 59120 
LD: 14 [No Mats] 

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Regardless of how he struck the tree, or where the marks were left, the tree would only pixilate into nothing when it had been dealt the proper amount of damage. If he were to fell it, he would simply have to chop at it from another angle, and actually cutting down a tree was rendered pointless and even problematic, as it would attract attention. Instead, he aimed his slashes so that no side was favored, rotating around the tree as he went. A chunk of wood magically popped out from the tree's side and to the ground and he kicked it out of the way, one mat down. 

ID# 59121
LD: 20 (1 Mat gained) 

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While swinging with one hand was statistically in his favor, it still put considerable stress on that hand. With each thunk of the wood he knew he would only be add more of a tang to the eventual ache he'd have in  the morning, for this was a morning-to-night operation. He intended to farm, at the very least, 12 mats, and swinging an axe around long enough for 12 mats was no easy feat. He reassured himself that water would come on the 8th mat, knowing the thirst would attack him soon.  Another chunk popped up, and was kicked to it's twin. A good start. 

ID# 59124
LD: 16 [1 Mat] (+1 Mat)  

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More wood fell from the tree and his mind was soon dulled by the monotony of the deed. Anything that threatened to leave you exhausted tended to shut-up the mind, and while his natural strength aided him, he wasn't entirely immune from the beat of the axe. The tree was marked up considerable and beyond that there was nothing of note. 

ID# 59128
LD: 18 [2 Mats] (+1 Mat)

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He stepped back, took a few breaths, wiped at his brow, and stared up into the clear sky.  The prairie, for all it's danger, was still beautiful. The endless horizon inspired him and the soft breeze was a reminder of the uncanny domain: Sao. It was there that he resolved to experience more if he were ever to escape Sao, but the truth of the matter was that he wouldn't know where to start.  Nonetheless, the thought was a nice one, and he relished in it. 

ID# 59202
LD: 11 [3 Mats] 



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The break was nice, but he'd hardly even started, there was more chopping to do, no doubt. A breath of fresh air and the axe swung down. Another swing, another swing, then those of another.  He paused, looking towards the source of the sound. A familiar face had taken to chopping the trees as did he, the fellow used a knife, and tended to keep to themselves. Nonetheless, he'd seen the man farm mats at the woods on a near frequent basis, and so he called out to him and waved. The man nodded, then swung his great-axe against his tree to fell it.  

ID# 59069
LD: 3

He chopped and chopped and a crack formed on the blade. He yanked the blade out and summoned a repair kit from his inventory, it would take no time to mend a simple crack, but the risk of a broken weapon was to great to bear. And so it was that he bared the brunt of some wasted time. 


ID# 59294
LD: 11

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The kit vanished away, along with it his insurance against any further cracks. In hindsight, he acknowledged it wasn't entirely bright considering how fragile starter weapons were, but it was for that very reason that he was so precautionary. Had he lost the hatchet, not only would he have no safe passage home, but the Mats would no longer flow; he couldn't have with that. He chopped down and a chunk of wood popped and was kicked into it's pile, which he promptly took into his inventory. 

ID# 59295
LD: 15 [3 Mats] (+1 Mat) 

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There was nothing else but the swings of him and that man, the wind blew, a boar-sized worm writhed in a patch of light in some instinct borne tradition, and the sun loomed in the distance.He wiped at his brow and looked out to the prairie, 2 figures bobbed along it's horizon, faint but human. Somewhere, an animal screeched and the piercing sound of a sword art rang true. There was the prairie. 

ID# 59296
LD: 1

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