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[F1-SP] Mats Matter

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The shade of a giant cloud had begun to overlap the woods, their inconsequential form easily conquerable by the shade, it was only a matter of time. The tree, heavily marked, was one of the first to be consumed by the shade, and so the spots of light that scattered themselves around his feet became no more. He glanced up to the cloud, no rain, the axe swung once again. Wood was farmed, and the chops continued on.   

ID# 59311
LD: 15 [4 Mats] (+1 Mat)

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The wining crunch of the tree was a sign, the first threshold was passed and the tree was that much closer to fading away. It form grew scars and missing chunks as if they were natural and a few branches fell down. When gathered together, these branches could be crafted into a mat of wood, something which he did posthaste. The lone woodsman with his two-handed axe paused to look at B0nse's progress. 


ID# 59312
LD: 17 [5 Mats] (+1 Mat)

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