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Real name:Dave Minamoto

About: History/personality
Dave's dungeoning goes way back to being a small child. A girl named Kat, a girl he desperately wanted to be friends with, rejected him. This forced Dave to take it a step further, and become Dave WARRIOR OF LOVE. That is where this all started. After he had won Kats favor, he became Dave WARRIOR OF THE PLAYGROUND. A really hyperactive kid saw how Dave ran the playground and came up to him to challenge his rule. In a game of... Dungeons&Dragons. Dave loved the immersive, colorful, and expansive role play so much, he chose his name to be Dave:WARRIOR OF THE DUNGEON, and vowed to conquer any and all dungeons in all aspects of life, games, and fantasy. At first Dave was a relatively kind but harsh kid, but as he grew and discovered D&D he, at first, only pretended to embody the traits a hero should have. But, as time moved along, he began to see the benefits of having these traits, and embraced them whole-heartedly, which is why he is just as obsessed with acting the way he does on top of his dungeoning. He grew to love these virtues of his, and those, ultimately, spawned his flaws, flaws he recognizes (However few times), and are actually sort of proud of, however dangerous. 

courageous- Dave's endless courage pour off him like huge rolling waves, engulfing those around him. He faces anything down with surety and boldness. He lets no challenge (especially dungeons) turn him away with his tail tucked. While Dave does have some cautions about life, any who have met Dave would say that in dungeons, fear is a nonexistent term, and emotion to Dave. He looks down anything he doesn't want to do and does it with a smile, undeterred, and proud to accomplish any feat most wouldn't want to do, whether from fear or personal preference. 

chivalrous- While Dave's primary fetish is dungeons, he spares no expense for the ladies either. Should one find themselves in danger, he rushes to defeat the problem that plagues the beauty in his wake, whether it be depression, monsters, fear, or abuse. His chivalry does not include just women however, and Dave finds himself greatly induced into helping any at hand. (especially if it involves dungeons).

cunning- Dave plays by the rules and is fair when he can be, but winning/conquering (Dungeons) by deceit is also quite acceptable. Over the years of dungeoning Dave has mastered the mental skill of outwitting and outmaneuvering his foes. He uses this trait sparingly as he mostly uses brute force to defeat such foes, but when his brain needs to work, it does, and very well too.

Ambitious- Dave's ambition, while mostly involving the conquering and mastering of every dungeon ever, does include honing his fighting skills and teaching others to do the same. Without those skills he would not be able to complete his first ambition. Dave seeks out as many challenges and skills to put put under his belt as he can to make the conquering of dungeons easier.

Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

Curiosity- Dave's curiosity is one that many find annoying. His methodical searching and endless questions, (Asked mostly to himself; under his breath), often run him into a "brick wall" so to speak. Dave must satisfy his feelings quickly lest they run him mad. His curiosity about dungeons lead him to overbear on people and becomes erratic if he overhears anything involving a dungeon.

Blunt- Dave all but screams his mind dry of any idea or opinion that may have plagued his mind at the time whether it is painfully obvious or not. He can come off hurtful and insensitive at times, but he mostly takes hurt looks or glares as a stoic, expression of their gratitude. Dave often states simple facts (or what he believes are facts) regardless of whose around to hear it, even if its nobody.

Obsessive- While its clearly been pointed above, Dave's obsession with dungeons are apparent; being distracted often, even during boss fights at the memory or thought of a dungeon. But when put into a tight corner, from that distraction, he fights twice as hard to see the dungeon he was after. Dave's obsession with dungeons lead him to wanting to clear/master all of them above completing ordinary quests to fighting opponents of any aptitude. Dave talks about his dungeoning while on break as well as off, annoying those who choose to party with him, especially as he often repeats his favorites. His obsession with dungeons leads him to have many other flaws such as gullible, fanaticism, and overzealous to name a few.
Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)





Weapon skills:
» one-handed curved sword

»Basic Curved Sword

Basic Starting Gear

10 Bread

10 Water

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Has a wife, named Brianna.

Story Thus Far (optional)

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