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(PP-F2) This Rocks! <<BtU>>

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His waiting finally paid off. From the staircase leading up to the Dojo, Husky saw four players. Two girls walking in front, one with a very unique shade of purple, clinging onto the hand of the other girl with the hair of cream white, signify them as a couple. The girls seemed lively and energetic, almost too energetic for his taste, but still, can't judge a book by its cover. Behind them was a man, relatively tall, but with no equipment beside of his long basic sword, a new person who has just begin adventuring. In the far back was a girl of crimson red hair, wearing the traditional Japanese girl's school uniform in most anime he had seen. Although she does have an impressive body, there were something in her eyes. She have a pair of sharp and quick eyes, as if of a feline, or a cougar, definitely a dangerous person, someone he should keep an eye out for.

"Ah! Hello. You must be Hakai. I received your message for help with the <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> quest. The boulder is located in the back." Husky spoke, replied to the girl of violet hair, mistaken her for the real Hakai, which was the girl she was clinging on to. "The master is in the dojo. Once you've taken the quest, meet me in the back area, where the boulder is located. I'll help you out on the quest." Husky replied to the girl, before walking to the back area. 

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Solaire hiked up the mountain with the small party and was just about as surprised as everyone else to see someone already waiting for them. He noticed the subtle inspection of the crew and suddenly felt weak in his lack of true armour and weaponry. He stood tall though and did not let himself seem weaker than he already looked. As the man addressed the purple haired one Solaire felt a twinge of pity for the man since he had addressed the wrong person and probably made a fool out of himself to the others. With a shrug he took brisk steps past the purple haired woman and Hakai, addressing Hakai as he walked past. "I will go on ahead to the boulder and wait for you as well." With that, he finished the trek up the mountain and went into the back area, following Husky to the large boulder. His first impression of the rock, massive. It seemed far too big for anyone one man to break on his own. This could easily take just short of forever if taken lightly. With the boulder inspected he went to it and sat, waiting for the party leader to come and say to begin.

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(OOC: Interjecting in the post order so we can get started)

Hakai gave Huskey and Giant a nod before heading into the dojo. She wasnt looking forwards to punching this rock, especially without her claws or anything to protect her hands with.  She question quickly accepted the quest from the sensei of the dojo and made her way back to the giant rock. She paused,  staring at it. They had to punch this thing till it broke? That was crazy, they would be at this forever. She sighed. She really needed this skill though. At least she had brought friends. She raised her fist and swung it at the rock, pulling back at the last se ond, fearful that it would hurt.

 ID# 60047 results:

 Battle: 1

Hakai: Energy- 13/14 (-2+1)
Crimsa: Energy- 6/6
Sierra: -N/A-
Husky: -N/A-
Giant Dad: -N/A-

BOULDER: 50/50

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((Forgot about the Whiskers :p))

Having collected her gift from the purple haired girl Crimsa's mood had significantly increased, maybe she would actually buy something from a shop today instead of swiping it?...or simply go for a drink...that sounded more reasonable on her end. Following the small group the woman nearly had missed the new addition of another man, one that bared a similar warrior like appearance to...what was his name again? Big Daddy?. That was quite perverted...how did she not catch that before?. Shrugging she set her gaze to their objective. 

"So we're suppossed to break that?." examining it for any cracks or vulnerability, but it seemed almost flawless. "Well...might as well give it a shot myse-" her words forming into a surprised yelp as a swift blur of black ink splattered across her face, in the design of whiskers. Upon seeing an old man Crimsa frowned and shot a sapphire glare towards the perpetrator. "You mind explaining what THAT was about?" she asked, more mad that the old man hadn't warned her and the fact she didn't even realize he was there. 

ID# 60254 results: Battle: 1 Miss. Craft: 10 Loot: 15 MOB: 5

[[Please log energy usage.]]

Hakai: Energy- 13/14 
Crimsa: Energy- 5/6 (-2+1 Energy)
Sierra: -N/A-
Husky: -N/A-
Giant Dad: -N/A-

BOULDER: 50/50

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Sierra looked down to the rock and then back to the other two girls who had already messed up their chances, Crimsa's little spat toward the older gentleman causing her to roll her eyes. A bit taken back she then approached glancing to the others including the newest member @Husky whom seemed to be the most well suited for such a quest and seemed to be the only one who wouldn't embarrass himself. As she looked it up and down she then gave a sturdy punch that slammed into the rock's side she winced before looking down and realizing there was no pain. Along with it though was the issue still at hand the rock stood still like epitaph to the three's great failure of being incapable of even defeating a boulder. Her head hung low in shame she now slid back giving someone else a go as she realized this wasn't going to end any time soon.

Without warning the old coot then slid over and dabbed ink across Sierra's face causing a blank inky whisker of a disgruntled mountain lion on her expression as she now scowled at him. "The heck is this all about! First her now me are you one of the pervy old NPC's!"

Hakai: Energy- 13/14 
Crimsa: Energy- 5/6 (-2+1 Energy)
Sierra: -36/36 7/9 (-2)
Husky: -N/A-
Giant Dad: -N/A-

BOULDER: 50/50

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Seeing most of the players revert their aggression toward the NPC, Husky had no choice to get in between. "Now now.... Let's not avert your aggression toward the NPCs. All we have to do, is break the boulder, and the ink will automatic went away." Husky spoke, walked in between the the way between Pierra, Crimsa  and the Old Master NPC. "Beside, even if you're complaining, these people has been programmed the way they are, and I doubt you can do anything to change that, so we might as well just focus on the objective.

Trying to disperse some tension, Husky returned to the boulder. Opened the inventory menu, the Brunette warrior unequipped his gauntlets and chest piece. "Alright, Give me a moment to get some equipment ready." Husky nodded, equipping the Dragon's Might Gauntlets, and the Dragon's Rejuvenation, increasing his damage.


[- Twin Fangs: 2 Unarmed Damage, 1 Paralysis]
[- Zenith of Aegis: 1 Mitigation, 7 Thorns]

[+ Dragon's Might: 3 Unarmed Damage]
[+ Dragon's Rejuvenation: 2 Recovery]

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Solaire waited by the rock, studying the brunette beside him. He seemed perfectly capable of completing this quest on his own. No matter, though, Solaire would do his best to contribute in any way possible. Finally, he saw the three girls approaching and an old man behind him, presumably the NPC sensei. The NPC was carrying some sort of black paint in his hands which Solaire was incapable of guessing the use of. Solaire bowed to the wizened sensei and watched as the NPC approached, dipping his fingers into the paint. Without complaint he accepted the whiskers, knowing full well that complaining tended only to anger masters and result in more grueling punishments. He turned back to the rock and watched Hakai's fist not land truly on the rock and frowned slightly. This could easily take a while if they could not land damaging blows. He smiled slightly as the redhead complained at the whiskers and not bother attacking the rock. The purple-haired one struck the rock after her partner had and seemed to wince. Then she received the whiskers and started to complain, only causing Solaire to smile a bit more. Feeling that it was his turn Solaire approached the rock and sized up to it, dancing lightly on his feet as he tried to remember his real world training in unarmed combat. After he took a stance he threw his fist forward and felt the full force of his weight land behind the blow. The rock stood resilient though and Solaire realized that flimsy punches anywhere on the rock would not do. The core was probably the place to punch since blows on the edge of the boulder would do little to affect the integrity of the large rock.

ID#60429   BD:5  Miss

Hakai: Energy- 13/14 
Crimsa: Energy- 5/6
Sierra: -36/36 7/9
Husky: -N/A-
Giant Dad: 0/1 (-2)

BOULDER: 50/50

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Hakai swung a fist at the rock again, her fist colliding with it. Still, the boulders health meter didnt seem to drop at all. This wasnt going well. At this rate they would never break the rock. She hoped that some sort of miracle would happen and one of them would magically be able to break it in one hit the next time they tried. Somehow she doubted it though. This was certainly going to be a long and boring quest. She almost wished that she didnt need the skill for her build.

ID# 60438 results:

Battle: 1

Hakai: Energy- 12/14 
Crimsa: Energy- 5/6
Sierra: -36/36 7/9
Husky: -N/A-
Giant Dad: 0/1 (-2)

BOULDER: 50/50

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Sending the glare to the boy who had taken to stepping in between her and the old man Crimsa's glare shot towards him. "Pardon me, but NPCs are suppossed to have a dialogue about your objective. Not get off on painting whiskers on women, god I'm not some Japanese furry or some weird sh** like that." she growled as she placed her hands on the ink that had instantly dried to her cheeks. her husband would get a kick out of this if he was here... Not being able to afford another second to indulging fools the Crimson Devil turned and faced the boulder, there wasn't even a mark on it yet. Should she strike it first? or wait and take advantage of weaknesses shown when another does harm it?  

Letting out a sigh the woman pulled back her arm and stepped forward, slamming her fist into the boulder's center causing a small web of cracks to spread just past her fist. "so now that I've started can we please hurry and get this over with? I'm allergic to people with an IQ lower than my own. Meaning all of you." she insulted harshly with a smirk, while didn't truthfully meant the jab she hoped it would be enough to anger people enough to start actually hurting the thing. Stepping to the side she let out a petite, and obviously faked. Sneeze. "oh no, I'm starting to have a reaction." she giggled as she once again prodded her party.

ID# 60601 results: Battle: 6 Craft: 9 Loot: 6 MOB: 6

Hakai: Energy- 12/14 
Crimsa: Energy- 5/6 -1
Sierra: -36/36 7/9
Husky: -N/A-
Giant Dad: 0/1 

BOULDER: 49/50

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Sierra glared at the NPC who had ruined her beautiful expression with the dabs of ink that now made her look like a feline just as the Crimson red head did. Sierra looked over hearing Crimsa's little rant she was far vocal then she was wishing to be on this comment as Sierra's face lit up red from the remark of being some sorta furry fetish. Her fist now slammed directly into the rock chipping off a piece of it as she now looked over to Crimsa. "Will you just shut up already you stuck up witch," Sierra shouted now glaring over and approaching Crimsa quite quickly as she now had her face a mere inch away form the Scarlet Devil.

ID# 60661  results: Battle: 10 Craft: 9 Loot: 7 MOB: 1 Crit 2 damage

Hakai: Energy- 12/14 
Crimsa: Energy- 5/6 -1
Sierra: -36/36 6/9
Husky: -N/A-
Giant Dad: 0/1 

BOULDER: 47/50

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Just as Husky was done with equipping his gear and was ready to attack, the brunette head the commotions started once again, this time the crimson haired girl was picking up a fight with the other members of the group. Letting out a sigh, Husky got in between of the purple haired girl, and the girl of crimson red. "That's enough now. We all have our demons, so why don't we all just get along, and help each other break the boulder. I'm sure that nobody wanted to prolong this quest any more than it have to." Once again, the warrior tried to disperse the aggression between everyone toward each other. "So it's one of those day, huh..." Husky asked himself, turning his face to the Crimsa behind his back.

"Now, that wasn't a very nice thing to say to your teammates now, does it?" He scowled, looking at the girl. "You know, if you're not feeling it, you can always leave." With those words, he faced toward the boulder. Letting out a sigh, Husky stepped up and charged his sword art. Until the Dragon's Might is glowing bright red, He charged forward. Throwing a series of punches, five connected through the boulder, all created a small web of cracks along the surface of the large rock. The final punch create a large crack in the middle, spreading across the whole thing. 


ID: 60682

BD: 6+1=7
CD: 12 [Recovery Success]

Hakai: 56/56 HP | 12/14 EN
Crimsa: 24/24 HP | 5/6 EN
Sierra: -36/36 HP | 6/9 EN
Husky: 56/56 HP | 8/14 EN 
Giant Dad: 4/4 HP| 0/1 EN

BOULDER: 13/50 ( -( 7 x Five Sword: 5x1) = -35 DMG)

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Solaire watched as the small party seemed to dissolve into chaos. The red head seemed absolutely furious over the whiskers and was belittling the group over one punch that, when inspected closer, really had not dealt too much damage at all. Her insults had been childish and held no merit, not bothering Solaire in the slightest. The party leader, Hakai, seemed to be in absolute distress over the fact such little damage had been done. And the purple-headed one seemed irritated by the red-head and slammed her fist into the rock to do some damage. Then the brunette broke up the small flare of anger and Solaire admired him for that, especially when he showed his strength and slammed his fist into the rock quickly multiple times, the boulder's health dropping significantly. Solaire nodded and stepped forward, deciding to take another attempt at hitting the rock. He seemed to not quite grasp the concept behind the rock hitting though because once again, his fist skidded across the surface of the rock and dealt no damage.

ID:60701   BD:3  Miss

Hakai: 56/56 HP | 12/14 EN
Crimsa: 24/24 HP | 5/6 EN
Sierra: -36/36 HP | 6/9 EN
Husky: 56/56 HP | 8/14 EN 
Giant Dad: 4/4 HP| 0/1 EN

BOULDER: 13/50

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Hakai glanced over at the red head, glaring. What she had said was incredibly rude and also completely uncalled for. "Im sorry, but your insulting everyone doesnt do anything but alienate yourself from the rest of us. If your so allergic I would recommend leaving." She said calmly before turning back to the boulder and hitting it right where most of the cracks were. It didnt do much, but the health bar ticked down a bit. Thank goodness for the player they had met up with here though... the boulder was almost broken thanks to him.

 ID# 60716 results:

 Battle: 7 Hit

Hakai: 56/56 HP | 12/14 EN
Crimsa: 24/24 HP | 5/6 EN
Sierra: -36/36 HP | 6/9 EN
Husky: 56/56 HP | 8/14 EN 
Giant Dad: 4/4 HP| 0/1 EN

BOULDER: 12/50

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Rolling her eyes as everyone attacked her Crimsa walked past the purple haired girl, not giving her a shred of attention. "That was the whole point." She stated a bit annoyed that she had to actually explain her reasoning. "If people weren't angry or annoyed they wouldn't of had a greater desire to strike the rock." She gestured to the crumbling stone as she explained. "The more you desire to do something the more likely you'll succeed in doing it, this task required a touch of evil. So I obliged..." Giving a once over the group she gave a soft chuckle and placed a hand to her forehead. "And clearly none of you were planning to play that part."

ID# 60718 results: Battle: 4 Craft: 2 Loot: 14 MOB: 5

Hakai: 56/56 HP | 12/14 EN
Crimsa: 24/24 HP | 4/6 EN
Sierra: 36/36 HP | 6/9 EN
Husky: 56/56 HP | 8/14 EN 
Giant Dad: 4/4 HP| 0/1 EN

BOULDER: 12/50

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Sierra scowled at her now glancing back to her wife whom thankfully seemed to also have a bit of an issue with the scarlet haired witch. Sierra now glared angrily toward her contemplating whether or not she should just strike her down or not. Sierra listened, awkwardly what she said seemed to make a bit of sense as they were getting more successful hits upon the rock and at this rate it would probably shatter in no time. Sierra massaged her knuckles before huffing and walking away from the group before peering back to the rock. As she now charged her fist smashed again into the boulder as she laughed smirking as she turned back to the group after her hit. "She is right about one thing just think of it as her face and you should keep hitting it."

ID# 60728 results: Battle: 9 Craft: 4 Loot: 6 MOB: 7

Hakai: 56/56 HP | 12/14 EN
Crimsa: 24/24 HP | 4/6 EN
Sierra: 36/36 HP | 5/9 EN
Husky: 56/56 HP | 8/14 EN 
Giant Dad: 4/4 HP| 0/1 EN

BOULDER: 11/50

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OOC: Forgot to put the link in while rolling, so I had to re-roll. Also, I fixed the Damage on Sierra post. She deal 2 damage because she crit

Although Husky disapprove with Crimsa's method, he had to admit that she did get his blood boil. Standing still for a quick analysis, he see the crimson haired girl as someone who would not mind to avert the heat all to herself, all for reaching her goal, a risk taker. Shaking his head, Husky reverted his attention back to the large boulder. Seeing that the boulder health is low enough, he wouldn't need to use any sword art, since the one who took the quest has to break the boulder for the task to be completed. Raised his hand up, and waited until the gauntlets on his hand turned glowing red, Husky lunged forward and gave the boulder a heavy jab. The crack across the boulder can be visually see growing larger and larger. The health of the boulder has dropped significantly low, and it wouldn't be long until the thing is destroyed. 


ID: 60736

BD: 6+1=7
CD: 7 [Recovery success]

Hakai: 56/56 HP | 12/14 EN
Crimsa: 24/24 HP | 4/6 EN
Sierra: 36/36 HP | 5/9 EN
Husky: 56/56 HP | 10/14 EN 
Giant Dad: 4/4 HP| 0/1 EN


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Solaire watched the dispute between the three girls grow to the climax with the red-head admitting it was all a facade for the sake of infuriating everyone to make them strike harder. This sort of tactic disgusted him and in no way represented the chivalrous mentality that he held. He saw them as knights and knights should not have had to resort to such underhanded tactics to accomplish a task. As Solaire walked up to the rock, preparing a stance to throw a punch, he spoke his mind. "In my experience, an army or group of any soldiers works best when united. Give them a cause, whether it be gold, God, or glory, soldiers fight best united." Solaire through his fist forward and landed a solid punch, spreading the web of cracks even further and he backed off. "We are all soldiers here, soldiers in a perpetual war against this evil world. Disunion as you have caused, Lady Crimsa, that will only hurt in the long run, even if it gives a momentary boost." He turned to Hakai and looked her in the eyes. "If you would not mind, Lady Hakai. I believe one more punch would finish off this boulder." Solaire then took his place at the back of the group and waited for the rock to crumble beneath someone's fist.

ID#60751    BD:9    Base 1 + Crit 1 = 2 DMG to Boulder

Hakai: 56/56 HP | 12/14 EN
Crimsa: 24/24 HP | 4/6 EN
Sierra: 36/36 HP | 5/9 EN
Husky: 56/56 HP | 10/14 EN 
Giant Dad: 4/4 HP| 0/1 EN


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Hakai looked over at Crimsa again. "Making us angry at you will do nothing to motivate us to punch this rock, only to punch you." she explained before Taking Giant up on his offer to let her finish the boulder off as this was her quest. She walked a little bit closer and slammed her fist into the rock once again. The rock almost immediately shattered, crumbling into a pile of small rocks and pebbles. At the same time she noticed the paint on everyone's faces dissapear. This quest had gone a lot more smoothly than she had anticipated, mostly thanks to the last player that had joined them. "Well, that's that." She stated. Now she just needed skill points to actually invest in the skill.

 ID# 60754 results:

 Battle: 7

Hakai: 56/56 HP | 12/14 EN [-1 EN +1 EN]
Crimsa: 24/24 HP | 4/6 EN
Sierra: 36/36 HP | 5/9 EN
Husky: 56/56 HP | 10/14 EN 
Giant Dad: 4/4 HP| 0/1 EN


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"Oh?" giving a sideways glance to the other female, the one she was starting to have toying with. Crimsa's expression twisted into one of slyness as she spoke. "Sorry to break it to you sweetie, but the only one here with a complexion like that is you." Walking past the boulder she felt somewhat happy by antagonizing the purple haired girl. All the others had boring reactions, but this one was feeding her. Good timing as this devil was starting to feel a bit famished. her sapphire gaze setting to Hakai, she only gave a half cocked smile. "You may try to punch me, but...as big boyo over here said. An army must be united, while I think his wording was a bit too theatrical for my tastes it only proved that what I did worked." gesturing to the now shattered boulder she turned and started walking away. "United, you all to fight. As too who had yet to be seen, but the only here that wasn't among you...was me. So enjoy the gift I've given you all, for now I have some servants to command. Ta-ta!" She waved goodbye blowing a kiss towards the Pink haired hottie.

-Crimsa has left the thread.

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Sierra now glared at the red head, as she thought that girl was now flirting with death as she was cracking her knuckles angrily from such actions toward her wife. "Frankly dearie I'm gonna kill that girl myself if she doesn't stop making those romantic gestures toward you." Growling and pouting as her arms were locked about her limbs. "That is no way to treat a married couple let alone when we are all around here." Growling as she now began to fiddle with her own sword plotting to go after her. "I'll be right back! Where are you going!"

-leaves thread chasing.

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