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[PP-F7] Went to the Dr I have a <<Case of Wurms>> (Takao)

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Setting down his pint of lager, the Dragoon raised his head, his long golden locks drifted forward over his shoulder. Reaching up with his hand he pulled back the hair and continued to open his menu. He had heard the recent rumors of the newer field bosses that had become available with the newest update but hadnt yet ventured out to dispatch the beasts. "Guess I should hit him up." he stated as he scrolled through to the private messenger, settling on his comrade Takao he began typing... 


Hey @Takao, Was gonna take on the new field boss on floor 7. Wanna back me up then go find a sub dungeon? I'll meet you at the central plaza in Nimbus.

Hitting send, he stood from his chair and looked over to his mentor Raise. "I'll see you later big guy. Don't have too much fun!" He commented as he began walking out of the pub. Opening the door, he nodded to the bartender before venturing onward to the teleport gate. 

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Takao passed through the seventh floor's warp gate after receiving the private message from Lawfer. He swiftly descended the platform's staircase and delved into Nimbus' central plaza, jade eyes scanning the scarce crowd in search for the familiar face. It seemed that they'd be doing what they typically did when they partied up. Taking out a quest boss, and looking for a dungeon that just so happened to be conveniently located nearby. If luck would have it, their venture through the seventh floor would be fruitful for both of them. If not, at least his time wouldn't be totally wasted. After spotting Lawfer loitering around the plaza, Takao approached him with a hand raised in greeting. "'ey Lawf."

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Looking up, the words of the dungeon diver caught his attention. Raising his hand, he gestured a slight wave before standing. "Hey Tak. You ready to get this show on the road?" He asked as he motioned his head towards the main gate of Nimbus. He appreciated the time that Takao had taken in helping him power-level, but by now offering gratitude for the swordsman help seemed too repetitive. "I'm sure you've already taken care of this guy before... But is there anything I should be aware of? The last time we fought a field boss, the Lich messed me up pretty bad." He joked recalling how the Lich dropped him past the half HP. It wasn't a particularly fond moment in his opinion, he was too eager to be of any relevance and suffered the consequences "Or is this guy a bit of a push over?"

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"Yeah, let's get movin'." Takao said, already moving toward Nimbus' main gate following the motion of Lawfer's head. Before long, the expected casual conversation that would carry them through the boring portion of traversing the floor's wilderness in search of the boss occurred, and Takao initially responded with a shrug. Taking out the three quest bosses that seemed to sprout out overnight had been at the top of his priority list that day, as keeping on top of quests was a large part of his progress. "Nothin' really that important. It drops your evasion and accuracy ratings a little bit, but it'll be dead before that's even a problem. It's not anywhere close to the Lich."

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The spearman had nodded to Takao's answer. "Well then this should be a walk in the park." He responded back, as they began ascending the mountain path. The path wasn't particularly difficult given how strong his virtual body had become, but it still wasted precious time that could be spent on other ventures. "You would think that there would be a faster way to travel by now. Horses... or maybe an NPC rickshaw. That would be entertaining to say the least." He finished as he let out a light chuckle. Passing the time was strenuous if there weren't any good talking points, and Lawfer was more reactionary in that regard, raising his right hand he opened his interface to check the map. "Tak, was there ever a time in Aincrad that you had a difficult time with these field bosses?"

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"There're horses on the first floor, actually. You can rent 'em from some place out in the boonies, but they require a high riding skill and they're needlessly expensive, so it ends up being easier to just walk." Takao responded, imparting a rather useless nugget of information unto Lawfer. Mounts had been advertised in one of the many trailers for the game, yet their presence in practice was entirely negligible. They certainly did what they were advertised to do, which was provide fast transport, but the means in which they did so were much more trouble than they were worth. When the question of field bosses arose, Takao scratched his jawline for a minute. "Tagas gave me some trouble. I didn't realize it was a quest when I stumbled on it, so I ended up fighting him in his full corruption form. I don't think he's a field boss though, actually." Takao said, shrugging slightly. "I nearly died to Cerberus back in the day, I had a bad habit of soloing things I shouldn't have back then... or, well. Still do, I 'spose."

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"Is that right?" Lawfer asked rhetorically, as he thought back to the vast first floor and how he recalled seeing horses but never went through the trouble of figuring out what they were for. As the two continued to push on through the mountain trail, he listened as Takao recounted his close calls. "Well even if you can keep soloing the big guys, let me know in the future if you need back up. After this quest i'll be one of the best healers in the game, so it couldn't hurt." the blond stated as he smirked. Looking up into the vast, cloud covered sky, a slight breeze passed by. "This is some of the better weather I have experienced on this floor."

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"If it's somethin' I plan ahead for, I'll let you know. I just end up stumblin' across them most of the time, like these few new ones we're doin' now. They were near some dungeons I was goin' through, so I figured I'd do them while I was out." He said, shrugging slightly at the notion. It was a risky game that he played, and he hadn't even a semblance of good enough reason to be doing it. More often than not it was a matter of convenience. Waiting on somebody, worrying for their well-being, swapping his tactics to accommodate the addition of another person fighting alongside him, it was all taxing in some way or another. It required energy he just wasn't able to expend, so the only time he found himself socializing were at mandatory outings such as the boss raids or meeting, or the odd quest accompanying. "Weather, eh? I figured we were far enough into the conversation to avoid small talk."

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Chuckling slightly, the blonde turned his head. "Small talk is underrated. There should always be a bit of it." He jested back at the brunette as he looked forward down the beaten path. At this point, the two had completed countless quests and dungeons but the spearman still hadn't received much of a tell in his companion. For the most part, he seemed like a monotone lone-wolf who really only enjoyed his own company. "On a side note, have you heard of the pub that showed up out in the boondocks of floor 5? Apparently its past the large Oasis to the far north of Armadillo. After we finish up our run here, wanna head down there and check it out? I'm sure they have some special kind of booze there considering its kind of random."

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"A pub?" Takao parroted, his attention shifting to Lawfer. Quests and dungeons often appeared out of nowhere, but seldom did something like a building or NPC facility. Cardinal had the ability to spawn and destroy things as it saw fit so it made perfect sense that such a thing would be possible, yet no less out of the ordinary, and Takao was definitely in the business of exploring the abnormal. "Sounds like fun. I'm down." He said. As they progressed further into the seventh floor, the soil beneath their feet slowly began to turn to sand. Takao's gaze lifted from the ground and set about scanning their surroundings, which were becoming more desolate and barren as they continued onward. "Looks like this thing should be around here. Get ready for it to jump out at'cha from the sand."

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"Got it." Lawfer commented in response to his partners claims to be weary of the upcoming field boss. As the two pushed forward through the barren landscape. The blonde noticed the shifting sand in front of them. "Right on que." escaped his lips in a monotone fashion, one he had adopted to joke with Takao, unaware if he would pick up on it or not. Lowering his stance, the two-ended Highwind materialized in the Dragoons hand. In an eruption of sand the giant wurm made his grand introduction. Having activated <Charge>in that moment, Lawfer closed distance quickly and unleashed <Dimension Stampede>. Five quick stabs caught the Wurm in the guy, follwed by a leaping slam that smashed down on the exposed head. 

As the wurm lashed back with its head that just bounced off the sand, the dragoon circled right causing it to severely miss. "Well I think its ready to be put to sleep Tak!"

BD: 10+3-1= 12 +2DMG
MD: 3+1=4 Miss
SA Used: Dimension Stampede -10EN l 12+3+2= 16x10= 160DMG-45= 115DMG

Lawfer: 144/144  27/36 EN (-10/+1)
Takao: ???

Amphis Serpens: 60/175

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"Hurr hurr," Takao laughed lightheartedly and rolls his eyes, his tone filled with sarcasm at Lawfer's monotonous mocking. "Wise guy over 'ere." He continued, just in time for Lawfer to engage the monster that burst from the shifting sands beneath them. As was usually the case with the quest bosses they faced, Lawfer initiated the battle and Takao followed closely behind. Seven quick thrusts penetrated the monster and sent it over the edge, reducing its health gauge to zilch. It burst into fragments of data a second later, and Takao rested his sword upon his shoulder. "That was easy enough. Ready to find that dungeon?"

ID: 61092
BD: 2 + 3(ACC) + 1(Concentration, 5/5)

Takao: 257/257 (56/63) (-7)
Sword Art: «Deadly Sins»
Damage: 13(Base) + 5(Charge) = 18 * 7(SA) = 126 DMG

Amphis Serpens: 0/175 (126 - 45(MIT) = -81HP)

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As the two headed serpent burst into blue pixels, the dragoon simply chuckled. "Easy enough." He stated with a quick smirk, only to have his attention drawn back to Takao and his question. "You know me! Always ready to find a dungeon.... Well always ready to have you find a dungeon, my aptitude for that isn't quite there yet." He finished as another chuckle followed his comments. Spinning his spear in his right hand, he slung the strap over his shoulder and followed the brunette. "After a few more of these dungeon dives I may just be able to rival you in damage with that sword of yours." He joked as he raised his right hand to check their location. "So where are we headed?"

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"You're mockin' me again, I know it." Takao said, returning the smirk with one of his own as well as a dismissive shake of his head. It had become apparent to him that in his self-enforced solitude, he had become something of a grouch. That type of behaviour wasn't common to him, although he couldn't exactly compare his experiences up until this point to what had happened in the game. People had died and he felt some guilt over it, especially knowing that he had unknowingly supplied the consumables that made it happen. Surely they would have found somebody else if he had turned them away, but that train of thought did little to quell the notion. However, he was a naturally sociable person, and a bit of casual interaction was doing wonders. "It'll be up north a bit, shouldn't take too long to find it." He said, gesturing in the direction they'd be heading before starting off.

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"Not intentionally this time." The blonde jested as he let out a quick chuckle. "Just trying to get you to lighten up a bit. I know a lot has happened so far, but this is still a game... Sure a game doesn't typically end in such finalities, but there are some things to enjoy about this place.... Like the lovely elves on the third floor, and the voluptuous amazons on the 6th floor, and the cute NPC waitress at the 7th Heaven Pub in Urbus. Or the cute waitress at the pub on the 11th floor, and also...." Lawfer stopped for a moment to let it sink in. "Lets just face it... We are kinda spoiled with all the cute NPC girls that flock to us just wanting our.... col." Finishing his statement, he waited for a response after the indicated directions. There wasn't much more time before reaching the destination, and as such Lawfer pulled down his half visor and followed the teen.

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"Guess they're not too bad to look at, but NPC women don't really do anythin' for me." Takao admitted with a shrug. He was deeply rooted with reality, and it seemed that regardless of how much time he spent in their digital prison, he just couldn't find anything particularly interesting in the NPCs. They were all just data to him, programs that he couldn't become invested in. Some better looking than others of course, that much he couldn't deny, but still not something that enraptured his attention in the way that they seemed to enrapture Lawfer's.

A short walk in the aforementioned heading had lead them to an odd section of the floor, where simulated erosion had created a forest of tall rocky outcroppings. As the two made their way through the labyrinth of stone pillars, Takao noted the entrance of the dungeon behind a large slab of stone, which he pushed aside. "Bingo, we got one!"

- -

Advanced Dungeon located.

ID :: 61169
LD :: 23
(10(LD) + 5(S&D) + 3(HoM) + 2(Reveal) + 1(Detect) + 2(Vitamins))

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A slight chuckle escaped his lips, he didn't think his joke would get too much of a response but low and behold he got a little more than he thought he would. "Yeah but you can never have too much eye candy... even if they are fake... its like breast implants. They may be silicon... but they are still awesome." He retorted, with a slight smirk. As the master scout found yet another dungeon, the Blonde smiled. "I'll take first wave...." he stated as he pushed off of his back foot and began sprinting to the lower level of the dungeon. A blue hue illuminated the first room, as four vipers sprang up. Each with a bright blue scales, that pinpointed their position. In his classic fashion of mixing his charge with a sword art, he slashed the mobs in pieces before they had a chance to counter. "First room clear!"

ID: 61249
BD: 8+3= 11
MD: dead

Lawfer: 140/140 l 28/35 (-8/+1) l SA Used: Hellish Twice: - 8EN l 12+3= 15*4= 60AOE

Thunder viper: 0/28 l 7 Mit
Thunder viper: 0/28 l 7 Mit
Thunder viper: 0/28 l 7 Mit
Thunder viper: 0/28 l 7 Mit

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"Well, yeah, but those are still like... they're still real, y'know? Everything here is fake. It's like getting attached to a video game character." Takao said as he followed alongside Lawfer, gesturing with his hands unnecessarily to emphasis his words. It was a habit he'd picked up somewhere along the line, given that he was an expressive person by nature. As Lawfer engaged the first four monsters to appear, Takao momentarily refocused on destroying the next group that appeared alongside him. "Well, that's exactly what it's like. I bet people thought the same thing when they looked at those old polygonal video game chicks from the like... PS1 era."

ID: 61384
BD: 10 + 3(ACC)

Takao: 257/257 (60/64) (-4)
Sword Art: «Deadly Sins»
Damage: 13(Base) + 5(Charge) = 18 * 2(SA) = 36 DMG

Thunder Viper: 0/28 (36 - 7(MIT) = -29HP)
Thunder Viper: 0/28 (36 - 7(MIT) = -29HP)
Thunder Viper: 0/28 (36 - 7(MIT) = -29HP)
Thunder Viper: 0/28 (36 - 7(MIT) = -29HP)

7 Remaining

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"Yeah you make a point... But ill worry about that after our life returns to normal. Nothing wrong with digital eye candy when you are digital yourself." He finished with a loud bellowing laugh, before he caught glimpse of the 3rd wave of vipers. "I got these little ones..." He stated as he charged forward and with two slashes, dispatched the reptilian foes. "Thankfully these little guys fall easy." He commented as he stretched his right arm across his chest. "Should have only a few more before the boss."

ID: 61403
BD: 9+3= +1Crit DMG
MD: dead
LD: 17= +4 Mats

Lawfer: 140/140 l 21/35 (-8/+1) l SA Used: Hellish Twice: - 8EN l 12+3+1= 16*4= 64AOE

Thunder viper: 0/28 l 7 Mit
Thunder viper: 0/28 l 7 Mit
Thunder viper: 0/28 l 7 Mit
Thunder viper: 0/28 l 7 Mit

Total Loot: +4 Mats, <<Snake Venom>>

Mobs Remaining 3/15

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"Ah well, t'each their own. I'm not gonna judge somebody for what they find interesting." Takao said, a shrug rolling across his shoulders as he continued alongside Lawfer, who engaged one of the last two remaining groups. Whilst Lawfer finished off his four, Takao initiated combat with the remnants of the dungeon's forces, and wiped out the last group before the boss room with a few well-placed cuts. "Sure does make it easy when they're like this." Takao said as he pulled his blade from the wriggling body of the last viper, who subsequently burst into data fragments a mere second later. "Right then, boss time."

ID: 61423
BD: 9 + 3(ACC)

Takao: 257/257 (57/64) (+1/-4)
Sword Art: «Rage Spike»
Damage: 13(Base) + 5(Charge) = 18 * 2(SA) = 36 DMG

Thunder Viper: 0/28 (36 - 7(MIT) = -29HP)
Thunder Viper: 0/28 (36 - 7(MIT) = -29HP)
Thunder Viper: 0/28 (36 - 7(MIT) = -29HP)
Thunder Viper: 0/28 (36 - 7(MIT) = -29HP)

0 Remaining

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