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[SP-F4] Coldcocked by a Boss, Literally <<Avalanche>> .:COMPLETE:.

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Nathan pulled his leather coat a little tighter over him, the cold eating through it nonetheless. Out of all the floors he had visited, this was probably his least favourite. Of course, in general he did not like the cold. The heat, one could just drink a lot of water and be fine. The cold though, you needed fire or more clothes, and those could only do so much to help some one. He had to be here though, he was tackling yet another quest and sadly it was on this floor. Some sort of ice monster, Avalanche he believed the quest to be called. A suitable name for a quest that was on such a cold floor. He wondered what exactly this beast would be, his mind drawing up images of ice dragons and such. First though, he had to get there. He smiled a little and began walking out of Snowfrost Town and out into the bitter freezing cold of the ice plains.

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Nathan walked out into the icy plains, clutching his clothing and armour as close to him as he possibly could to try and fight the bitter cold. It was horrible how miserable it was out here. His feet were numb from trudging through the ice and snow, his arms numb from the freezing wind, he was not sure at all that he had a nose or ears anymore. Everything was just so cold and numb, everything was hurting horribly. He sighed, his breath misty on the cold air, and trudged on. This was going to be one really annoying quest if he could not stop complaining about the cold. In a few minutes it would just be a bit worse when he had to fight a monster centered completely around the element of ice and how cold it was. He delved deeper into the plains, the tundra expanding all around him.

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As the Tundra closed around him Nathan started to look around for monsters, he figured it would be similar to the wasp quest. There were probably a few lesser monsters he would have to kill before he would be able to even get a look at the true field boss. After walking a few kilometres, a few serpent like mobs came into the sight of a Nathan. They were slithering around in the sky, a trait Nathan would normally not have attributed to such mobs. As he walked closer he observed their movements. They seemed to almost swim through the air and there turned out to be a variety of the beings, assuming they were all the same. There were different looking animals, some snakes, some bears, and other animals. They were all made of ice though, a characteristic which bound them all together. The ice looked exactly the same, the mist which came off of it looked exactly the same; therefore, Nathan assumed they were the same mob just with different skins. Nathan nodded and began to approach the tundra fields where the ice monsters resided.

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As Nathan approached he began to see another type of these monsters, huge hulking beasts of ice. Compared to these beasts, all the other mobs were insignificant. They ambled around at a slow gait and sometimes just crushed other monsters beneath its heavy feet, showing no care for where it trod. Nathan inspected these and guessed them to be heavy hitters. His intuition said to focus on these monsters, they were the ones that would end up summoning the field boss. The question was, would the lesser mobs end up being a problem... It truly depended on how hard those giants hit. If it were not terribly strong and it were one-shotting those beasts, then there would be no issue. But if two or three of the lesser ones came while he was dealing with the giant and they proved to be formidable... He could see the "You're Dead" sign floating in front of him already. Nathan gathered his resolve and pressed on. He had already walked all the way out here, he might as well do the quest and kill the boss.

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Nathan walked forward and approached one of the few massive ice beasts that were walking across the field, drawing Bloodletter as he walked. When he got close enough he noticed the beast aggro on him and start ambling towards him. The beast shuffled forward and raised its arm, moving very slowly at the moment, and began to attack.


Creius:   47/48 HP    11/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit     ID#60267   BD:8   Base 4 - Mit 6 = 1 DMG to Ice Elemental

Ice Elemental: 09/24 HP   18 DMG   6 Mit                  ID#60267   MD:7   Base 18 - Mit 25 = 1 DMG to Creius   (14 DMG from Thorns)

Nathan walked forward and, when the distance was close, broke out into a run he jumped up and slashed out with his blade, Bloodletter, and caught the Ice Elemental in the face. The Elemental reacted violently, thrashing out its frozen arms wildly, and knocked Nathan back to the ground. The landing knocked the wind out of Nathan but did not feel like it had dealt all that much damage, which was a relief in its own right. Nathan picked himself up off the cold ground and shivered slightly from the cold that had bitten through his armour. Looking up he saw the Ice Elemental  ambling towards him once more.


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Creius:   46/48 HP    10/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit     ID#60276   BD:2   Miss        LD:12   120 Col

Ice Elemental: -5/24 HP   18 DMG   6 Mit                   ID#60276   MD:6   Base 18 - Mit 25 = 1 DMG to Creius   (14 DMG from Thorns)

Nathan darted forward and tried to thrust Bloodletter into the Elemental but was prohibited by one factor. That factor was solid, cold, and moving at around 5 metres a second. The Ice Elemental's hand suddenly came out of nowhere and side swiped Nathan and he went flying once more. Nathan flew a few metres, his health bar taking a bit more damage from the beast, and landed heavily onto the cold ice. Nathan heard an explosion. Quickly he picked himself off the ground, groaning slightly at the cold that had penetrated his armour. That cold would be the end of him on this quest. Finally, he looked up and saw the pixels dissipating where the Ice Elemental had once been standing. Nathan smiled and sure enough, the small window indicating the material drop and the little Col he had gained.

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Nathan walked towards the group of elementals, looking for his next target. There it was, one lone giant Ice Elemental ambling around. Nathan smiled and started jogging towards the giant. After he jogged a few metres, he quickly approached the Ice Elemental and aggroed it. The beast turned on him and walked forward slowly, its icy arms sitting by its side.


Creius:   46/48 HP    9/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit       ID#60279   BD:1   Miss

Ice Elemental: 24/24 HP   18 DMG   6 Mit                  ID#60279   MD:2   Miss

Nathan ran up to the Ice Elemental and swung out with Bloodletter at the giant beast. He had to pull back on the blow at the last second though because, just like the prior time, the Ice Elemental's large hand started to descend on his small body. Nathan pulled his attack, the blow not even landing, and darted back a few metres. The Ice Elemental's arm crashed into the tundra earth, a huge crashing sound made and a huge cloud of snow shot up. Nathan rocked uneasily on his feet as the earth seemed to shake beneath him.

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Creius:   46/48 HP    8/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit       ID#60281   BD:1   Miss

Ice Elemental: 24/24 HP   18 DMG   6 Mit                  ID#60281   MD:2   Miss

Nathan regained his balance once the earth stopped seeming to shake beneath him. With his balance regained Nathan darted forward and tried to slash out at the Ice Elemental. The Elemental turned its body, its footstep causing the earth to shake once more. Nathan lost his balance once more stumbled forward. After Nathan regained his balance a bit he heard a slight swish in the air and immediately hit the ground. He felt the air above him move as though something really big had just passed over head, it did not take much to figure out what that could have been. Nathan immediately picked himself up, shivering from the cold of the earth.

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Creius:   47/48 HP    9/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit       ID#60282   BD:8   Base 4 - Mit 6 = 1 DMG to Ice Elemental     CD:12 (+2 HP and 1 ENG)

Ice Elemental: 23/24 HP   18 DMG   6 Mit                  ID#60282   MD:9   Base 18 + Crit 1 - Mit 25 = 1 DMG to Creius

After picking himself up Nathan looked up at the looming beast over him. He took Bloodletter and slashed out at the Ice Elemental. The sword cut through the Ice Elemental's leg, leaving behind a red line of pixels on the leg. Nathan let a smile break out on his face, not paying enough attention to the beast itself. The beast raised its arm and then with a quick sweep Nathan got slammed by the arm of ice. The impact shook Nathan down to the bone and he was sent flying, Bloodletter sent after him. Nathan landed with a loud thump and skidded against the icy earth and finally came to a stop a few metres later. Nathan slowly picked himself up and looked for Bloodletter. Seeing it he ran over and picked it up, glad to have the weight back in his hand.

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Creius:   48/48 HP    10/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit       ID#60284   BD:7   Base 4 - Mit 6 = 1 DMG to Ice Elemental     CD:11

Ice Elemental: 22/24 HP   18 DMG   6 Mit                    ID#60284   MD:4   Miss

Nathan looked up at the Ice Elemental and saw that it was now lumbering towards its target, the large mass taking its sweet time to cross the tundra plains. Nathan hurried up the process by sprinting at full speed towards the Elemental, closing the distance between them quickly. The Elemental raised its hand and threw a jab at Nathan, which Nathan then dodged. The punch landed in the earth, shaking the land and causing another cloud of snow to erupt, and Nathan jumped on the Elemental's arm. Nathan ran up the arm then jumped off, bringing Bloodletter across the Elemental's face. When he landed he rolled, picking himself up off the ground and continued running around the Elemental, trying to make himself a harder to hit target.

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Creius:   47/48 HP    9/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit       ID#60286   BD:4     Miss    

Ice Elemental: 22/24 HP   18 DMG   6 Mit                  ID#60286   MD:10   Base 18 + Crit 2 - Mit 25 = 1 DMG to Creius

Nathan kept his eyes on the giant monster of ice and, after running a few circles around the beast, Nathan darted forward, towards the Ice Elemental. Nathan swung his sword out at the Elemental and, right before his sword connect, there was another huge sound. Nathan, as he was sure of many times before, felt certain that he should have cracked a rib or something along those lines. With a humph all of the wind was knocked out of Nathan and he was sent a few metres away. He gripped Bloodletter tightly in his hands as he flew through the air so that he would not lose his hold on the sword, which he felt was his life line. 

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Creius:   48/48 HP    10/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit       ID#60287   BD:8    Base 4 - Mit 6 = 1 DMG to Ice Elemental     CD:10

Ice Elemental: 21/24 HP   18 DMG   6 Mit                  ID#60287   MD:3    Miss

Picking himself off the ground Nathan sighed loudly, the cold eating through his armour and clothing. His health was regenerating faster than the Elemental could deal, making this fight become tedious as he was just being knocked around by the arms of the Ice Elemental. Nathan dusted his clothes and armour off of the snow dust and took Bloodletter in his hand tightly. He charged towards the giant ice monster and dodged the jab of the Ice Elemental, slashing Bloodletter out at the monster's legs and leaving a red line of pixels on its body once more. After landing the blow Nathan darted to the side and out of the Elemental's reach once more.

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Creius:   48/48 HP    9/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit      ID#60288     BD:5+1    Base 4*2 - Mit 6 = 2 DMG to Ice Elemental

Ice Elemental: 19/24 HP   18 DMG   6 Mit                  ID#60288    MD:4       Miss

Nathan closed his eyes as he backed off and tapped into his <<Concentration>> skill, feeling his mind focus a lot more. He opened his eyes and glared at the Ice Elemental. His sword began to glow a bright red and he ran forward. Once more the Ice Elemental threw another punch at Nathan, a punch with Nathan easily dodged. Nathan ran up to the giant monster and jumped up, slashing out with Bloodletter and creating a V on the giant's chest. Nathan then fell to the ground and rolled underneath the giant's legs and stood up, breaking out into a run around the beast.

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Creius:   48/48 HP    9/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit       ID#60289     BD:9      (Base 4 + 1)*2 - Mit 6 = 4 DMG to Ice Elemental (Bleed Applied)  CD:10

Ice Elemental: 15/24 HP   18 DMG   6 Mit                  ID#60289    MD:9      Base 18 + Crit 1 - Mit 25 = 1 DMG to Creius

Nathan kept running around at a full sprint, once again accessing his sword art. Once he reached the front side of the giant monster he ran up to its front and jumped, slashing out with Bloodletter twice in quick succession and leaving a V on the giant's face. The Elemental let out a booming yell and swatted Nathan out of the sky, sending Nathan crashing back to the ground. A huge eruption of snow and frozen dirt flew up above Nathan after he landed on the ground, all of the wind being knocked out of him once more. Once again his health just regenerated the lost health and Nathan almost wanted to roll his eyes, but he was in combat though so he did not.

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Creius:   48/48 HP    9/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit       ID#60291     BD:5      Miss (8 DMG from Bleed)  CD:10

Ice Elemental: 7/24 HP   18 DMG   6 Mit                    ID#60291     MD:2      Miss

Nathan slowly got up, picking himself up even faster once he noticed the Ice Elemental raising its arm. He threw himself out of the way just as the arm began to descend on him. The fist of the Ice Elemental landed in the earth, sending up ice and dirt as a reaction to the shockwave from the force of the punch. Safely out of the way Nathan turned around, seeing the monster raising its arm slowly, and ran as fast as he could. In a flashy cut he tried to catch the arm as it rose but missed the arm due to misjudged distance. Bloodletter sailed underneath the icy arm through the cold air and hit nothing. 

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Creius:   48/48 HP    8/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit       ID#60302     BD:1     Miss (8 DMG from Bleed)    LD:20   120 Col + 1 Bonus Mat

Ice Elemental: -1/24 HP   18 DMG   6 Mit                   ID#60302     MD:3     Miss

Nathan ran forward, passing underneath the giant's arm. He ran the full circle around, planning on going for one final attack on the monster's face or chest. Running around Nathan looked up at the Ice Elemental's health bar and saw it draining slowly, the bleed effect probably going to carry it past zero. Better safe than sorry though, Nathan planned on hitting the beast one last time. Coming around on the front side of the Elemental, Nathan saw a large mass coming towards him. At the last second Nathan realized what it was and dove out of the way. Nathan came out of the dive standing and was about to run towards the Ice Elemental when it froze and shattered into pixels. A small window popped up, indicating a drop of two materials and a bit of Col, a nice reward for such an extended fight.

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Nathan backed away from where he was standing, glad to see that second Ice Elemental fall. With a smile Nathan turned back to the general area where all the other elementals had been and as he turned the entire world shook. He was certain that the people on the floors above and below the fourth floor had felt the earthquake he had just gone through. The shockwave was so bad that it knocked Nathan off his feet and left him lying there, dazed on the cold earth. Once the world stopped shaking Nathan picked himself up off the ground, bent over and picked up Bloodletter, and began to spin in circles as he searched for what had caused such movement. It did not take long to find what it was. About half a kilometre away there was a huge iceberg which the game masters had decided to plop down on the fourth floor at that time. Or, that is what Nathan thought at first before it began moving. Once the mass of ice began moving Nathan took a wild stab and guessed that was the field boss. There was an audible sigh of annoyance, a whole lot of angry emotions flying across his face. That was at least half a hill if not larger, this was going to take quite a while to accomplish. With a final sigh he began sprinting towards the ice mountain and closed that half a kilometre after many seconds.

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When Nathan got within a few hundred metres he began to feel the world shake every so often, presumably the footsteps of the tall monster. It was bound to way just a few thousand pounds with all that pure ice making up its bulk. As Nathan ran closer the shaking got worse, almost to the point where he could lose his balance if he was not careful. He was careful and he closed the rest of the distance, around a hundred metres the boss having aggroed. The boss turned on Nathan and the health bar and name of the red enemy popped up, letting Nathan know this monster was called Avalanche, a fitting name for such a cold quest. Nathan gripped his sword tightly and kept running forward.

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Creius:   48/48 HP    8/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit       ID#60315     BD:9    (Base 4 + Crit 1)*2 = 10 DMG to Avalanche (Bleed Applied)   CD:10

Avalanche:  76/100 HP   24 DMG                               ID#60315     MD:8    Base 24 - Mit 25 = 1 DMG to  Creius (14 DMG from Thorns)

Nathan kept running, the ground becoming more uncertain as he ran forward. Finally, he reached the large beast and he found that his entire world was shaking. The immense size of the monster was resulting in the world around him to simply shake. On top of this, Nathan had no way to actually reach the top of the beast. He was going to have to cut it from the bottom until it either died or it fell down and he could hit it a lot better. He saw the large arms of ice swinging from the side and ran for those. Right as he was underneath them he accessed his sword art system, Bloodletter glowing a blood red now, and he leaped. He jumped as high as he could and as he sailed up to the low hanging arm he slashed out with Bloodletter. The blade cut a large V on the boss' arm and the greater elemental let out a roar. Almost instantly it reacted much the same way the lesser elementals had, by knocking Nathan out of the sky and sending him crashing into the earth. Once again his battle healing skill cleaned up his health for him, his health bar filling back up just as soon as it had dropped.







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Creius:   48/48 HP    7/12 ENG    4 DMG   25 Mit    ID#60320   BD:6    (Base 4)*2 = 8 DMG to Avalanche (8 DMG to Avalanche from Bleed)

Avalanche:  60/100 HP   24 DMG                            ID#60320   MD:2    Miss

Nathan picked himself up out of the neat little crater that Avalanche had punched him into and dusted himself off. He picked up Bloodletter and felt the world shake once more. Looking straight up he saw another fist coming to pound him into Tartarus so he ran. He ran like he had never ran before and he just barely made it. The fist collided with the earth right behind him and knocked Nathan off of his feet. Rolling, Nathan picked himself up and immediately turned around. He ran at the arm that was shoved into the earth and jumped, Bloodletter glowing blood red again and slashed out twice again. The bright red V appeared on the arm once more and Avalanche was obviously unnerved by this blow.

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