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Username: Stray
Real name: goes by “Trinity” or “Trini”, neither are her name
Age: between 18 and 108
Gender: Female
Height: 153 cm





Trinity stands about 5’2 1/2” and is rather curvy for her small build making her seem fuller in shape than she actually is. She’s a round face, long and wavy medium brown hair, dark brown almond shaped eyes, and round cheeks that give her a more youthful appearance than she actually is in age. Busty: one of her favorite physical attributes.


There is little Trinity wishes to reveal about her personal history other than her life up until this point sucked. What she will tell you is that she’d had enough. She hated her family, her job, her life and wanted a fresh start, so she ran away and left everything behind. She withdrew her measly savings (barely enough to purchase a one way ticket to Japan), boarded the plane and didn’t look back. For the past six months, Trini lived and worked in Japan. Currently, she works as a hostess for Club Ren in Tokyo, despite the illegality of her working in such a place.

As for how she ended up in SAO, her hostess bar was holding a promotional party in celebration of the opening day of the game. On a shift break she decided to try out the nerve gear, and found herself stuck in another world she cannot escape from. Up until now she’s been in a deep depression and has often thought about “exiting the game”, but she’s beginning to cycle again and has found herself wanting to die on her feet rather than just give up and give in.

Creative- Trin has an uncanny ability to think outside the box. Her imaginative thought process leads the woman to be resourceful and flexible in her planning. In the real world she found herself in the middle of many artistic endeavors: she loved to bake, sew, pretty much anything that would keep her hands and mind busy. It was thes projects she would work on during her long sleepless nights.

Street-Smart- Growing up in the way she did, in the world she did, made Trini learn some hard,fast lessons in her life which has given her the ability to navigate through any environment, including seedy ones. Her world-savvy has given her the ability to trust her first instincts and make quick decisions that have kept her out of much trouble throughout her life. While laying low in SAO she’s managed to stay off the radar and keep alive all while keeping herself feed and bumming about finding safe places for her to rest when she actually tires out.

Resolute- When Trini makes a decision, she will carry it through until the end. She’s the sort to keep a promise and do everything she can in her power to make things happen. Part of the reason she never gives into her darker sad nature is because she is determined to see her life through to prove to herself that maybe, just maybe her entire existence isn’t a complete waste. 


Neurotic- Trinity has issues, all of them. She suffers from anxiety, depression, and low self esteem. Her obsessive thoughts cause her mind to race causing her to need very little sleep, as she is usually preoccupied with her thoughts. Where she came from, she was in therapy for her issues, but after running away she fell back into her old bad habits of neurosis, though more recently she’s been feeling less of her usual symptoms though she’s unsure as to why that is.

Unpredictable- Half the time, this woman hardly knows why she does anything. In moments of clarity she even questions her own motives and actions, though she tries not to think too hard on her issues, as she is currently uninterested in dealing with her emotional instability. Traveling or even trying to relate with Trin is like dealing traveling with a ticking time bomb.

Temperamental- At best, Trin could be called “moody”, though that word is only the tip of the iceberg for this walking emotional roller coaster. One moment she is over ecstatic about everything and nothing, and then plunges deeply into melancholy. Irritable, quick to arouse to anger, easy frustrated, Stray exhibits all the classic symptoms of one on the edge of a breakdown.

Player Statistics

Current Skill Points: 5



» Unused: 0

Spent: 5 »




Col Available: 0

»  Spent:

»  Total:







Weapon skills:
» One Handed Sword - Rank One




» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Story Thus Far




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