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(PP-F5-NK) Blood in the Sand

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Hakai looked out into the desert as she stood at the edge of the settlements safe zone. Sierra had wanted to call this a date, but it was really just Hakai wanting to do a quest and wanting a bit of backup. Now she was stuck waiting on her in game wife to show up. In truth, Hakai didnt view in game marriage as equating to out of game marriage, or even dating. In game it was simply a game mechanic to be used and exploited. She wasnt truly dating Sierra, and she certainly didnt view them as "together", despite their shared inventory. Sierra was making it very obvious that she thought that they were together and was in love. Hakai was waiting for the right time to break it to her.

Hakai: 56/56 EN: 14/14

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Sierra now wandered over glancing up at the light source that now bleated down it's intense rays upon them, Sierra groaning and panting as she now wandered up behind Hakai. She slowly slid over resting her head against Hakai's shoulder as she was apparently able to still feel the uncomfortable heat of the desert upon her skin as she now whined, "H-hakai did we have to pick a mission that was in the desert for this date/leveling activity." She sighed now glancing down as she rubbed her head brow and now standing back as she sighed thinking about how Hakai didn't seem to really love her.

HP: 36/36 En 9/9

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Hakai looked over at Sierra and sighed, giving her a quick hug. It was so hot out that that was really all of the contact she could stand. "Your the one that wants to call this a date, i just want to get some skill points." She explained to Sierra. She smiled at her wife before walking further into the desert, her claws already equipped, along with her armor pieces. As long as she had this equipment she should be all set for the fight ahead. Any damage she took, hopefully Sierra would be able to heal.

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After the brief hug Sierra managed a rather humble smile as she then peeled away groaning as the touch of another body was quite unpleasant. "W-we're definitely going to the fourth floor after all of this is said and done," complained the wife now peering out over the sand as she pulled out her sword and prepared herself to heal Hakai no matter what means necessary. "Oki doki now, let see if we can go make the sands bloody I suppose ... er well you that is."

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Hakai smiled over at her wife as she said that they were definately going there after this. It appeared her wife fancied trading one extreme for another. She returned her attention to the desert wasteland ahead and started to walk. After a few minutes they were at the spawn point for the field boss.  "Watche out Sierra itll probably jump out at us from beneath any second." True to her word a few seconds later a giant shark leapt out of the ground near them. Hakai tried to claw at it, but it was a bit too far away. "Just stay back for now Sierra!" She called out.

 ID# 60809 results:

 Battle: 4

 Craft: 11

 Loot: 10

 MOB: 1

Sand Shark: 125/125. DMG: 30

(H: 0) Hakai: 56/56 EN: 13/14 (-2 EN +1 EN)

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 9/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra

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Sierra was still a bit dazed as she now looked to her lover who was missed by a slight margin,Sierra didn't hear it at first to stay back and sprinted over toward the dune. The monster again gliding through and missing however it did brush her as she now yelped and fell down the dune. Her body tumbling and rolling down as she winced and slid up out from it now blushing awkwardly as she must have been affected by the heat to cause this as she swore she hit it. "I uhh Hakai ... " She stopped looking over seeing a mirage of the sand shark and the sand shark as she now rubbed her eyes. "I think I'm seeing things."

ID# 60810 results:

 Battle: 1

 Craft: 3

 Loot: 7

 MOB: 3

Sand Shark: 125/125. DMG: 30

(H: 0) Hakai: 56/56 EN: 13/14 (-2 EN +1 EN)

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 6/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra

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Within moments of the shark disappearing it popped back up again, the giant shark flying through the air to latch onto Hakais shoulder. She screamed and slapped at it, knocking it off but not dealing any damage. She was certain that her arm would be gone now if she hadnt been wearing her armor. Thankfully, despite the violent attack, Hakai hadnt sustained too much damage.

 ID# 60811 results:

 Battle: 1

 Craft: 2

 Loot: 1

 MOB: 10 32-27= 5 DMG

Sand Shark: 125/125. DMG: 30

(H: 0) Hakai: 51/56 (-5) EN: 12/14 (-2 EN +1 EN)

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 9/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra

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Sierra winced seeing her wife now being charged down by the shark, she was still ill equipped to fight and tank such attack but as she noticed the damages done she realized that her next action was not quite necessary. Her hand raising to cast a healing spell upon her and ultimately failing as she now hung her head as she was suddenly seeing to Hakai and sand shark. "T-this is getting r-really confusing?" Collapsing in the sand once more she began to massage her head as she tried to figure out what was happening.

 ID# 60812 results:

 Battle: 3

 Craft: 2

 Loot: 17

 MOB: 4

Sand Shark: 125/125. DMG: 30

(H: 0) Hakai: 51/56 (-5) EN: 12/14 (-2 EN +1 EN)

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 9/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra

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Hakai looked over at Sierra who had completely failed to heal her. She sighed. She would deal with the shark herself. The next time the shark popped up she sode stepped and activated her sword art Shadowed Dance,  slashing around the shark, her movements graceful and flyid and so fast that she almost looked like a shadow. The claw marks she had made sizzles and were a sickly green, showing that one of her special enhancements had activated. Still, only one, sadly enoough.

 ID# 60813 results:

 Battle: 8 Envenom activated: 5 damage each turn for 4 turns.  5x4x2= 40 DMG

 Craft: 3

 Loot: 14

 MOB: 4

 Sand Shark: 80/125 (-40, -5 Envenom). DMG: 30 Envenom 3/4

(H: 0) Hakai: 51/56 (-5) EN: 5/14 (-8 EN +1 EN)

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 9/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra

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Sierra blushed watching as Hakai began to dance through the air like an angel tearing pixel gashes straight through her foe. Watching the success was memorizing and invigorating as she now winced and stood back up and began to cast her first aid upon Hakai. Suddenly a small glow would light up the wife as her health recover partially. The small amount disheartening for a healer of her low caliber but it was still something.

 ID# 60814results:

 Battle: 7

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 14

 MOB: 1

Sand Shark: 125/125. DMG: 30

(H: 0) Hakai: 55/56 (-5) EN: 5/14 (-2 EN +1 EN) + 4 Heal

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 7/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra

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Hakai smirked as her status debuff dealt its damage. She was certain that she could take this build and run with it. It could be so powerful if she could just get the right skill points and skills. Sadly that required SP, something that wad surprisingly difficult to get in large quantities. At the moment she needed twenty eight just the get to the halfway point. The shark attacked again and she easily dodged, sending her claws in and slashing at the creature. This time both effects activated, envenom renewing and blight activating for the first time. This fight was already almost over thabks to her poisons.

 ID# 60815 results:

 Battle: 9 Blight activated, Envenom renewed 6x4=24 DMG

 Craft: 8

 Loot: 20

 MOB: 7-3= 4 miss

Sand Shark: 41/125(-15 status effects) -24 DMG: 30, Envenom: 3/4, Blight: 1/2 

(H: 0) Hakai: 51/56 EN: 1/14 (-5 EN +1 EN)

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 9/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra

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Sierra once again sat there a bit lost she sighed now looking back to the health bar, frankly Hakai was far stronger then she ever could imagine. It was odd that she was now being the support as she really preferred to  be swordsman but at least she was partially useful. She laid down on the ground now seeing a bulge in the sand her eyes scanning the area as she noticed some materials. Her fingers now reaching down and storing it in the inventory. "I guess I can at least search for materials."

ID# 60832 results:

Battle: 3 Blight activated, Envenom renewed 6x4=24 DMG

Craft: 2

Loot: 20 1 Mat

MOB: 2

Sand Shark: 41/125(-15 status effects) -24 DMG: 30, Envenom: 3/4, Blight: 1/2

(H: 0) Hakai: 51/56 EN: 1/14 (-5 EN +1 EN)

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 7/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra

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Hakai lowered her claws, all set to let her status debuffs do their thing while she regained some energy. She easily dodged the shark when it came back around, now finally finding her battle rhythm. The boss was almost dead, and now she just needed to plan her next hit perfectly. She also needed to regain some energy for when she did that one precision hit tghat would end this once and for all.

ID# 60834 results:

MOB: 6-3=3 Miss

Sand Shark: 26/125(-15 status effects) DMG: 30, Envenom: 2/4, Blight: 0/2

(H: 0) Hakai: 55/56 EN: 2/14 (+1 EN)

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 7/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra

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Sierra yawned and laid down upon that ground now seeing as her own companion was standing now preparing for the shark to strike, obviously she must have been prepared for an attack as suddenly the Shark leaped out again. It's teeth gnashing at her companion as Sierra merely lied there. "Are you ok there honey?" She winced and raised her hands to start casting another first aid upon the woman and failing again utterly. Despite the fact that her lover was missed she wanted to assist but it did no good.

ID# 60835 results:

CD: 3 Miss

Sand Shark: 26/125(-15 status effects) DMG: 30, Envenom: 2/4, Blight: 0/2

(H: 0) Hakai: 51/56 EN: 2/14 (+1 EN)

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 7/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra

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Hakai smiled at her wife as she asked if she was okay. "Of course I am Sierra, im just regenerating some of my energy and dodging this lumbering beast. Well, swimming. But its still very predictable and slow." She stated before sidestepping the shark again and easily dodging it. She smirked. She would have plenty of energy the next time the shark came around to finish this.

ID# 60836 results:

MOB: 7-3=4 Miss

Sand Shark: 21/125(-5 status effects) DMG: 30, Envenom: 1/4

(H: 0) Hakai: 55/56 EN: 3/14 (+1 EN)

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 7/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra

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Sierra Blushed and nodded rather awed by her wife's dance like grace as she swung through the air the shark once again diving toward her and missing by a matter of feet. "Honey, you really are great at all of this, I can't imagine that you were ever this amazing at fighting?" She blushed now feeling rather flustered as she was still amazed by Hakai's gracefulness, "How about we both have a nice cool bath after this as I'm really tired and gonna stink to high heavens after this little quest."

Sand Shark: 21/125(-5 status effects) DMG: 30, Envenom: 1/4

(H: 0) Hakai: 55/56 EN: 3/14 (+1 EN)

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 8/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra


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Hakai smiled at her wife. "If thats what you'd really like to do." she said before turning to the sand shark as it burst from beneath the sand. She stabbed her claws into it and the ripped outwards, tearing the boss in half and causing it to explode into crystals. "See my dear? Easy." She stated cockily, letting her claws fall down to her sides and she looked around the area contentedly. She certainly had grown quite a bit stronger in the short while she had been training.

ID# 60837 results:

Battle: 7   5x4=20 DMG Mortal Strike

Craft: 10

Loot: 20

Sand Shark: 0/125(-5 status effects), (-20) DMG: 30, Envenom: 0/4

(H: 0) Hakai: 55/56 EN: 0/14 (+1, -4 EN)

(H: 0) Sierra: 36/36 EN: 8/9

Turn Order: Hakai>Sand Shark>Sierra

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Sierra nodded and sprinted over to Hakai after the beast exploded into dozens and dozens of pixels her hands now clamping around Hakai. "Yeah, I just have to say, I'm really lucky to have someone who is capable of defeating such monsters single handedly ..." Curling up she now winced and hung her head now releasing her love since the sweat was now dripping off of her brow. "I-I wish I could be useful to you both as a lover and a healer.

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Hakai reached out a hand and gently pet her wife on the head. "Dont worry about it Sierra, just do the best you can. Thats the point of the marriage, so that two players can share their recources and both become stronger through it." Hakai stated before gripping her wifes hand. "Now, lets head down to the fourth floor and cool off before we head off on the next quest. I dont know what it is yet, but ill find us one. We're both getting really strong, but we cant slow down yet."

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As Hakai's hand slid against her head Sierra coo'd happily from the touch of her love who was so fierce usually acting in such a gentle fashion. "I-I'm just your beautiful Violet aren't I dear? You will always seek out safety and get us both stronger won't you?" She said now reaching out a hand as hers was now gripped tightly. "Well if we are on our way down to that floor I heard about a little mission that is referring to an Avalanche or something we could see what that one is about. "But how about we just take a rest first."

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