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[SP-F2] One Way ORE Another {Breaking the Unbreakable}

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Shino was glad to be off the first floor for once, the calm grassy landscape of the first floor was a bit too easygoing for her. She was now up in the mountains of floor 2 in search of a quest she heard others talking about. "Ugh how much further is it? Its been at least 2 hours of walking." She unsheathed her dagger and slashed at the air a few times, "This is just what I need. From what I heard I get a new skill. That sure beats saving up for what I want without any real progress." Shino noticed a small hut a ways ahead, "Either this is the place or someone is dying." Upon approaching the hut she noticed an NPC in front. He was an older man from the looks of it, somewhat short but Shino saw a sense of power in him, despite being an NPC. "Hey gramps you the one with the quest?" Shino approached him and a small quest notification popped up, she hit the blue icon with a circle accepting the quest.

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The old NPC led her behind his hut to a boulder that met the arm span of two of Shino. He explained the details that she didnt feel like reading over. The short man left and entered his hut abruptly before returning again. The old man motioned for her to bend down closer to him as if he was going to tell her a secret, just as she did, the old man pulled out a paint brush and drew whiskers on Shino's face. "Hey! Why the hell did you do that?! Do you have any idea who you are messing with you neko girl loving bastard?!" Shino chased the old NPC into his hut and he proceeded to explain that the whiskers wont come off until Shino splits the bolder with her bare hands.

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Infuriated by rage Shino walked over to the boulder. Anyone could sense her murderous aura at this time. Without hesitation she took a step with her left leg and threw her fist forward, sending a gust of wind around Shino from the contact point. Then a bar popped up labeled "Boulder" and showed how close she was to destroying it. "Ugh this is gonna take a while.."

ID: 61357

BD: 10

Boulder HP: 47/50



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After Shino's first attack being such a big success, she threw her other fist at the boulder. Her left arm was the weaker of the two and did a basic amount of damage as one would expect. "Damn, I knew I should have stabbed more with my left." She took another breathe as she saw the boulder's health go down barely enough to see. "Well.. that starter kit of food and water is gonna come in handy today."

ID: 61358

BD: 7

Boulder HP: 46/50

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Shino once again threw her hand at the boulder landing another critical hit! She was beginning to get pumped up and smiled as she watched the boulder's health go down a little more. "Its all numbers but this is actually feeling like Im doing this in the real world.. Perhaps I'll consider doing this once I get back. After a few murders that is, I almost forgot the smell of real blood since I've been here."

ID: 61370

BD: 9

Boulder HP: 44/50

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Shino let out a breathe of air before inhaling and striking the boulder once again, landing yet another critical hit! "At this rate I should be done well before twilight. If that's the case I'll have to be careful going back to a town to stay for the night." Shino focused back on the boulder's health seeing she only made a dent, "I better not get my hopes up though." And she readied herself for her next attack.

ID: 61422

BD: 10

Boulder HP: 41/50

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Shino could hear the old NPC's astonishment from his house, "Dont think I've forgotten about you gramps! You're lucky this isn't your ass Im kicking!" She punched the boulder once more dealing the hit that took the boulder to 80% of its health. "I think I'll take a break at halfway. That is if I ever mess up." Shino smirked and prepared for another attack.

ID: 61428

BD: 8

Boulder HP: 40/50

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Her cockeyness got the best of her as Shino finally failed an attack. She punched directly at the center of the boulder but just short to actually hitting it. "What? Did I take a step backwards or something? Aw man, it must have rolled a little from me punching it." Shino grew frustrated with herself, missing such an easy target. She took a step forward and went into her fighting stance once again.

ID: 61445

BD: 5

Boulder HP: 40/50

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After another attempt at punching the boulder, Shino grew frustrated. She managed to hit the boulder but it wasnt nearly hard enough to do any damage. "Hell! Why does this thing suck so much!?" Shino wiped her face with her hand out of anger. "At this point I would have much rather brought the perve with me." Shino shook her failed attempt off and focused back on the big rock in front of her.

ID: 61449

BD: 2

Boulder HP: 40/50

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Still frustrated, Shino transferred her anger into her next punch. A rumbling was heard as she met the boulder with her knuckles, and the boulder's health bar changed from pure green to a mixture of yellow and green. "Stupid rock, you are NOT worth my time today. I could be out killing so many people right now." Shino got back into position to strike once more focusing her mind onto the boulder and nothing else.

ID: 61726

BD: 10

Boulder HP: 37/50

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As Shino swung her arm forward, her leg slipped on the dirt under her causing her to fall to the ground. "What the hell! How did that just happen?!" Light laughter could be heard from the hut behind her, "Dont think Im not gonna kill you next old man!" Shino brushed off her clothes and set back in her fighting stance once again.

ID: 61728

BD: 1

Boulder HP: 37/50

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Shino once again swung her fist, hitting the boulder. She was only slightly more satisfied as she watched the boulder's health go down slightly again. "Im gonna grab a drink after my next critical. Im getting kinda parched." She wiped her forehead with her arm trying to cool off a bit, then got back in her fighting stance.

ID: 61782

BD: 7

Boulder HP: 36/50



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Shino spit off to the side and swung her arm right after. "Heh it seems Im going back to middle school with my fighting habits." Shino always proved to be a dirty fighter, especially back then. Whenever she got in fights she used to throw sand in people's eyes and spit at them. "I was so clueless back then. I didnt know how much fun is to go the extra mile and kill people."

ID: 61849

BD: 8

Boulder HP: 36/50

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Shino made contact once again, but for no damage. Shino crossed her arms and began to rant to herself, "God damn I hate this rock so much. If only it had guts for me to spill all over the ground." Shino paced around the boulder trying to find the will to continue.

ID: 61860

BD: 5

Boulder HP: 36/50

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