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[PP - F1] Slowly progressing...even more. (Adhaerere, Verus) COMPLETE

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 She looked at him as he got out of the water, pretending like she hadn't just dumped him in there on his head two times. Though she secretly felt satisfied about it.

 "I think we should go back to the starting town. We can buy some things, at least. If not some cheaper armour." Adhae still operated under the assumption that he wouldn't share anything with her. But it was no big deal. She shrugged. "Alright you filthy wet boy, let's go." She turned to walk away, heading towards the place they had come. As she walked, she opened her menu and shoved her new Skill Point into the Heavy Armour rank. Just one more, and she would have her first rank, and maybe the chestpiece she wanted. She smiled wide, thinking about how she would look with it on. In her mind's eye, she stood on the top of a big rock, the sun shining down on her face, reflecting on her shiny armour. Her hair rippled in the wind and she held a triumphant look on her face, the absolute picture of victory. She smiled a little wider to herself, and kept walking, wanting to reach the Town of Beginnings sooner rather than later.


Verus: +230 Col, +1 SP

Adhaerere: +230 Col, +1 SP

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