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[PP-F1] King of Country (Dosatsu)

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Emblem walked into his favorite cafe at floor 1 and sat down at the bar then ordered from the NPC. It had been awhile sense he just sat down and realized recently he had begun to work a lot more fighting monsters especially. Emblem Yawned and stretched his arms back even though this was a virtual body it oddly made him feel more relaxed. The NPC delivered his tea as Emblem brought his arms down. He took a sip of the tea and looked around. Nothing and changed about the cafe. The same wooden floors the same stone walls. Emblem felt his familiar Aisu wake up from his shoulder. Dazed it looked around then settled into a comfortable position. Emblem sighed. It felt nice to just relax.

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It was a nice day in AinCrad today. Players are getting settled to the virtual life style they were forced in, when Kayaba removed the log out button and the only way to leave the game is either to beat the One hundredth floor of Aincrad, or died trying to do so.  Businesses in Aincrad started to bloom, as players opened shop for a living. Blacksmiths are being made to help provide equipments for new players, tailors opened business for making clothing for player's daily lives. Cooks and alchemist making consumables for players to buff themselves up for the wilderness.

Inside a small café in Town of Beginning, on the very first floor of Aincrad, Dosatsu was sitting in a small table, sipping away her coffee and reading the guide book acquired from the beginning of the game, explaining how the system works, what to do, and provide informations of most of the floors, and top players currently. The red-haired girl was sitting in the far back of the cafe, hoping she wouldn't be disturbed by anyone, regarding her lack of equipment, or even a starter weapon.

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Emblem finished his tea then got up and looked behind. He saw a curios looking red haired girl in the back who obviously didn't want any attention. She looked like she just started the game. She had the same starting armor and he didn't see any weapon with her either. Emblem decided he would go talk to her. His familiar flew up then settled down in his golden hair. He walked over to the girl and sat down into the booth with her. Hello there. I'm Emblem. Emblem held out his hand to shake as a greeting he grinned at her hoping she would take it. 

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Peering her head up, Dosatsu look at the blond hair man, with a blue ice dragon nesting comfortably on his head. Seeing him extending his hand for a handsh, Dosatsu only looked at the boy for a few second, before returned to her book. "Dosatsu." She said with a monotonous tone. Finishing the page, the girl gently sat her book down onto the table, making eye-contact with Emblem once again. "All right... what do you want from me?" She asked, her face look intrigued on what Emblem has to say.

While he was talking, she eyed every detail of the boy. He still have the set of starter clothing, like her, but the weapon he had seemed different. The boy seemed like a new player, but then he could be an experienced one as well. Then, there's also his little dragon, although it was small, it's still a dragon, so there's a high chance that he's a high level player in disguise.

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Emblem grinned. Dosatsu thats a cool name! Emblem's grin turned to a confused look. Umm well. What do i want from you? Umm well nothing much I just wanted to say hi and you looked like an interesting person. Emblem couldn't help but notice that she seemed to be inspecting her. As if she was searching for a every single weakness and strength about him. Emblem felt a little bit violated then remembered it what his who had come up to her in the first place. So Dosatsu whatcha reading? Emblem felt his Dragon bite down on his head and pull. Ahh Aisu! quit it!

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Seeing the little dragon on Emblem's head started messing with his hair, Dosatsu can't help but chuckled slightly. There's something awkwardly cute about that that intrigued her. "Me? An interesting person? My my, that's the first." The girl laughed, as she leaned forward, her hand resting on the table. "Well, I think you're a nice guy too, Emblem." She smiled, before continued answering his question. "Well, it's nothing much. I'm just reading the guide book. There're a lot of good information you can learn from this book." She said, raising the book up from her hand and show it to Emblem.

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Oh of course! I cant tell you how many times i've re read that book trying to figure things out! Emblem laughed. So have you ever fought any monsters at all? Emblem could tell that she wasn't exactly well equipped. She wore the starting armor and he couldn't see a weapon on her. For all he knew maybe she use a dagger? Because if you'd like we could go and kill some monsters. Emblems familiar stopped pulling his hair and gave a small screech. Oh sorry about that. She really likes being in combat.

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"Hmm... I don't mind a little physical work out, but..." Dosatsu shrugged, standing up from the table. The girl brushed her short crimson hair away, and tucked it neatly over her ears. "Well, as you can see, I didn't have much of a weapon. In fact, I might be one of the few who doesn't start out with one." The girl exclaimed, As she slowly approached him, Dosatsu leaned over, her head tilted slightly, looking at Emblem, smiling. "But hey, you're here, right. Someone as strong, friendly, and cute as you wouldn't mind to protect a little girl like me, don't you agree." She teased him a little, before leaving the tavern and headed toward the town's gate toward the grass field. "If you're ready, come and meet me there. I'll send a party request later if you agree to join me on a little expedition, after all, there're a lot more information out there to be collect than just guide books.

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Emblem felt his face turn red as Dosatsu asked him to help protect her. Umm well I don't see why not. What do you think Aisu? Emblem looked up at his dragon still trying to knaw at his hair. She gave a small screech in response. Well I guess we'll go then. Emblem got up from his seat then opened his inventory and equipped his sword. He looked down to see the strap form onto his chest then felt the usual weight form onto his back as his sword materialized onto his back. Let's get going. Emblem walked out of the shop after Dosatsu. ready to see what the heck she was talking about. As he approached the gate He saw Dosatsu standing and waiting for him. So what do you need protection for? Emblem asked as he walked up to Dosatsu.

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Dosatsu was leaning against the wall, her arms crossed just under her breasts as she waited for the boy to come. It's her first time she ever went out of town. Knowing that a single slip up and she would have to pay an expensive price, Dosatsu didn't want to take any risk. Letting the boy tanking most of the attacks while she hide behind him and gathered information is the best way to approach things. 

Seeing Emblem approaching from a distance, the red haired girl opened the menu screen and selected an invitation for party to him. Hearing him asking the question, her lips curved a small smile, as she looked at him and reply. "Oh, just the monsters that got too close to us as we stroll around. Nothing much. Like I've said, there're a lot more for me to learn than just from the books."

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Well okay! I guess we should get going then. Emblem walked through the gates with a feeling of vulnerability washing over him. this was usual whenever he walked out of a safe-zone. He wasn't protected by the walls of the town of beginnings. All that he had now was a sword, Aisu, and of course his new friend Dosatsu. Im not too sure that the Pkers come out here to floor one to kill anyone anymore. Less people started staying here and moving up so along went the Pkers so we should be safe from them. All well really have to worry about is boars. But they're pretty weak. Emblem began whistling as he walked as his familiar flew above him.

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"Oh, Player killers isn't the biggest of my worries at the moment. People kill usually for three things, either for pleasure, anger or for envy. To be honest, most of those who choose to kill for pleasure would most likely to go after those naive little girl who stay in the safe confinement of the safe zone, because they  are much easier targets to attack; or those who's strong, powerful and well known, since they provide a good challenge for the killer. None of those I am categorized in, and I have not provoke anyone just yet, nor do I have anything on my or have done anything that make people jealous about. The monsters however, that's the thing I wanted to avoid. Since they attack the first thing they see, no question asked, it's harder to avoid them, than the Player Killers." Dosatsu explained. The girl continued to followed beside Emblem, enjoying the nice view over the grass field and the blue sky. She wouldn't have thought that for someone's purpose was to lock everyone inside a large prison in a form of a video game, Kayaba would've paid so much attention to minor details and such. She could even feel the small breeze grazing over her face, behind her ears.

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Emblem sighed then put his arms behind his head as he walked. So you seem like a smart girl. Why do you think that Kayaba trapped us in this game. Emblem had thought about this many many times before in his time trapped in this game. he didn't doubt that everyone else in this game had thought about this too. It was such a simple question but had thousands and thousands of answers. He himself had an idea of why but the chances that he was right was very very little. He pulled his sword out of his sheath. Don't worry. I'm just keeping this out so that we don't get surprised.

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"Hm...? I have thought about that too, and my theory was that he just simply wanted... to play god." Dosatsu simply answered Emblem's question. "If you take a look at the situation. Kayaba has created his own virtual world. One Hundred floors, which each one have a unique theme to it, I'm sure that he'd like to have some attention to it as well. Then, He only needed living being. That's where he invited us. He wanted to make sure that his world is appreciated, that all his work would not be forgotten. That's what I think his reasons were when he locked us all inside this castle." Dosatsu shrugged, continued on.

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Well yeah that makes sense. Emblem kept on walking with her. He spotted a small boar a few yards away from them. Hey stay back I can take care of this. Emblem ran towards the boar then activated the sword art Sonic leap. His blade turned to a light shade of green then jumped into the air and brought his sword down onto the boar with a loud sound the fragments of the boar shattered with the usual sound. Well there goes that! Emblem said this with a smile as he walked back to his new friend. He took his sword and slowly put it back into its sheathe on his back.

Emblem: 40/40

Boar 0/9 *dead*



ID: 62247

Sword art: Sonic Leap 1x3 dmg

Edited by Emblem
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Dosatsu watched closely as Emblem engaged combat with the wild boar. His movement was almost naturally fluent, even though the boy looked like he wouldn't be able to hold a sword correctly. "Never judge a book by its cover." The crimsonette girl said quietly under her breath, approaching Emblem under the hills. "Whenever you attack, your sword seemed to glow slightly. Can you explain me more about how the combat system works... The guide book didn't seemed to focus much on that." She asked, looking curiously at the sword and the wielder as he put his blade back to its sheath

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Well what I just did was called a sword art that's why my sword was glowing. it tripled my damage because my one handed straight sword skill is rank 2. Emblem grinned. The guide book doesn't teach you everything. There are somethings you need to learn just by experience. He finished sheathing his sword then adjusted the strap on his chest holding the sword in place.  Well why don't we continue. Emblem began walking again then stretched out his arms. He was getting to the point where combat didn't scare him like it used to. This scared him. He swore to himself that he would never get sued to killing things and even just killing a boar would disturb him. 

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