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[SP-F6-NK] Who does this guy think he is? <<Gemini>>

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Xion sighed as he stepped out of the  teleport gate on the 6th floor, the tank looking around as he yawned. He had been up late the last night, and was paying the price for it. "Well...I guess I have a quest to do...finally" he said to himself as he  began to walk through the main settlement, avoiding the NPCs as much as he could, not liking the fact that they were so...tall, to put it bluntly. The boy checked his map, making sure that he knew where the quest area was before setting off and out of the gates of the settlement, equipping his shield and glaive as he did so that he was ready for battle. 

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ID: 62511

BD:  2 (Miss) 

BD: 2 (Miss) 


As Xion walked towards the quest area he kept on getting the feeling that he was being watched, there was almost no reason behind it but he just couldn't shake the feeling. Initially he dismissed it as him being paranoid and overly cautious, and thus continued to the quest area. When he arrived, he looked around. "It should be here..." he muttered before hearing something, a rustling of leaves, and then the clanking of heavily armoured boots as the gemini charged at him from behind, turning, Xion saw that it looked exactly like him. "So that's what I look like to other people..." he said casually before dodging the gemini's attack, swinging at the mob with his glaive but missing too. "Alright...let's see if you can hold your own against the original" 


Xion: 113/113 26/27 | 9DMG |89 MIT | 28 thorns 

Gemini: 113/113 | 1 DMG | 35 MIT

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ID: 62515

BD: 8

MD: 5 


As Xion looked at his doppelganger he chuckled, it was surprising how strange it was to look at yourself, to see yourself as others see you rather than just in a mirror. "You look like me...but can you block like me?" he asked the mob before charging at it, swinging his galive down with great force, the gemini being unable to block as he landed a clean hit, but dealt very little damage. "Does it have some of my mitigation!?" he said in surprise as the gemini attempted a counter attack, the player sidestepping the thrust with ease. 


Xion: 113/113 26/27 | 9DMG |89 MIT | 28 thorns 

Gemini: 112/113 | 1 DMG | 35 MIT (9-35= 1 DMG) 

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ID: 62518

BD: 3 (Miss) 

MD: 7 (Hit) 

CD: 10 (Success) 


Xion stared at the Gemini curiously. "It seems to have some of my mitigation, maybe from my armour and block skill?" he said to himself before running at the gemini, thrusting at it with his glaive but his attack was dodge. The Gemini then swung it's glaive from the side into Xion, the player blocking with his shield, taking a  small amount of damage as his thorns punished the mob for attacking him. 


Xion: 113/113 25/27 | 9DMG |89 MIT | 28 thorns (1-89=1 DMG) (+18 regen) 

Gemini: 84/113 | 1 DMG | 35 MIT(-28 thorns) 

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ID: 62520

BD: 10 (Hit) 

MD: 8 (Hit) 

CD: 2 (Fail) 


The gemini and Xion stared each other down, the gemini mimicking Xion's facial expressions perfectly as the player frowned at him angrily. "I was hoping for more of a challenge" he said before charging at the gemini, swinging his glaive horizontally from the right into the gemini's side. The gemini winced before it's glaive glowed red, the mod thrusting it's spear twice into Xion's throat, but backed off soon after the attack as it felt the sting of his thorns. 

Xion: 112/113 25/27 | 9DMG |89 MIT | 28 thorns (1-89=1 DMG) 

Gemini: 56/113 | 1 DMG | 35 MIT(-28 thorns) 

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ID: 62521

BD: 10 (Hit) 

MD: 3 (Miss) 

CD: 4 (Fail) 


As the Gemini backed off Xion grinned, he had the advantage, the quest was unfair for the mob due to the fact that it only gained mitigation from his armour and block skill, and didn't gain any of the extra effects that his armour had, meaning that it could only ever do one damage to him, and it, unlike him couldn't regen any of it back. Xion  charged at the mob, pressing his advantage as he thrust his glaive into it's abdomen, throwing it to the side, meaning that it couldn't counter attack. 

Xion: 112/113 25/27 | 9DMG |89 MIT | 28 thorns 

Gemini: 55/113 | 1 DMG | 35 MIT (9-35- 1 DMG) 

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ID: 62522

BD: 5 (Miss) 

MD: 8 (Hit) 

CD: 5 (Fail)


As Xion continued to press his advantage he swung at the Gemini again, not wanting to give it a chance to react with a sword art but missing by mere inches. "Damn..." he cursed under his breath before the Gemini's eyes flared red, the mob's glaive glowing once more as it lashed out twice into Xion's neck again, dealing a small amount of damage but being punished by his thorns as before. "It's useless for the poor thing, it'll die attacking me" the player said to himself. 


Xion: 112/113 24/27 | 9DMG |89 MIT | 28 thorns (1-89=1 DMG) 

Gemini: 27/113 | 1 DMG | 35 MIT (-28 thorns) 

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ID: 62523

BD: 1 (Miss) 

MD: 6 (Hit) 

CD: 3 (Fail) 

LD: 9 (Concentration skill earned upon finishing thread)



The battle was nearly over, Xion could tell from the mob's HP that it was one hit, one thorns activation away from death, and Xion was determined to finish the fight Quickly. "DIE!" he yelled as he charged, swinging his galive in a wide arc with fury as the gemini dodged deftly. The mob then swung it's glaive into Xion's shield, the player grinning as thorns activated and the mob shattered into pixels. "Well...that was quick...also creepy because I now know what my death will look like..." he mumbled to himself, sighing. 


Xion: 111/113 23/27 | 9DMG |89 MIT | 28 thorns (1-89=1 DMG) 

Gemini: -1/113 | 1 DMG | 35 MIT (-28 thorns)   (Concentration at end of thread) 

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Xion sighed as he began to walk back to the main settlement of the floor. The quest had been interesting, but rather lacklustre in terms of difficulty. Sure, the mob had a fraction of his mit, but that didn't protect it from his thorns, which meant that he was easily able to chunk it's health into nothingness with little to no effort. "Well, now to entertain myself for a little while" he said with a smile as he continued down the road to the main town, he knew there was a rather nice tavern where he could get happily wasted and forget the entire night. 

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As Xion passed through the main gates he made a beeline for the tavern, using what he remembered about the settlement to find his way to the rather popular bar. As he walked in he smiled, people were already starting to gather and he knew that it would get better as the day went on. Thus, the tank went up to the bar and waited for the barkeep, who arrived after a minute or two. "A cider please" he told the man before waiting for his drink which didn't take long either, the man taking a few sips as he looked around. "Interesting crowd, should be a good night then" 

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-A few hours later- 


"Hey, hey. Bartender, another beer!" Xion shouted as he laughed along to a joke that someone on the same table as him had made. "You know that's a good one Marik" another man on the tabke said to the one that made the joke, slurring his words a little, the man slapping Xion on the back in a friendly manner. "So, what about you eh? You must have some good stories to tell" he continued, the others nodding drunkenly as they stared at Xion. "Well!" The tank replied, raising his glass momentarily. "I, good sirs and madams, was the main tank in the Lyricas fight!" The boy said, the others smiling and listening intently. "All of those wolves kust have been scary eh?" one of them asked, the tank smiling and shaking his head. "They were but mere annoyances, weak things before my tanking prowess!" he said loudly, playing up the situation due to his drunkness. 



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-Another hour later- 


"Hey, 400col on the big one!" Xion shouted as he gathered around to see a bar fist fight break out, a small slender woman was fighting a large burly man, in real life it would have been extremely unfair, but in SAO looks could deceive. Either way Xion was having some fun cheering on the combatants and randomly betting on whoever he felt like wasting some of his col on in his drunken state. "Hey, hey, punch him in the jaw!" someone yelled "No no, kick him in the balls, no one can defeat a kick to the balls!" another patron yelled as the woman began to get the upper hand. "Oh come on use a sword art already!" Xion yelled to the man who he assumed had the martial arts skill from the fact that before the fight he had been wearing handwraps, but it looked like he was too polite to use a sword art to defeat the girl.  

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After a few more seconds of fighting the crowd was getting more and more riled up, Xion cheering along and shouting as he enjoyed the chaos. "Beat her already!" he shouted before seeing the man use a sword art to defeat the woman, stunning her too. "Ayyy there we go, that's all your col to me gents!" he said to the group that he had been drinking with, all of which had bet on the woman. "Come on ya bastard we were only betting for fun!" one of them complained before sighing and handing the tank some gold coins. "Alright, I know just what to spend some of this on. Next round's on me!"

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The group cheered as the want up to the bar, ordering large amounts of the strongest drink the tavern carried, each of them had 6 shots in total. "Alright boys, here's the deal" Xion said, stopping as he slurred his words slightly. "Whoever, can finish the shots first, gets all of the col that they bet back. AND! A free drink on the person who finished last, or not at all. BEGIN!" He yelled before downing a shot, the others drinking quickly too as they all didn't want to be the one to give out a free drink. Xion was in the middleground, some were faster than him, but he wasn't the slowest.

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As the drinking contest went on Xion finished second out of all, meaning that someone else would be giving up some money for a drink. "Hey, Zenith you're buying Marco a drink!" one of the other men said loudly, Xion and the rest laughing as he slapped Zenith on the back. "Better luck next time buddy" he said before walking off, headed towards the exit. "It was nice drinking with ya boys but I have someone waiting for me at home, so If you don't mind I'm pissing off" he said before walking drunkenly out of the bar, heading towards the teleport gate as he did. 

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As Xion slowly made his way to the teleport gate he began to hum to himself happily,he was completely off tune and it sounded horrible but it was humming nonetheless and he liked it. "When I was, a young boy, my father" he started, deciding that quietly singing what was possibly the emo national anthem was a good idea. "Took me into the city, to see a marching band. He said son when, you grow up, would you be, the saviour of the broken" he continued, oblivious to the fact that he had just walked past a large group of amazon NPCs and some players, his humming was annoying them greatly. 

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"Hey, mind shutting the [censored] up!" one of the players said to Xion as the tank passed by, the blonde stopping for a second to look at them. "Or what, you're gonna set one of the NPCs on me?" he said mockingly before walking on, humming his tune louder and singing louder. "HE SAID WILL YOU, DEFEAT THEM, YOUR DEMONS, AND ALL THE NON-BELIEVERS, THE PLANS THAT THEY HAD MADE!" He shouted dunkedly into the night as he heard some footsteps behind him, it was the players, four of them, angrily walking towards him. "Oh, the reprobates have balls it would seem"

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"Hey, shut up kid!" one of them shouted angrily towards the tank as Xion turned around to face them. "Punk, you'd better keep your mouth shut before someone else shuts it for you" another stated in a similarly angry tone. "Or what?" the tank asked them. "You'll attack me? In a safe zone?" he asked them with a chuckle, he knew that unless he accepted a duel or proposed one the players could do nothing to him, although it seemed that in their anger the players themselves had forgotten that little fact. "Don't you patronise me you runt!" one of the players shouted again. "I'd be careful as to who you call runt in this world good sir...looks can deceive"

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The players continued with their rants and ravings, the tank laughing as they went on and on. "You know, you guys could talk for Aincrad" he said bluntly before walking up the steps to the teleport gate, turning around to look at the players again."Look buddy, you can talk crap all you want but it isn't going to affect me. Not one bit, so, unless you fine gents want to duel me I suggest that you piss of back to whichever alleyway you came from alright?" the blonde said, waiting for a reply but getting none. "Good, now good day to you sir!" he said before stepping into the gate. 

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Xion sighed as he exited the blue gate on the first floor. "If those assholes follow me I swear..." he mumbled to himself as he started to walk back to his shop, looking up at the night time sky, the stars of aincrad shining brilliantly. The tank became lost in his own thought as his body walked him back home, basically acting on autopilot as he mumbled to himself. "Hmmm...I wonder if they have constellations in SAO...Kayaba's put enough detail into the game to warrant it" he continued, slowly making his way back as he ranted about some random nonsense on the way. 

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