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[SP-F4] Early Morning riser COMPLETE!

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Emblem felt his eyes quickly open as his alarm clock began its usual ringing. He opened his HUD and snoozed it then went back to bed. He did this another 4 times before he finally got up. He opened his inventory an equipped his blue shirt with his brown pants and dark brown boots. He had planned to wake up early today but this obviously wasn't the case. He poked his familiar who woke up then flew up to her usual perch on his shoulder. He walked down the stairs of the inn then stepped out into the cold of floor 4. He planned to try and get some MATS so that he could finally buy new armor. He began walking towards the fields. As he walked he equipped his sword in case he ran into some mobs. He entered the fields and immediately looked around for some materials. But to his disappointment he didn't find any.



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Emblem kept wandered around the snow covered fields. He looked for awhile until he realized that to find materials like ore you had to look beneath the snow. He ran over to a spot that he and a good feeling about. He pushed the snow aside to find a gleaming ore sitting in the ground. Grinning he pulled the ore out of the ground then added it to his inventory. There we go Aisu! He smiled. He hoped that the rest of his material gathering would go as smoothly as it had so far. He got up then began walking deeper into the fields.

LD: 20

ID: 62543

+1 Mat

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Emblem heard the sound of wings flapping coming towards him quickly. He looked to his left and instinctively pulled out his sword as he turned. He saw  a ice dragon hatchling just like his familiar Aisu. You have got to be kidding me! He had a soft spot for these monsters and didn't exactly want to fight but he didn't really have a choice did he. As it flew towards him he activated a sword skill "Sonic Leap" He felt the system take control of his body as he jumped into the air bringing his sword down onto the hatchling. The blade cut the dragon staggering it a bit. It flew back injured trying to get his balance back. Emblem however jumped back ready for another attack.

Emblem: 40/40 (Energy 7/10)

Ice Dragon Hatchling: 11/20

Sword art: Sonic leap (1x3) -3 energy

BD: 6

MD: 2


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Emblem decided he would try the same sword art on the monster again seeing that it took quite a bit of health away from it. He activated the skill then jumped into the air thrusting the glowing blade down onto the monster. His blade crashed down onto the dragon sending it flying down onto the ground. It broke into thousands of crystals. He got up then sheathed his sword. Sorry you had to see that buddy. Emblem looked at his shoulder where Aisu was perched. He began walking again towards the mountain that lay in the center of the fields hoping he'd find some good ore there.

Emblem: 40/40 energy (4/10)

Ice Dragon Hatchling: 0/20



ID: 62579

Sword art: Sonic Leap (1x3) -3 energy

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Emblem kept on walking checking every so often for ore underneath the snow but to his disappointment he didn't find anything. He made it to the mountain then began walking up the paths to the top. He would keep on checking the walls of the mountain to see if there was any type of ore he could gather. After awhile he got bored then sat on the top of a nearby rock. He opened his inventory to see that it was still pretty early in the morning. Once he got back to is in room he was going to sleep the rest of the day away. He sighed. He had no idea that looking for materials was so hard.

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Emblem yawned then looked down at the rock he had been sitting on. The rock was in fact an ore. He laughed to himself then added it to his inventory. That was one more MAT he could use towards getting new armor. He started up the mountain again keeping his eye out. He began running to the top. He had been on the mountain before but never to the top of it. He wondered what the view would look like. He snapped out of his thoughts as a snowflake floated down from the sky and onto his nose. The feeling of the ice melting completely amazed him how realistic this game could be.

LD: 15

ID: 62604

+ 1 Mat

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Emblem began to get used to the steady flakes of ice dropping on him. However it did make it harder for him to see. His familiar however thrived in this environment and Emblem relied on it to be his eyes and ears. His dragon screeched and he looked behind him to see a snowman creature shoot it's carrot nose at him. The Carrot pierced his shoulder causing red fragments to stream out of his shoulder. Ahh Crap! Emblem pulled the carrot out of his shoulder then threw it at the monster distracting it. He took his chance and activated his  sword skill and leaped at the enemy. He stabbed at the monster killing it with one hit.

Emblem: 32/44 (energy: 1/10)

Abominable Snowman: -1/20

Sword Art: sonic leap (1x3) (energy -3)

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After seeing the monster shatter into millions of pieces he felt the combat start to catch up with him. He tiredly walked over against the side of the mountain and sat down against it. He looked next to him to see ore poking out of the snow. He cleared the snow around it grinning. He weakly pulled it out of the ground and added it to his inventory. He slumped down and thought about taking a quick nap but decided against it knowing that there were still some mobs around here. He felt layers of snow begin to form on him. He shook them of then opened his inventory and equipped a coat to try and warm himself up a bit.



+ 1 MAT

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Emblem got up then trudged up the mountain keeping his eye out for any ore and his ears out for any mobs coming at him. He didn't really like being out there alone but he new he could get more work done by himself rather than with a friend. He hoped to donate some of the materials to some of his friends shops. But what he really needed was more armor. Maybe I can get it custom made? Emblem laughed at himself then continued walking up the snow covered path to the top of the mountain. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted some materials sitting out disguised as one of the rocks. He grabbed then added it to his inventory quickly.

LD: 18

ID: 62726

+ 1 MAT

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Emblem sighed then began thinking about what would happen after this game was over. Or would he even make it to the end of this game. He shook the thought out of his head quickly. Of course he would make it out. He wondered if this would be in the history books in the future. He giggled. Maybe he would be interviewed. As he walked he tripped on piece of ore on the ground. Gahh! Emblem fell to the ground dangerously close to the edge of the walkway. He got up then knelt to the ground next to the ore then pulled it out of the ground and added it to his inventory. There's 5 Ores!

LD: 19

ID: 62734

+1 MAT

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As Emblem uncovered the ore he found another one a few inches from it. Looks like my luck is finally turning around. Emblem gave a big smile then added it to his inventory. He just hit 6 materials. He got up finally feeling energized and started back up the mountain. He was now roughly halfway to the top and felt very eager to make it to the top. He decided he would try and pick up the pace and began to speed walk up the mountain. He then began to think about his new friends he had made recently. He wondered what they were doing right now and if they were safe or not. 

LD: 19

ID: 62743

+ 1 MAT

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Emblem realized he had probably missed a few ores on his way to the top so he decided he would slow down and try to spot them. He found a promising spot and squat down to it then moved snow aside to find a chunk of ore. He was really happy to find so much ores so quickly. He felt giddy then added the ore to his inventory and began up the mountain again. He had found 7 now. Wow Aisu were doing great! Emblem sat down again for another break sitting against the rock wall of the mountain and sighed. His cheeks were red from the cold weather. He pulled his coat closer to him and brushed the hair out of his eyes.

LD: 20

ID: 62749

+ 1 MAT

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Emblem's familiar screeched as it heard the sound of another abominable snowman coming towards them. Emblem got up quickly then darted towards the mob pulling his sword out of it's sheath as he ran. He activated his new sword skill Vorpal strike and felt his sword begin to glow orange. It doubled in length as he plunged his sword into the mobs chest. Just before he could it shot it's carrot nose into his leg. It burst into thousands of particles as his blade went through the snowman. He brought his sword back down to his side and took a deep breath. Even though it's just a game it felt like the altitude was getting to him.

Emblem: (32/44) (6/11)energy

Abominable snowman: (0/25) *DEAD*

BD: 10


ID: 62752

Sword Art: Vorpal Strike (1x5) -5 Energy

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Emblem shivered as continued up the mountain. he was getting very close to the top of the mountain now. It got colder and colder as he got higher. He pulled his coat closer to him and pulled the hood up hoping it would help him warm up. He was tiring out so he walked to the wall next to him and sat down with his back to it again. Emblem closed his eyes hoping that it would help him warm up but sadly it didn't. He decided he would just try and make it up the rest of the mountain. Emblem trudged up the snow trying to fight the urge to go back down the mountain.

LD: 11

ID: 62761

No MAT found

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Emblem emerged to the top of the mountain feeling victorious. He looked out at the town in the distance. it was beautiful. He could see the lights of the town shining up at him. he spotted a frozen lake not far from the town and several tall pine trees taking up the fields. He walked to a fallen down log on the top and sat down on top of it. He took a screen shot of the view. He almost forgot about his plan to find Ores so he got up and looked around for ores. Luckily he found one not too far from the log. He decided it was about time fro him to walk back down to the town.

LD: 19

ID: 62767

+ 1 MAT

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Emblem walked down the pathway to the town whistling to himself as he walked he kept an eye out for more materials He felt happy with how successful his trip had been but he was more than excited to go to his warm inn room and sleep the rest of the day away. He continued down the mountain with his familiar flying above him He kept his eye out for any more ore he may had missed on his trek up the mountain. After awhile he had finally made it down to the bottom of the mountain and began walking towards the town. He thought that maybe he would go try and find more Ore's near the lake he had spotted earlier.

LD: 13

ID: 62770

No MAT found


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Emblem walked to the what he thought was the lake but slipped on the ice and fell onto the ground. he laughed the picked himself up. He looked to the right of him to see a bright ore sitting on the shore of the lake he grinned then picked it up. He carefully walked on the ice towards a small island in the center of the lake. When he got there he sat down. It was much warmer than the mountain he was just on. He opened his inventory and un-equipped his coat. It stopped snowing and he could see the sun peak out of the clouds above. He enjoyed the moment.

LD: 19

ID: 62777

+ 1 MAT

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Emblem Looked to the left of him to find yet another ore. He smiled. He had no idea that ore would be this plentiful on floor 4. He smiled. He would have enough to give to his friends shops and get himself new armor. He got up from his spot leaning against the tree and began the walk back to the town. After a while he made it back to the town and walked to his inn. He was greeted by a warm feeling rushing through his body. He walked up to the bar and ordered a hot coffee. After it arived he took a sip of the warm liquid and felt the hot drink go down into his stomach warming every inch of his body.

LD: 16

ID: 62780

+1 MAT

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Emblem finished off the coffee then walked out of the inn and decided he would go and check out all of the shops. He started thinking more and more about opening his shop there but decided that there were way too many blacksmiths in Aincrad and he wished that he could change his profession to a performer there were a lot less performers in Aincrad and he felt that he would get a lot more business that way.  He walked over to a bench and sat thinking more and more. He thought about the new friends he had made Syn and Vyrtew. He had just realize that they were siblings. But as much as he hated to admit it he kinda liked Syn but the whole thing with Vyrtew in floor 3 wasn't going to help anything.

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Emblem stopped thinking and realized how tired he was. He got up from the bench and slowly walked towards the inn he had a room in. He had it for one more day and was going to spend it sleeping in his warm bed. He made it to the inn then walked to his room. He unequipped his sword and his other gear then hopped into his bed and started to sleep. He awoke the next day with his alarm clock ringing in his ears. He got out of his bed fully dressed in his blue t shirt and tan pants. He put on his dark brown boots and walked out the door getting ready to teleport to floor 3 where he planned on looking for more materials.

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