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[SP-NK-F3] Oh a Minotaur...nice <<Search for hoya>>

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Xion sighed as he walked out of the teleport gate in Delilah village. "Well...time to do this boring bloody quest I guess..." he said to himself as he checked his map, making sure that he knew where to go before he set off. "Ok...seems simple enough, go to forest, find maze, kill stuff, bring back pendant for Avi..." he said to himself before setting off towards the main exit from the town, reaching it in a few minutes. He then set about finding the forest in which the maze was, following his map across the plains for a good while. "This is going to be such a bloody bore..."

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ID: 63428

BD: 8 (Hit) 

MD: 5 (Miss)

After a long while of travelling Xion found himself at the entrance to the maze, the tall stone walls looming over him as the tank prepared himself for what he may face inside. "It won't be too hard, this quest is meant for lower levelled players, even my Extremely weak sword arts deal a considerable amount of damage to these beasts...I am beginning to think that this will be too easy" he said to himself before Equipping his shield and spear and venturing into the maze.



It wasn't long until he heard footsteps that weren't his own, the clank of mail that wasn't his, and the sound of breath that wasn't his own. He had found one of the Minatours. The beast stared him done before charging, swinging it's blade with ferocity towards the player who simple sidestepped and dodged the downwards strike. "Pathetic" he said before his spear glowed a blood red and he lashed out swiftly, twice at the beast's neck ad it's HP bar dropped significantly, the tank grinning as he marvelled at the fact that he actually did damage to the beast. 



Xion: (121/121) (28/29) | 89 MIT | 9 DMG | 28 Thorns | 18 Regen (Snake bite used. 2x1= 2x9= 18 DMG)

Hoya minotaur: (27/45) | 24 DMG

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ID: 63431

MD: 8 (Hit) 

CD: 7 (Success)

After Xion had attacked the Minotaur and nearly halved the beast's HP it was furious, the puny human that had wandered into it's domain had the nerve to attack it and wound it. It's nostrils flared as it charged towards the player, swinging it's blade sideways and striking Xion's midsection, this barely harmed the player due to his high mitigation, the mob however was destroyed due to the damage of his thorns, the beast exploding into a shower of blue data shards. "Well, the thing got all worked up for nothing..." Xion said with a sigh before he wandered through the ruins again, feeling his regeneration enhancement kick in and heal what little damage the beast had done. 

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As Xion wandered on  in search of the other minotaur he became rather bored, the almost identical walls and floors of every turn he took wasn't all to interesting to look at, and there wasn't much sound. He could only hear his own footsteps, the clanking of his mail and his own breathing. Although, one could call that the symphony of life...but it wasn't to Xion's tastes. "Hmm...where is the damn thing, they shouldn't be hard to find seeing as they are bloody massive bull men" Xion said to himself before hearing something, he heard a loud, bellowing roar and the furious stamping of hooves on stone. "It would seem that the other minotaur just realised that it's companion is dead"

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ID: 63436

BD: 6 (Hit)
MD: 2 (Miss) 


As Xion rounded the corner he saw it, the second Hoya Minotaur, and it didn't look happy. "Welp...time for round two..." he said to himself as he raised his shield, preparing himself for an attack from the beast. And, as the player expected an attack did come, the beast charging at Xion with anger and zeal, swinging it's blade sideways in an attempt to strike the player who dodged quickly with little effort. "They're too weak..." Xion said before his Glaive glowed red again, the player striking at the creature's neck twice in rapid succession, nearly halving it's HP in one go. 


Xion: (121/121) (28/29) 89 MIT | 9 DMG | 28 Thorns | 18 Regen (Snake strike used. 2x1 = 2x9= 18 DMG) 

Hoya Minotaur: (27/45) | 24 DMG 

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ID: 63438

BD: 10 (Hit) 

MD: 1 (Miss) 



As the Minotaur roared in pain Xion sighed, the quest was too easy for the tank's liking, even with his damage, which was pitiful by front line standards, he was absolutely destroying the beasts in combat, and that was without use of his thorns which was usually his main source of damage. "Well...my fault for leaving this one so late..." he said to himself as the Minotaur attempted a counter attack, thrusting it's blade towards Xion who batted it to the side with his shield. "Too slow..." he said before activating his sword art again, the glaive glowing before being thrust into the beast's neck two more times, leaving it with a sliver of HP


Xion: (121/121) (27/29) 89 MIT | 9 DMG | 28 Thorns | 18 Regen (Snake strike used. 2x1 = 2x11= 22 DMG) 

Hoya Minotaur: (2/45) | 24 DMG 

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ID: 63672

BD: 10 (Hit) 

MD: 10 (Hit) 

CD: 5 (Fail) 


As the beast made it's last stand Xion sighed, it was time to kill the bloody thing and leave the maze so that he could go home and rest. "Come on then...make your last move..." he said to the creature before it went to attack him, it's blade being embedded into his side as a sliver of his HP disappeared. It had somehow bypassed his thorns, but it didn't matter, Xion had the beast trapped. "Now die" he said before swinging his glaive around and striking it in the side too, dropping it's HP to zero as it exploded into glowing blue shards. 


Xion: (120/121) (27/29) 89 MIT | 9 DMG | 28 Thorns | 18 Regen (26-89= 1 DMG) 

Hoya Minotaur: (-9/45) | 24 DMG    (2-11=-9) DEAD 

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Xion sighed as the battle ended, now he was faced with the task of leaving the maze without any more misadventures. "Now...where did I come from" he said to himself before rubbing his chin in thought. "I guess my only option is to wander and hope that I can find my way back. Nothing here can kill me, I should be safe for a long time here..." he muttered before setting off, his glaive and shield at the ready as he expected to be faced with more challenges in his search for the entrance of the maze, he was sure that he wasn't alone, he could her something, or someone, he didn't know for sure. 

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