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Ryuga Hanabusa's Journal

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SAO Username: Ryuga

IRL Name: Ryuga Hanabusa

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8


Ryuga never had much excitement in his life. If it weren't for his video games, he'd be very bored. He has friends, but they all play games as well. Ever since he discovered them, he emersed himself in playing as much as he could. However, due to his parents' lack of money, he was limited to the amount of games he could obtain. He often borrowed from friends, he was lucky enough to have friends that would allow him to have some for free. His parents were always wasting money on expensive things that were unnecessary, landing them with little to no money, and they always found some way to blame Ryuga. He has generally avoided his parents and any interaction with them for several years. Once he was able to get a job, he managed to get the money to pay for his own games. When Sword Art Online launched, he was very intrigued. Being in the game itself was something he thought he could only dream of. He got his copy and wasted no time beginning. And here he is.



Ryuga always has a happy attitude, yet he spouts out negative comments very often. He tries to keep calm in most situations, though he can get carried away sometimes, and when he does, he really gets carried away. Though Ryuga enjoys being alone, he likes providing company and having others provide it to him. He is very lazy when it comes to hard work, and he tries to find any excuse to not assist someone with manual labor. However, he does help when he needs to. Then there's his relationship skills. Ryuga has never once been in a relationship, nor has tried to obtain one. He finds it to be distracting and irritating from what he's seen. His lies are very easy to see through most of the time, though he finds this to be false.


  • Calm: It is very difficult to find Ryuga in a situation where he isn't calm. He know he gets reckless when he gets mad, so he keeps it locked away. Some have found it difficult to believe how he has kept up his tranquility in some past events. 
  • Determined: Ryuga has never once rejected a challenge, which usually gets him hurt. Ryuga sets his mind to things, and keeps it there until he's done with it. His determination sometimes ends in recklessness, but it isn't too bad.
  • Loyalty: Ryuga does his best to never let his friends down. Though his loyalty to his parents is questionable, he has helped them out financially before. Ryuga is very determined to stay loyal to anyone he has a positive connection with.


  • Lazy: Ryuga's laziness has caused him many negative outcomes. He's failed several tests simply because he chose not to retain any information or study. His laziness has even cost him one of his friends before. He never showed up when he and Ryuga where supposed to meet because he slept in. The friend then ignored Ryuga.
  • Doubtful: Ryuga isn't one to think everything is going to be fine and dandy. Contrary to his general attidue, Ryuga is extreme doubtful about most everything. Even his friends are unprotected from this.
  • Reckless: Ryuga almost always runs into things without thinking. Afterwards, he tends to regret doing so. Even though he has accepted that he is reckless, he hasn't even tried to fix it. He thinks its something he naturally does.





Weapon Skills: 

Skill Points: 5


10x Bread

15x Water

1x Basic One Handed Straight Sword

1x Cloth Clothing Set




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