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[PP-F1] Set Fire to the Rain (Rain)

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Halting in her footsteps she squinted feeling a bit off about that punch, it all seemed to flow to easily and their was a stiffness she remembered. Someone use to brace for her punches back in the day, a man who had rock solid abs and probably had a crush upon her when she stayed in America. She shrugged, a brief roll of her eyes as he began to guess her name merely giving a head-bob of agreement that he one the prize for best guess of the year. The friend request popping up as she now glanced back at Rain and sighed rather sleepily. Her graceful finger tips now danced across the screen tapping all about the friend request as she mulled over the thought and simply tapped the accept button. "I suppose it was bound to get out there sooner or later," yawning and strolling over to a bench that was a few meters away before now laying down upon it as if prepared to take up a lodging right there. 

Quest Complete

Kindle Col: 200 SP: 1
Rain Col: 200 SP: 1


Edited by Kindle
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