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[SP:F4] Slaying <<The Night's King>>

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Inside the cozy, snow-covered tavern Seul was wrapped up in his bloody coat in a chair by the fireplace. His efforts to keep warm seemed to be paying off, but he couldn't help but feel like something was off. This was his first time inside the Long Barrow but even he could see that the place was a lot more busy than most of the other taverns he had been to in the past despite there not being any sort of special event going on. The only reason he was here now was because of the rumors.

Lately the NPCs in town began talking about some fortress in the northern region of the floor, a place he had never personally been to but only heard described as being made of tall mountains and thick forests. Inside the fortress was a monster of a man they simply called the King of Ice. After hearing such a tale he could only figure it to be another quest to pop up in alongside the other recent ones that were appearing in Aincrad. The people also spoke of a man named Joramun who spent most of his time inside the Long Barrow and knows the legend surrounding the rumor.

So here he was, scanning the crowd for the man who would prompt the next step of the adventure.

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In the corner he noticed a group of people surrounding a man who clearly fit the descriptions he received from the other NPCs. Yep, that was definitely Joramun. He got up from his chair and casually went over to listen to the story of the regarding the legend.

Joramun seemed like a natural speaker, standing tall and proud despite his eyes carrying a weight of sadness in his look. He spoke calmly but also loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear him clearly. "The Night's King is what they call "him". Truth be told, that thing in the frozen fortress isn't a human like you or me. It left this world long ago but for some reason has returned... As an undead monster. It's unholy I tell you. It doesn't have any shred of emotion left in its body. Why, it even killed my wife... I tried to fight it off, but the damn thing was so strong. I lost one of my eyes to it. If I could just find someone strong enough to strike it down then my beloved wife can be avenged!"

That seemed like his cue. After hearing the story he was only more determined to lend a helping hand.

"Don't worry, Mr. Joramun. My name's Seul. I'm a pretty capable fighter and I'd be happy to slay the king to avenge your wife."

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Travel Theme

Thus his adventure to the far north began. A light snow fall began as he passed  through the gates of Snowfrost Town and it would continue for most of his journey as well. The only thing there to accompany him was the crunching of the snow beneath his shoes and if he continued at the pace he was going he was certain that the fortress wouldn't be too far off. Getting to it would probably be half the battle though. As far as he knew the forests surrounding the it were full of monsters much stronger than the average snow hare. He'd need to keep his wits about him if he wanted to make it through there alive.

The snow would eventually stop as he reached the mouth of the forest. Dark and foreboding with tree arching over the path leading inside. It looked like something out of a horror movie, but he wasn't about to turn tail and run just because it seemed a little more menacing than the rest of the floor. In the distance he could see tall mountains piercing the sky. If he had to bet that was probably where he was headed.

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He couldn't tell how long he had been in the forest and after a while everything just started to look the same. The darkness didn't help much either and it looked like the only reason he got there in the first place was because of dumb luck. A soft sigh escaped his lips, but there was no time to rest in such a foreign place. It was enemy territory after all; if they even got a hint of his presence he'd most likely be thrust into a fight.

...And that's exactly what happened. Thankfully the crunching snow gave them away but a pack of something appeared from seemingly nowhere and surrounded him on all sides. Four sets of glowing, red eyes glared at him as he calmly drew his dagger. Whatever they were they were humanoid in appearance, but looked as if they were already dead. 'These things must serve the Night's King.' He thought. But the time for thinking was over sadly. If there were only four the fight would probably go on for some time. He needed to thin their numbers. He ran at the closest pair of eyes and once he was close enough to see he noticed that the monster was armed with axes in each hand. Compared to his little dagger it looked like an unbalanced match, but he must have caught it off guard as the execution of his Rapid Bite sword art left the creature as nothing but pixels once the two slashes tore through its flesh.

The others didn't dare to move. Not yet anyway.



  • Damage: 13                
  • Recovery: 1

  • Mitigation: 89                

  • Holy Blessing: 18 

  • Battle Healing: 8    

  • Picking: +1 LD    



  Reveal hidden contents


  • Regret | Light Armor | +18 Holy Blessing / 1 Recovery  

  Reveal hidden contents


  • Promise | Shield | +54 Mitigation 
  Reveal hidden contents


  • Kitsune Mask (Vanity)

  • Crimson Blades Cloak (Vanity)

  • Crimson Blades Amulet (Vanity)

Familiar: Legna - The Black Dragon (No Buffs / Chibi)


  • 9 Mats
  • The Hoya of Minos (Vanity)
  • Basic Teleport Crystal - x1
  • Banner of Support - 3 Charges Left
  • Snowfrost Potion



  • Dagger (Rank 5 / +5 Damage with dagger equipped)               

  • Light Armor (Rank 3 / +12 Mitigation)                

  • Block (Rank 3 / +23 Mitigation)   

  • Howl (No Ranks / Post Action / Effect: Adds 3 Hate to all opponents)

  • Battle Healing (Rank 1 / Passive / Effect: Recover 6% of max HP on natural CD rolls of 6+)

  • Picking (Rank 1 / Passive / Effect: +1 LD when attempting to open a treasure chest)

  • Concentration (Extra Skill / No Ranks / Activated free - 5 post cooldown / Effect: Gain +1 to the BD result for a single action)

  • Meditation (Extra Skill / Rank 0 / Post Action / Effect: Recover X Energy on a natural CD roll of 10+. X = Rank)     

  • Survival(Extra Skill / No Ranks / Passive / Effect: Increases the health you regenerate per post to 6 when out of combat. Survival also gives immunity to damage dealing environment effects)



  • Athletics: You can endure more and hit harder. +1 Damage and +5 Health.

[Concentration: 0/5]

ID: 65544 | BD: 6 (6 - 1 + 1 Conc) | 13 x 10 Rapid Bite - 25 Mit = 105 DMG | MD: 4

LD: 11 | Gained: 500 Col & 1 Mat | Total Loot: 500 col & 1 Mat


  • Seul: 149/149 HP | 26/36 EN (-10 EN)


  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT (-105 HP) DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
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Without hesitation he turned to take advantage of their lack of action by lashing out with another one of his sword arts. Unfortunately the monsters blended in too well with the environment. He expected as much though; this was their domain after all. He was the intruder so if anyone would know the layout of the battlefield best it would be these things. There wasn't much to worry about though. Despite his failed attack the Frost Wights as he soon came to call them were not capable of getting past his shield just yet. Axes flew from all directions but his shield intercepted every blow with ease. It almost seemed like they were just testing the waters; trying to see how far they could push him before really ramping up the power behind their attacks. They would be in for a rude awakening though once they finally did get through as not many things were able to get past his mitigation and healing enhancements.

[Concentration: 1/5]

ID: 65546 | CD: 11 (Recovery Activated) | BD: 1 (2 - 1) |  MD: 5

LD: 17 | Gained: N/A | Total Loot: 500 col & 1 Mat


  • Seul: 149/149 HP | 26/36 EN (+2/-2 EN)


  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
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His next opening arrived as the closest wight swung its axe. Without much effort involved he managed to push the weapon aside and active the Accel Raid, slashing across the monster's body a total of eight times before ending the move with a round slice to its torso. It too exploded and a smirk of satisfaction spread over Seul's face as it did. It looked like getting the last rank in his weapon had paid off in the long run, but the downside was that he was going through his energy pretty quickly. He'd try to conserve it when he could, but it didn't seem like the wight's were too powerful. Two more moves like that and he'd probably be done with them and able to move on to the fortress. It was just a matter of getting his attacks to connect against all the odds which would make them miss.

[Concentration: 2/5]

ID: 65548 | CD: 10 (Recovery Activated) | BD: 10 | 13 + 2 Crit x 9 Accel Raid - 25 Mit = 110 DMG |  MD: 3

LD: 3 | Gained: 1 Mat | Total Loot: 500 col & 2 Mats


  • Seul: 149/149 HP | 19/36 EN (+2/-9 EN)


  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD (-110 HP)
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
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He lunged forward yet again with another sword art but the wight ducked out of the way of his dagger before retaliating with its axes. Seul raised his shield to absorb the brunt of the hit then quickly spun around to catch the second pair of axes as well. If he could commend the monsters on one thing it would be their speed. He was having a tough time keeping up, but even with that being said none of them had managed to land a single hit on him yet while he managed to kill two. Maybe if there were a lot more he'd be in actual trouble but a small party of four was no match for someone at his level.

Both the wights circled around until they were standing in front of him as if issuing a challenge. One that he was gladly willing to accept without a second thought.

[Concentration: 3/5]

ID: 65550 | CD: 3 | BD: 1 |  MD: 1

LD: 7 | Gained: N/A | Total Loot: 500 col & 2 Mats


  • Seul: 149/149 HP | 18/36 EN (+1/-2 EN)


  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
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Another swing from the blade only resulted in another failure. This time he nearly tripped as the dagger cut through the air unexpectedly. Seul stumbled slightly but managed to recover in time to block both the attacks from each of the two remaining wights. Things were starting to drag on. It was times like this when having the night vision ability would probably come in handy. He was basically fighting blindly but it wasn't so bad considering the monster's hadn't even scratched him yet. He'd keep fighting until they were both dead and then he'd go after the king and take him out too! He gave his word to Joramun. He had someone counting on him and someone's death to avenge. He couldn't fail there in some nameless forest. If he had any say in the matter he would be walking out of the fight alive and better than ever with his head held high and a weapon ready to drink the blood of another boss.

[Concentration: 4/5]

ID: 65559 | CD: 3 | BD: 2 (3 - 1) |  MD: 5

LD: 20 | Gained: N/A | Total Loot: 500 col & 2 Mats


  • Seul: 149/149 HP | 17/36 EN (+1/-2 EN)


  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
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He pushed off with his back foot into a light trot through the snow until he was within range of the closer of the two wights. In the next moment he activated the Rapid Bite sword art, depleting the monster's health with two fast slashes to its form. There was only one monster left but as he turned his attention to it he was met with an axe that barely scratched across his stomach. The momentum of his dodge did force him to fall onto his back though. Overall he only suffered minor damage from the attack, but it was still strange to see it catch him off guard like that. In all of his time in Aincrad most monsters followed set patterns for attacking. Could the wights have been made to act differently? He wasn't sure, but as he got back to his feet he noted the thing's ability to launch preemptive strikes while raising his shield at it.

[Concentration: 5/5 | Fully Restored]

ID: 65560 | CD: 1 | BD: 6 (7 - 1) | 13 x 10 Rapid Bite - 25 Mit = 105 DMG

MD: 7 | 40 - 89 Mit = 1 DMG

LD: 2 | Gained: 1 Mat | Total Loot: 500 col & 3 Mats


  • Seul: 148/149 HP | 8/36 EN (+1/-10 EN) (-1 HP)


  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD (-105 HP)
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
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Just as he had feared he had used up too much of his energy with the last few sword arts. He wouldn't be able to use Rapid Bite again for quite some time and to make matters worse his  recovery enhancement was not activating. At least his healing was kicking in and restored his health back to full despite it being high already. The wight had not moved either and the resulting scene looked like they were just having a staring contest. It was a little unnerving being glared at by such an ugly creature but it would all be over soon. Soon he would be able to strike it down and move on to the fortress where the real enemy lied in wait. If the king was anything like his underlings he figured it would not be a particularly tough fight, but it was better to go into the next area cautiously rather than with his guns ablaze so that no more of the sentries would be alerted to his being.

[Holy Blessing: +18 HP]

ID: 65562 | CD: 3 | BD: No Action |

MD: 5 |

LD: 8 | Gained: N/A | Total Loot: 500 col & 3 Mats


  • Seul: 149/149 HP | 9/36 EN (+1 EN)


  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
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On the bright side at least we was able to recover more of his energy during the period of down time in the middle of the fight. Part of him wanted to just walk away right there. It was not like the monster would be able to actually wound him if he did anyway. But knowing how most quests worked in the world of Aincrad the monsters he encountered along the way were most likely a prerequisite for the final battle to come. He would not be able to move on if he did not complete the battle and ultimately the quest would result in a failure. He couldn't let that happen. There was no doubt that he definitely needed some rest after all was said and done, but until then he would need to keep fighting until the final wight fell due to his blade and determination to win.

ID: 65563 | CD: 1 | BD: No Action |

MD: 5 |

LD: 19 | Gained: N/A | Total Loot: 500 col & 3 Mats


  • Seul: 149/149 HP | 10/36 EN (+1 EN)


  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
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If the wight wasn't going to move then neither was he. Seul was no stranger to this type of battle now. In the past many of his fights came down to just standing around until openings presented themselves. It was just as much of a mental battle as it was a physical one. Often times the one with the most patience would end up coming out on top and those that acted in haste would place themselves in danger.

The remaining wight charged forward and lifted both its axes high above its head before bringing them down own the player. Only to be met with the harsh clang of metal as his shield blocked the attack. Sparks flew and the rage in the monster's voice was becoming even more apparent now. It was clearly growing frustrated with the constant cat and mouse game, but hopefully it would not be around much longer.

ID: 65564 | CD: 2 | BD: No Action |

MD: 2 |

LD: 1 | Gained: N/A | Total Loot: 500 col & 3 Mats


  • Seul: 149/149 HP | 11/36 EN (+1 EN)


  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 100/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT
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"Now!" He called out while brushing the monster's weapons aside with his shield. In his other hand the dagger began to glow brightly signaling the use of a sword art. Two slashes swept across the wight's body and formed an 'X' pattern on its skin. It writhed in pain for a moment before exploding into pixels and with its death all of the enemies were defeated.

The battle was over and not a minute too soon either. His energy was basically nonexistent now and unless he too had a death wish he'd need to find a place to rest before taking on the king. Seul placed his weapon back in its scabbard then began a slow stroll once again down the forest path. There would surely be a place to rest closer to the fortress and the longer he stayed out in the open the higher his chances of being attacked again were.

ID: 65599 | CD: 9 (Recovery Activated) | BD: 10 | 13 + 2 x 10 Rapid Bite - 25 Mit = 125 DMG

LD: 13 | Gained: 500 Col & 1 Mat | Total Loot: 1,000 col & 4 Mats


  • Seul: 149/149 HP | 3/36 EN (+2/-10 EN)


  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD
  • Frost Wight: 000/100 HP | 40 DMG | 50/60 CRIT | 25 MIT DEAD (-125 HP)
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He just had to keep moving. If he stopped there was no telling what other crazy things he might run into in the forest. Eventually he would reach the exit and see the large staircase leading up to the fortress on the other side. Going through the front door was obviously out of the question. Although he would probably be able to fight off the guards that were there it would be foolish to enter a fight without any energy to use. The best option here was to avoid battle at all costs until he was able to reach the throne room where the king resided. Rather than walk up the stairs he circled around to one of the sides to look for an entry point. He doubted their would be any doors but a window or two might be open and ready to for him to use to get in.

[Energy Restoration Timer: 1/3]

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