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[SP - F1] A Rather... Basic Beginning

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He slammed his fist against the walls that he surrounded himself with for the past few weeks he had been here. A menu opened on the wall that said "Immortal Object", but he had already knew about that. It would be rather confusing if you could take down town walls. Edge thought to himself about his situation... he was not happy with the situation that he had got himself into, heck he is still level 1 while others got up there in the Front Lines. "I have to fight... there's no way around it at this point..." he thought as he looked out a window viewing the beginner town. He shook his head and nodding in agreeance, he knew he needed to step out and finally fight.

He didn't know where to start though, he walked around town for a bit to find the different exits out into the open to find the easiest enemies he could find to try to grind off of. He needed to get levels, and he needed to get them in order to progress. He spotted a route he could take to fight rather simple enemies... Boars. "Well... its a start... however... I don't think its a good idea to fight more than one at a time... I could find myself dead in one encounter... I wouldn't want that to happen..." he thought to himself as he progress on the trail he had found. He looked around before getting himself in the encounter, it was a plains area... the sky could be seen, a lake could be seen, it was beautiful... it was more beautiful than the real world he had thought to himself.

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Alas, after time he eventually found a lone boar, no others were surrounding the beast. He faintly smiled at the appearance that he had found. He held his curved sword tight and ran at the boar with a war cry... however...

ID: 65823

BD: 1

He got a little cocky at his beginner skills... he ran at the boar and tripped and fell onto the ground. It didn't hurt as much, but he quickly rolled to face up in an attempt to try to fend off the boar from hitting him.

ID: 65823

MD: 5

Luckily, the boar did manage to barely miss him. Barely. He sighed in relief and stood back up to fight once more, he needed to stand his ground and defend himself from dying, he did not want to die here. He did not want this to turn into a suicide mission for himself.

Edge: 4/4 DMG: 2 MIT: 0

Boar: 4/4 DMG: 3 MIT: 2

Edited by Edge
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Edge shook his head after the failure of his last attempt to fight a boar, and ran at the boar with all he had... his sword glowed with a white light and he took a swing at the boar.

ID: 65827

BD: 9 (+1 DMG)

MD: 6

He got a hit on the boar! Although with a long with a short celebration, he was quickly hit back... however Edge did not like the damage that this boar was putting on him, Edge was almost dead, in his first encounter... however this was not going to stop him from continuing on from keep on fighting! He shook off his worries of dying and looked at the boar with extreme precaution... he was not going to back down... nor did he want to die right here right now...

Edge: 1/4 -3

Boar: 3/4 -1 (MIT sucks, it really really does.)

Edited by Edge
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