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[SP - F2] Breaking Inanimate Objects <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>

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Beatbox hadn't been outside for a while, he had mostly been staying indoors ever since the times he had with his previous guild. Sure, he doesn't regret a second of it... but he hasn't seen any of them in months... he hopes to see them again, but he doesn't keeps his hopes up for it though. He had decided to explore around Floor 2 to get more used to the surroundings since he hasn't been one to explore much. He eventually came up to a mountain, "Oh sweet!" he thought to himself. "Looks like we'll be climbing a mountain today Audio!" he told his familiar, and up the mountain he went. He tried to avoid as many mobs as he could going up, and after an hour or two he finally reached a rather... absurd part of the mountain. There was a hut residence here... "How odd... who in their right mind would live on top of a mountain?" he thought to himself in confusion. An NPC came up to Beatbox from behind and poked his back, in surprise Beatbox turned around with his sword ready to see it wasn't a mob. "Whoa, whoa... no need to fight..." he said calmly. "I was just wondering if you could help me out." "Help you out with... what?" "I need your help splitting a rock into two... you can end up with something special in the end of it" he said bribing. "A... rock? Aren't those Immortal?" he questioned. The NPC laughed at the comment and replied with "Haha! No, not all are Immortal, come on... follow me." he said walking in the direction of the rock, of course Beatbox followed behind, he never turned down a quest. "Here we are! The Rock." and what was in front of him was a 2 meter-high rock and was... seemingly around 1 to 2 meters wide. "Before you start there are some rules... you cannot use your weapon, only fists." he said, Beatbox was utterly surprised but he eventually nodded nervously. "And I must paint this on you..." he said before pulling out a special paint and painted whiskers on Beatbox's face. "Welp, good luck!" he said giggling. "Well Audio... looks like you'll be watching this one out buddy..." he said with a smile and pats his head as he laid down behind him at a reasonable distance.

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ID: 65833

BD: 8+1=9 (Hit!)

Beatbox had prepared himself and did... a rather odd karate type pose that looked cool in his head, but the NPC had that look of "why did I hire this guy to split this rock in two..." and he let out a holler and hit the rock with as much as he could. He actually lowered its health... a bit, not a lot... but a bit. "Well... this is going to take... for...EVER." he thought to himself before breathing back in and prepared another hit on the rock. He knew this was going to be easy... but tedious... but he had to keep going, he can't stop going... its what he is. He want's to be able to finish a quest once it has been accepted, he'll stop at nothing to finish this quest.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 48/50 -2


HP: 61/61 (Not that it will go any lower...)

EN: 13/14 (-1)

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ID: 65834

BD: 4+1=5 (Miss...)

Beatbox took another deep breath and focused on the same spot that he had hit the boulder from before... and! He somehow missed the boulder, he had a dumb founded look on his face on how in the world he could miss a target like this, especially for it being so big in size. Behind him he could hear the NPC laughing and Beatbox looked behind him with an embarrassed look and he asked "Does... this happen often with other people...?". The NPC gave a smile and told him "More than you know!" and he let out a laugh and went back at watch Beatbox carefully. "All there is to it is some back bone! You have muscles use them!!" he yelled at Beatbox. He shook his head and replied with "Yes I know!! I am going to try a little bit harder."


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 48/50


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65635

BD: 10+1=11 (Critical Success!) Just need like 12 more of those... 


Beatbox after that embarrassing display, stared at the same stop he hit and took a quick breath and went for it... and he managed to hit it! And he hit that boulder good, he noticed that the health bar went down what it looked like it had been doubled. The NPC for a moment was a little impressed that he did a little more than average than what he had been seeing, then he saw Beatbox do a miniature fist bump to himself and the NPC just stood there nodding and sighing on the sight of him doing something like that. "You know you don't have to do any silly poses and acts to do this right?" he yelled at Beatbox. "Let me have my own self worth!" Beatbox yelled out in a laugh, but quickly returned to the boulder.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 44/50 -4


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65836

BD: 9+1=10 (Critical!)


Beatbox had giggled for a moment after fist bumping himself in confidence and got back to his serious face, and got back in that silly karate pose that he had once made already and took a deep breath, exhaled and hit the boulder once more... and he hit it pretty well, it still did more damage than the first hit that he had done against the boulder, but just a little lower than the previous. Either which way, Beatbox was happy with the results he had been getting and he knows to just keep up with the pace. He thought to himself "Man... I've been hitting this boulder hard and its been barely budging... this is going to take forever... but, I can't give up... this NPC is counting on me!" with a determined look.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 41/50 -3


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65837

BD: 2+1=3 (Miss...)


Beatbox very impressed with himself, found himself doing the same process all over again... got in a pose... breathed in and out... and took a swing at the boulder. However, this time he missed, whether him getting a little too confident or didn't angle it right... he didn't know. He shrugged it off and tried not to be embarrassed by missing it and instead readied himself again to strike once more. "Come on James... you got this... you got this... this thing isn't even alive... you have this in the bag... keep going! Just whatever you do James, just don't give up! Giving up is never the answer and you know this... just keep up the pressure..." he thought to himself motivationally.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 41/50 


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65838

BD: 2+1=3 (Miss...)


Beatbox strikes once more on the boulder in hopes to finally hit it again... and he found himself missing in the same way as before. He thought to himself how he missed just like the previous swing and just thought that this task was going to take at least all day to try to accomplish. He looked over to the NPC which was just standing there with his arms crossed watching Beatbox swing at the boulder and has high hopes that Beatbox does not give up on trying to split the boulder in two. "Man... this boulder does not want to give in... this is going to be one tough mission to pull off... hopefully it wont get the best of me... last thing I want is to be angry towards a rock of all things..."


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 41/50 


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65839

BD: 1+1=2 (Critical Failure...)


Beatbox shook his head and thought if he switched it up a bit... just maybe he'll be able to hit the boulder again... however, this time... he didn't like the result, he strikes against the boulder and his fist hit the boulder wrong and it started to tingle and hurt. He groaned and pulled his fist back and held it to try to stop the pain, behind him he could hear the NPC laughing at him and Audio had his head up with the expression of worry that Beatbox didn't hurt himself too badly. This time Beatbox was truly embarrassed on this attempt. "Man did I screw that one up or not... I got to be more careful... this maybe a big target, but you can still miss... boy, you sure can be seen as an idiot about it to..." he thought to himself in embarrassment. 


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 41/50 


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65840

BD: 7+1=8 (Hit!)


Beatbox after shaking his hand vigorously, he decided to switch his hand this time to let the other get a quick rest before using it again. He got in a different pose than the previous two and took a deep breath and... he hit once more! He sighed at relief at actually hitting the boulder once again, and as he raised his fist of the boulder... he noticed that a crack was forming on the boulder. He smiled at the sight of this and he gained more confidence to keep striking another hit against the boulder. "Just keep the pressure going James... you can do this... I'm sure someone would believe that you could do this too... just don't get angry about a rock..." he kept saying to himself in his head.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 39/50 -2


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65841

BD: 5+1=6 (Hit! ...barely :P)


Beatbox after hitting it once before, he kept hitting in the same spot and in the same position as he was before... if its working he thought... then don't change it. He took another deep breath and struck at the boulder, he fumbled a bit however he did manage to hit it, BARELY. He let a sigh of relief that he managed to connect the hit to the boulder and didn't miss again. Hopefully, he could keep the damage coming and to split the boulder in no time at all. "You've made good progress James... just keep up the good effort... don't stop... I can get done with this in a few... hours tops... it'll be easy, I hope..." he thought to himself a little giggle afterwards.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 37/50 -2


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65842

BD: 7+1=8 (Hit!)


All that is popping up in Beatbox's mind while striking this boulder is "Repetition is the name of the game". As majority of his day so far has just been hitting a boulder over, over, and OVER again. However, Beatbox is not going to back down... its a boulder, why on earth would he give up? He continued doing the same thing that he has been doing for the past few tries... and that's focusing and striking the boulder. He did indeed hit it this time around dealing the common damage that he has been dealing. Boy... this is going to be a long day... "Man, this boulder sure is tough" he said out load to the NPC. "I never said this task was going to be easy!" he said before busting out laughing to his own sense of humor.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 35/50 -2


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65843

BD: 7+1=8 (Hit!)


"Sigh... this is what my life has come to now huh..." he quietly said to himself before shaking his head and taking another deep breath. "This may be tedious James... but you got this... this boulder isn't going anywhere and you are doing good so far..." he thought to himself before striking the boulder again. He hit again dealing more and more damage itching away at its health. He looked over at the NPC and he hasn't changed his stance at all and he had a smile on his face, he didn't even say anything. "Just keep striking the boulder... and it will eventually split into two... don't give up, you are almost half way there... no need to be angry... no need to build up a temper" he thought to himself as he is gaining a bit of steam in his chest.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 33/50 -2


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65844

BD: 1+1=2 (Critical Failure...)


Beatbox unfortunately got ahead off himself again, and as he hit the boulder again but he didn't do damage... and his other hand started hurting once again. He raised his fist and covered it with his other hand and got mad that his other hand started hurting now. However, his previous hand was feeling much better in comparison so he switched back to his other hand. He shook his head in anger and took more deep breath's to get a moment to get himself back together. "Gosh dang it not again! Ow, ow, ow... god... just use the other hand and keep on going, there is no need to give up now..." he thought to himself in pain from his hand that hit the boulder.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 33/50 


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65846

BD: 8+1=9 (Hit!)


After some seconds to get himself together, he pulled himself back into that stupid yet funny pose he has always been using in the duration of this attempts to break this boulder in two, and he struck once again and hit once more dealing more damage. "Slow and steady wins the race James... slow and steady wins the race..." he thought to himself before readying himself for the next strike on the boulder. And as he was about to strike again he noticed that the boulder is coming close to be half depleted... this sight filled him with determination. "Geez, by the end of this quest I could be a motivational speaker on breaking boulders... huh, tat doesn't sound like a bad idea..." he thought before giggling a bit. The NPC was watching him very closely, however with the same expression as always.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 31/50 -2


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65850

BD: 4+1=5 (Missed... barely :P)


After being filled with determination he prepared himself for the next blow onto the boulder, however after swinging again... he missed. Beatbox took this time to take a break for a moment, he sighed and shook his head. "You're not giving up are you...?" the NPC asked, "I am not giving up, I am just taking a moment's break..." he said back to the NPC before getting himself back up and prepared himself for the next strike onto the boulder. He took more deep breaths in hopes that his anger would not lead to the best of him, because he feels as if it is building faster than what he wants. "Just... calm down..." he thought to himself while breathing.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 31/50 


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65851

BD: 8+1=9


He breathed in, and exhaled. He saw the cracked spot on the boulder and focused on that one spot and imagined him hitting it, and just like that... he hit it once again. It was the bear minimum damage that he could do... but it was progress. He shook his head and took more breaths and took a few more seconds to get himself together. This wasn't hard by any means, its just tedious for one person to handle by there lonesome. "This is really getting on my nerves..." he said quietly to himself, however the NPC over heard him and replied with "You're not giving up are you?". In which Beatbox responds back with "No! This is just getting really really tedious!"


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 29/50 -2


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65856

BD: 10+1=11 (Critical Success!)


He was done thinking to himself for a while, he wanted to take down this boulder. He stared at the cracked spot that he had made and struck the boulder with a good amount of force. He raised his fist once again and and saw that the crack on the boulder was growing bigger, he had a faint smile to see that he has been making so much progress. He's not going to stop until this boulder get's split in half just as promised. "At this point anger could help me in destroying this boulder, heck... maybe I should try..." he though before letting some anger out and started to act recklessly.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 25/50 -4


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65858

BD: 6+1=7 (Hit!)


At this point he recklessly kept attempting to hit the boulder at this point, this quest had gotten to him and its getting very tedious to him and he is very unamused with the results that is being shown. He raised his fist to the air and hit the boulder once more, he hit it with a good amount of power to keep the bear minimum damage going onto the boulder. He had his determination face on and he wanted to finish this quest as he promised, he accepted the quest... and he will continue it until it is completed. "Boulder... just freaking give in!" he yelled out in anger before taking a few quick breaths before trying to strike the boulder again.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 23/50 -2


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65859

BD: 9+1=10 (Critical!)


He somehow got angry at this boulder, he looked at it and just got mad that it wasn't breaking... it has hurt his hand twice and he has been standing here punching a boulder for the past who knows how long in hopes that it will break. Without hesitation he striked at the boulder once again and hit it pretty well, he even did more damage than he has in the past few hits.  He took a few breaths to cool down some steam, but he was still rather upset at the tedious acts he has been performing."Okay, this is getting really annoying! If this doesn't end up splitting soon, I feel like I could just scream my lungs out" he thought to himself in a little but of anger towards the boulder.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 20/50 -3


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65861

BD: 10+1=11 (Critical Success!) SWEET PROGRESS!!


Beatbox took a moment to regain his cool, he thought if he calmed down he would be able to hit it a lot better... and lone behold, it worked! He hit the boulder with a tremendous amount of force and it took more than average damage for Beatbox. It got him a little more happy about the quest he is on, with this amount of progress this would soon be over. Heck, at this point he really wants this tedious quest to finally be over. He took a deep breath and thought to himself "Finally... I am getting somewhere again... man, this boulder has been making me angry when it probably should" with a nod and an angered expression. 


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 16/50 -4


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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