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[SP - F2] Breaking Inanimate Objects <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>

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ID: 65863

BD: 9+1=10 (Critical!)


Before he swung once more on the boulder, he had noticed that the crack has grown... a lot. He knew the end was coming closer and closer to this quest, the boulder would soon give out from here. He took another deep breath and swung at the boulder again, he hit pretty hard and dealt only a little less damage compared to the last swing. He looked back at the NPC and he is still standing with crossed arms, but currently he has a happy look on his face. "Keep on striking, you almost have it!" the NPC says to try to motivate Beatbox. "Yeah, if only it was that easy..." he said with a breath and continued to breathe trying to catch his breath.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 13/50 -3


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

Edited by Beatbox
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ID: 65864

BD: 10+1=11 (Critical Success!)


He prepared for another blow onto the boulder and he hit it again with a great amount of force. He finally had the realization that the boulders health was finally in the red zone, its finally almost done. He sighed at the sight of the boulder finally wanting to give out, he finally let out his steam and finally cheered up about this tedious task, it would soon be over. "It's almost over James... its almost over just a few more hits... and this quest will finally be over..."  he thought to himself with a faint smile on his face.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 9/50 -4


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65867

BD: 10+1=11 (Critical Success!)


After his moment of thinking to himself he shook his head back to focus on the task that was on hand, heck... soon it would be over before he knew it. He took another deep breath like he has before and swung at the boulder once more. In his surprise he has been dealing a lot of damage to the boulder, he has been surprising himself on all the damage he had been doing, now he only wishes he could deal damage like that out of hitting objects like boulders.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 5/50 -4


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65868

BD: 7+1=8 (Hit!)


Without a second thought he struck the boulder once more with a good strike, and sure he was doing the bear minimum... but the crack has almost reached the bottom. "This boulder must be on its last leg... barely holding on... keep on swinging James... its almost over!" he thought to himself to give himself some determination, and he has never felt so determined to complete a quest, who knew a boulder could make him so determined.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 3/50 -2


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65875

BD: 7+1=8 (Hit!)


He took a deep deep breath hoping to finish this quest right now, and he raised his fist and hit it once again... however, sure it did damage... but the boulder is holding on with 1 HP. Something about that annoys the heck out of Beatbox, having something hang on with 1 HP. "Sigh... there is nothing more annoying than that!" he yelled out before getting ready to strike the boulder one hopefully last time. This was it, he would soon accomplish the tedious.


<<The Boulder>>

HP: 1/50 -2


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)

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ID: 65879

BD: 6+1=7 (Hit!)


Within the last blow... it was over. The boulder finally split into two, and triumphantly he raised his fist in the air hollering out "Yeahhh!!! Finally!!!". He had never have been so happy to break a rock before in his entire life. The NPC went up to him and gave Beatbox a pat on the back and said "Thank you sooo much for your help! Now comes your reward, those whiskers I painted on you will turn into a skill. I hope you are happy with your rewards! And again, thank you soo much stranger."



<<The Boulder>>

HP: -1/50 -2


HP: 61/61

EN: 13/14 (-1, +1)


"Thank you so much! I will use this skill carefully. Catch you around sometime!" he yelled out before running off back home with his familiar friend Audio.


COMPLETE! - took me forever...

Gained Skill <<Martial Arts>>

2 SP

400 Cor


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