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[PP-F1] «Earning a Living» Can Khan Cook Cook?

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Rushing around the maze-like streets of the Town of Beginnings, Cook found himself lost without any way of finding his way around. You see, he's a new player to this game. The last thing he saw was Kayaba and his little creep speech in the center and of town and now, Cook, is frantically trying to learn the ways of the game. That is, if he can find his way out of this town maze.

As he stood there with his mind wandering, a tantalizing scent came happening by his nostrils. "Roasted... Roasted beef! with so many herbs and spices!" His mouth began to salivate as he kept thinking about it all those spices. As he closed his eyes, his feet began to move on it's own following the scent. It wasn't long until he opened his eyes and there he already stood in front of a restaurant. Le Cafe, it was called. Within moments, he pushed through the front door and headed straight for the front counter.

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The city was buzzing with noise with the midday crowds filling the streets. Jhed had never been a fan of crowded areas more so with the rowdy sea of people passing by so to escape all this chaos he took shelter in a nearby store. All seemed well, the noise was dying, no one was crowding him, and best of all he got some breathing room. Then out of nowhere, *Smack* Jhed get hit and knocked down and he realized there seemed to be no real escape in the city. The person who knocked him down looked like some blond prick foaming from the mouth and had his nostrils flaring, and i doubt he passed through the door without notice of what he just did. My first thought is that i have never seen anyone ever react like that, its as if he was an animal. Jhed just ignored it as best he could saying "this place is filled with all sorts of strange folk, as expected from a newbie place". 

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Cook's mouth was gaping as he was drooling profusely. This was the his first experience of food in this game, and he had never expected it to smell like real food. As pushed through the front door, he had felt a slightly resistance, but didn't took it to mind. He quickly rushed to the front counter of the the little restaurant where he tried not making a scene. "Chef! Teach me your ways!" He yelled out. He didn't want to yell out, but his craving just made his inhibitions  and reluctance to make a scene go away.

"Monsieur, he ask to learn my ways of cooking yet, you act so unrefined. I'll tell you what, collect materials for cooking, and mayhaps, I'll teach you a thing or two about proper cooking." The chef says condescendingly. He had no real intentions of teaching him, but there was a slight chance he will since he is after an NPC.

Cook, held back a rude remark as the chef gave him his little quest. As the chef gave him the quest, an actual window appeared Cook asking if he will accept the quest. He , of course, quickly pressed yes before heading towards the door. He wanted to get out of here before his anger exploded.

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Jhed stood back up and scanned the room for the guy who knocked him down and said under his breath "The hell? where'd that guy go, jus' took my eyes off him for a second and he gone." From the front desk he heard a yell "Chef! Teach me your ways!" Instantly most of everyone in the place took notice to this guy. Jhed spotted the guy and noticed it was the blond guy who knocked him down earlier. "Huh, this guy is in a rush I wonder whats his problem." Jhed said out load seeing if the people near him would agree or say anything. Jhed start heading towards the guy to confront him about what happened earlier and also why he's in a rush. While the blond guy turned around and headed towards the door Jhed stopped him and asked "Hey man, whats with the rush you didn't even notice that you knocked me down earlier at the door." 

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