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[PP, F1] The need for adventure (Aya,Calrex)

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Aya woke, it was a glorious day outside the heat from the sun warming her tiny room in the Dragon's Head inn through the open window, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. A couple of hours later she was sat in the Starlight Cafe book open her nose buried deep in its pages, she had skipped breakfast at the inn for something she had been craving for the past 24 hours. A waiter approaching the table made her jump he placed down a plate with hot steaming waffles, ice cream, and fresh cookies broken over the top of the mouth watering delight and a cookies and cream milkshake "Sorry for the delay miss we ran out of cookies so these are fresh." "It's ok, thank you" Aya replied with a smile
She sighed as she spooned the delicious food into her mouth, it had been an extremely busy couple of days and now the knowledge that she would have to go out searching for more materials filled her with dread.
"You'll get yourself killed and then you know all this will be for nothing" Her inner monologue rebuked her. 
She knew she couldn't go alone this time "But who to go with" she said out loud, looking quickly around to see if there was anyone who could have heard her.


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"And yet once again I find myself back in here, without either Oikawa or Teayre. Maybe I should pick up a strawberry cream pie for the two of them, since neither can enter the safe zone right now."

The door of the Starlight Cafe opened softly, the main indicator of its open state being the small bell that chimed as the top edge gently tapped it. Entering into the cafe of a blue-haired young man, his clothing consisting of a white shirt, blue fur-collared jacket, and dark gray pants. Attached to the back of his hip was his sword's sheath, which seemed to be of a deep ocean-blue hue. Calrex gave a small sigh as he walked over to the counter, ordering the single dessert for takeout. The waiter accepted the request, heading to the back to deliver his batch of orders. Putting his hands into his jacket pockets the self-titled Ultramarine Knight looked around. Even though it has been many months since he had first stepped into the small cafe, it still seemed to have remained unchanged, and just as popular.

He went over to a nearby seat against the window, looking out at the street for a few moments as he contemplated what had just occurred. The trio had met up, expressing their plans to form the Spectrum Coalition into an official guild, so many ideas were coursing through his mind, "There was that person Teayre mentioned appeared to be an interesting character, but I'll save that for another time."

As he was about to lose himself in his thoughts, he picked up on a voice in the current atmosphere, "But who to go with"


His head turned back to scan the area. There weren't many conversations at the current volume he had heard, but it appeared that someone was possibly in need of assistance. He had heard and witnessed too many new players fall to the threatening boars that were outside of the Starting City, and he wasn't going to let another one go off recklessly on their own. Scanning the crowd he saw someone that appeared to be looking back and forth, either out of surprise or possibly curiosity, "Could that be the person?"

Giving a small sigh he centered himself before getting to his feet, approaching the young woman, "Actually...I can't tell if she's older than me or not..."

"Um, excuse me, do you need some help with something?"

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Someone was moving behind Aya, moving towards her she put her head on her arms peeking behind her it was the ultramarine haired player she had seen in the cafe before. Then Aya remembered that he had looked troubled, at a loss. “And He’s Coming This Way!” Screamed her internal monologue. 

“Um, excuse me, do you need some help with something?”

Aya’s face represented shock, concern and relief, her ears and arms burned. 

She fumbled the book was still open in her hand, putting it down on the table next to the plate. 

“Say something, you need to say something! Come on you need the help, what’s taking so long it looks like your being rude” 

“Thank you, you see I’ve been slowly getting used to life here, at first it was all too daunting and I didn’t really interact with people. But recently I’ve been meeting other players and I’ve been outside  starting city more than I ever thought I would cope with but combat scares me I’ve been overwhelmed and It’s nearly cost other people. (She took a long breath) I’ve recently opened my Alchemy shop and after buying equipment from an artisan, with discount and the promise of returning the favour of discounts I’ve got no materials left, I’m desperate to go out and collect some but I’ve not ventured onto further than the forest outside this city on my own”  She trailed off, “Well that wen form 0-100 in 15 seconds, well done you've probably scared him off, no chance of help now, idiot” Her internal monologue was on form today.

“S-Sorry, do you want to sit? “ Aya gestured to the seat in font of her.

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The initial start of the conversation certainly conveyed to him that the young woman wasn't expecting her sentence to be responded to. Either that or he came off the wrong way. First there was a pause before she began, which was something that wasn't exactly uncommon in conversations. But what came afterwards solidified it, as the long explanation about her profession and current situation left her mouth.

Being offered to sit Calrex gave a friendly smile and a nod, "If I'm not imposing, thank you. Also I guess I should probably start with my name first, heh. I'm Calrex, it's a pleasure to meet you. Congratulations on your shop opening though, and going from what you've said I'd be happy to lend a hand. I actually used to gather materials as my unofficial profession before deciding to become a fisherman, so if you need a hand procuring them I can certainly give you my assistance."

"Even at the level she's at, non-combat material gathering seems to have become significantly less beneficial over monster combat. However, it might be necessary that I bring her along to higher floors, at least if we're going to find anything due to my current level. I guess being the highest level player in Aincrad really does have its problems."

Looking over as the waiter brought him his takeout order the bluenette gave a nod of thanks before swiping and adding the strawberry creme pie to his inventory, "]Gotta be sure to deliver that to Oikawa's shop later on. I wonder when was the last time he had some from here, especially after becoming an orange player."

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"Well done you excelled at introducing yourself there" Her monologue continued bombarding her with rebukes.

“Hi Calrex, it's a pleasure to meet you too sorry for the awful introduction my name is Aya" She Sighed slowing down You're talking to quickly again, slow down you will scare him off” . "Thank you, I'd feel like gathering materials outside starting city or even on a different floor wouldn't be as dangerous if I didn't go alone.”

She finished drinking the milkshake and wiped her mouth on a napkin before continuing.

“Where would you suggest to start? I don't think I was looking in the best place and to be honest it was probably my own caution that held back my productiveness. I tried in the forest outside of the city but I only followed the outskirts and didn't venture too far into the forest I've heard too many horror stories of boars attacks to risk going further”

As she finished the waiter bought a take out order to Calrex, swiping the bag dissipated, Aya presumed he was keeping it for later. "Something for the journey?" She inquired.

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"Aya...that name sounds familiar...oh right I think Teayre made mention of her when we were meeting a while back."

Giving a nod Calrex rested his arms calmly on the table, listening to the young woman speak before responding, "Ah, not really actually. One of my close friends frequented this shop quite often when we were first starting out, and he particularly enjoyed the strawberry creme pies from here. He hasn't been able to stop in as of late, so I figured to pick one up for him so he can try it again the next time I saw him."

Thinking for a quick moment he spoke again, "As for the place that would be most suitable, I think for now we'll stick to this floor. It may not yield as many materials at first, but if might be a good thing to get you at least a little more accustomed to combating the creatures here, as more likely than not you'll have to face them during trips to look for materials. Since I'll be along I can keep their attention focused on me, that way you're in no danger..."

Crossing his arms the bluenette continued to think, "Hm...the alternative would be avoiding combat and searching for materials within the environment. It's slower than combatting creatures, but at the least we can also avoid combat at the same time."

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“Oh no, I bet he will really appreciate the thought though.” She paused moving a thick long section of purple hair out of her mouth she sighed and quickly braided her long hair into a single braid. “Sorry it seems to be getting longer, if that's possible, and more annoying it seems to want to be eaten, I've never tried the strawberry crème pies myself I have a thing for the chocolate chip cookies."

"This is either going to go really well or it's going to turn into another Boar gate situation" She thought "Well I need to get over that and move on non combat is hurting my chances of supporting the people I care about keep focusing on that." "Yeah or it is going to turn into another cower in the corner situation who are you kidding it will turn into that.. again" Her internal monologue interrupted her.

Aya ignored it, it had kept her safe in her early days in starting city but it was no becoming harmful to her personal mission the reason she was here.

“I've spent enough time, afraid of material gathering because of the possibility of combat, alone. but I need help and I relay appreciate it I've tried this strategie but the other player was of a similar level and I lost confidence , that and other players were around and the whole situation knocked my confidence "

She swiped the interface and the book dissipated into he inventory, “Do you want to get started now ?”


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"Nah, I've had that happen a few times too. It might have been the wind or something, but at times I swore my bangs were getting long enough to poke me in the eye, heh. I'm sure this cafe might have some good chocolate chip cookies as well. I usually just get an iced mocha from here, but everything I've had so far has been tasty."

"Well, as tasty as simulated flavors can be. It could be also just the fact that the game's enhanced whatever good in here to be as delicious as it can be."

Listening to Aya speak about her past experience with this situation Calrex gave a nod, "I understand. I'm not really sure what might have gone wrong in that situation, but I'll do my best to avoid repeating it. If anything I have Hate gaining skills that'll keep the enemy on me while you can practice attacking it. That way it'll help get you more acquainted with the nuances of the combat system without being under threat."

Watching as the young woman put away her book Calrex gave a nod, "Sure, if you feel you're all set we can get heading out."

"Now the question is if I should keep the Grand Blade II on me or not. We are on the first floor, so really high level monsters aren't common. I might be ok wielding the Shin Masamune in the meantime, or even the Grand Gauntlets II..."

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"Yeah I'm sure I'm going to be mistaken for a member of staff I'm in here so often, in fact I think they see me coming and bake a fresh batch of cookies, I swear they have become tastier recently" Her smile faded slightly

"Hmm to give you more details, the best way I can describe what happened. Basically I met a player who invited me on a quest and an orange player was hiding in the area I gathered after the fight was over he was actually there to keep an eye on another player, who was helping with the quest. But it all got very confusing and I froze during the fight" Aya paused "In fact I'm still confused about what was relay going on and I still need to resolve the situation with the player who invited me on the quest I feel guilty for freezing"

"And it will happen again," "No it won't, hang on why am I arguing with myself again" Aya shook her head but quickly looked up hoping she hadn't come across as being rude.

"That would be fantastic I just need to hit something, well as long as it's monster shaped and it drops loot and to build my confidence " her smile returned.

"I'm ready to start whenever you are" As she stood up as a gesture of her eagerness or was it her stubbornness "You need to be careful you know what happens when you get stubborn" Aya again brushed off the comments from her internal monologue and steeped away from the table and towards the door.

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"Ah, yeah that seems to be becoming more and more prominent now."

Calrex gave a small sigh, acknowledging what Aya had explained about the previous encounter. It appeared that the stigma of an orange crystal was still prominent. Even though he had not become one himself at any point, his two closest friends were. Teayre, as the result of killing her father, and Oikawa, as a result of killing Zelrius, the leader of the Azure Brigade and game-titled Hero or Aincrad. Many of his friends had become orange players, yet only a handful had decided to take the <<Redemption>> quest to regain access to the safe zones. 

"Tch, it was as if they're wearing it as a badge of honor or a burden to bear..."

"Well, that sounds like something that is a real outlier in terms of these types of things. I'll be sure to do my best to keep you safe while we're out there. I've heard of too many people being lost from foolish attempts to take on the boars alone, so if I can prevent another life from being lost then I will do so to the upmost of my abilities. As for the orange players...well...they're a complicated bunch to say the least. Of course many have done so out of malice, while others did so out of self-defense. As a little heads up as well, I've heard there are even quests out there which can potentially turn you orange as the result of slaying an NPC. The most I can say is to be careful, and if you can, be prepared for even the worst situation."

Getting to his feet Calrex gave a friendly smile and a nod, "But first things first, let's see if we can get your feet wet with fighting some boars."

Gesturing to the door the bluenette led the two out towards the gates of the settlement, stopping when he saw a group of boars nearby, "Alright, first things first if you are prepared to strike before the enemy is, there is the chance you can get an opening strike on them before they are able to attack. Since I'll be drawing their attention we won't be able to test that out, but it's something to keep in mind. Let me know once you're ready and I'll get their attention."

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As Aya followed the bluenette towards the gates fo the settlement she pondered aloud "Your right I have huge respect for orange players, one doesn't know how they gained their orange crystals, my apprehension comes from hanging around staring city for as long as I have the stories. To be honest though the stories don't really help or fully portray the person behind the crystal." Aya sighed " The orange player I've met and quested with, has relay helped me in setting up my shop, in fact It's her I owe a huge debt of gratitude to for helping me find the alchemist I needed to train with and for giving me a discount on the items for my crafting. You are right I need to be prepared for even the worst situation but then all the stories and scaremongering have over prepared me and I think that's why I have got into the situations I have."

Stopping a little way from where they passed through the gates of the settlement Aya's palms started to feel sweaty as she gripped the handle of her long sword. She was fighting the voices inside her head that were reminding her ,once again, of the last time this happened "Yes but you forget I actually did hit something once." Yeah but that was weakened your never going to be able to do this properly" Realising she was, once again listening to voices that were not helping with the current situation she pushed them out of her head, sighed and smiled exclaiming with determination "I'm ready. Lets do this!" 

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OOC: We'll be using the updated stats XD.

ID: 66779
Battle Dice: 3 (Accuracy +3) = 6 (Disregarded Due to Howl)
Mob Dice: 10 (Evasion +2) = 8 (+2 Damage)
<<Howl>> Activated

Giving a encouraging smile Calrex drew the Grand Blade II from its sheath on the back of his hip, giving a calming breath to center himself before the battle started. Seeing a nearby floor level boar he raised his sword high. As the point ascended the entirety of the blade became engulfed in a swirling vortex of blue energy, the appearance of his <<Howl>> skill.

Bringing the blade down it slammed against the earth, letting out a resounding boom akin to a giant monster's roar. The boar immediately locked onto the bluenette and immediately initiated a charging bullrush. Right as Calrex came back into a neutral stance he saw the boar in striking distance, quickly bringing his arm up. The impact of the attack slammed into his arm, channeling through his body as the critical strike forced him back, two trails in the ground appearance from the distance the boar pushed him.

At the same time the Ultramaine Knight's unique skill, <<Achilles>> triggered, an aura surrounding his form and immediately blasting outwards, causing a single digit of damage on the boar.

"Well, that's why you travel in groups, heh. Alright I've got its attention Aya. Go ahead and try taking a strike at it."

(Hate: 3) Calrex: 1469/1470 | EN: 144/144 (10+2 DMG - 30 MIT / 2 Achilles = 1 Minimum DMG)
Aya: 120/120

Starter Boar: 3/4 (1 Achilles)
10 DMG | 1 MIT

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ID# 66785 results:
Battle: 2
Craft: 5
Loot: 15
MOB: 4
Aya watched as Clarex drew the attention of the boar his sword swirling with a blue vortex letting out a roar as he slammed it to the ground. The boar turned "Oh great look this isn't going to go well" her internal monologue screamed "Find a new tune to sing," Aya snarled at it. 

Aya drew her long sword, she ran forwards towards the boar, the single purple plait flying in the wind behind her. Her internal monologue screaming its constant barrage of concern and rebukes, but by now she was determined not to let it get the better of her. Stubbornness and determination was driving her forward. The boar was coming closer and closer it's attention turned to Calrex.

Aya slashed forwards at the boar but her sweaty hands had made the hilt of the sword slippy and as she hit the boar the blade moved in her hand and diminished the power of the hit. She had missed, the boar didn't even flinch " You Se.." "Don't bother!" she interrupted the monologue again, before it could do any more damage.     

(Hate: 3) Calrex: 1469/1470 | EN: 140/140 
(Hate:0) Aya: 120/120 | EN:10/12

Starter Boar: 3/4 
10 DMG | 1 MIT


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ID: 66852
Battle Dice: 1 (Accuracy +3) = 4 (Vengeful Riposte Fail)
Mob Dice: 8 (Evasion +2) = 6
<<Parry>> Activated (2 Energy Used / 142 Remaining)

As Aya's swing deflected off the boar it appeared to keep up its assault on Calrex, charging forward once again. The bluenette knew he could finish off the creature in one strike without expending more than a single digit of energy, but this was still a tutorial battle. He had to avoid his usual frontliner tactics and make sure that he gave his teammate more than enough time to get the hang of the battle system.

Triggering <<Parry>> he flipped the Grand Blade II into a reverse grip, the blue aura surrounding his forearms as he braced and deflected most of the strike, even though his armor and <<Achilles>> skill could more than make up for it.

Once again the raging blue aura of his unique skill shot out, blasting away another single digit of HP from the creature. Giving a nod to Aya Calrex called over, "Take your time. This thing isn't going to survive this encounter, so make sure you get used to the nuances of the combat system. When you're first starting out it's completely normal for battles to be dragged out because of missed strikes, but that is something that can be fixed later on. For now just focus on scoring a strong blow."

(Hate: 3) Calrex: 1468/1470 | EN: 142/144 (10 DMG - 30 MIT / 2 Parry / 2 Achilles = 1 Minimum Damage)
(Hate:0) Aya: 120/120 | EN:10/12

Starter Boar: 2/4 (1 Achilles)
10 DMG | 1 MIT

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ID# 66989 results:

Battle: 4

Craft: 5

Loot: 8

MOB: 8

Aya quickly wiped her hands individually on her trousers making sure there wouldn't be a repeat of what just occurred "Come on you can do this" Aya Encouraged herself, "Take your time, breath nice strong shot this time ." Taking a moment before she spun, turning to slash forwards at the beast."This time you'll hit it you see" she continued to encourage herself. The blade flashed in the sunlight seeking it's prey but her purple hair hit her in the face as she spun , and again her blade didn't touch the boar. "Argg when will you do some thing useful!"she screamed at her self, stubbornness and frustration were getting the better of her. She needed to listen to Clarex but Aya was in danger of loosing herself the internal monologue that had kept her safe thus far was winning out she couldn't do this. A tear ran down her cheek "Sorry" she called in the direction of the bluenette before composing herself again. " This isn't going well is it," "shut up”she breathed, “and leave me alone, you don't own me"


(Hate: 3) Calrex: 1469/1470 | EN: 140/140

(Hate:0) Aya: 120/120 | EN:8/12


Starter Boar: 3/4

10 DMG | 1 MIT

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ID: 67087
Battle Dice: 8 (Accuracy +3) = 11 (Disregarded Due to No Action Taken)
Mob Dice: 2 (Evasion +2) = 0
No Action Taken (1 Energy Recovered / 143 Remaining)

As Aya attempted to strike again Calrex watched. The young woman certainly was capable of swinging the sword, but it appeared that possibly her mind was preventing her from focusing on the task at hand. It was something he had to train out of himself as well when he was first starting out. In his first battle he didn't successfully hit a single time, and if Oikawa and Teayre were not there it was likely he wouldn't be alive today.

Dodging out of the way of the boar's strike Calrex slid next to his teammate so that he could speak without having to yell, "No apologies are necessary. Trust me when I say my first battle was rough as well. If you have any thoughts that are keeping you from remaining calm, do your best to see if you can tune them out. At the same time, don't be too hard on yourself if a couple of misses occur. There have been times, even in high level fights, where a single blow isn't landed for rounds at a time. Right now it doesn't matter how many times you hit, but that you make those that do hit count. Accuracy will come with time."

Giving an encouraging smile the bluenette shifted a bit more to the side, calming himself as the boar turned around, preparing to attack again.

(Hate: 3) Calrex: 1468/1470 | EN: 143/144
(Hate:0) Aya: 120/120 | EN:8/12

Starter Boar: 2/4
10 DMG | 1 MIT

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ID# 67209 results:

Battle: 2

Craft: 6

Loot: 2

MOB: 1

Aya Could tell Calrex's attempts to calm her and to reassure her were genuine but still the internal monologue that hung with her like a bad stench continued its tirade of self confidence diminishing abuse."You'll never do this, you're going to die, this is another trap, you're useless," She ignored her internal thought. Thank you she breathed with a smile in the direction of the bluenette. He dodged the boar's strike "How does he do that," she wondered in awe.

She calmed herself, she could hear the voices continually uttering abuse and warnings at her but she continued to ignore them. "You make those that do hit count. Accuracy will come with time" Calrex's words rung in her head as she thrust forwards again with her long sword in the direction of the beast but she heard the voices in her head and she lost confidence in her attack at the crucial moment when she would have hit the beast and missed again. Passing to the side she Gritted her teeth in anger, desperation and the embarrassing shame that after three hits she hadn't managed to land a single blow to the beast. Boars were turning into her nemesis but she was determined to conquer this beast, the beast within, her self and prove she could fight. 

(Hate: 3) Calrex: 1468/1470 | EN: 143/144
(Hate:0) Aya: 120/120 | EN:6/12

Starter Boar: 2/4
10 DMG | 1 MIT

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ID: 67241
Battle Dice: 1 (Accuracy +3) = 4 (Disregarded Due to No Action Taken)
Mob Dice: 4 (Evasion +2) = 2
No Action Taken (1 Energy Recovered / 144 Remaining)

Another missed blow, but from what the bluenette could tell at least his teammate was starting to get her mind into the correct type of focus. There was definitely still something occupying her thoughts. Nonetheless, she was on the right track. "Good, keep it up. Just stay focused and a hit will land in time."

The creature lunged at him again, but the movement was slow enough that Calrex wouldn't have required evasiveness to avoid the attack. Refraining from striking once again he kept calm, making sure that he still had the boar's full attention. If he let it slip, it may attack his teammate, and that would be bad.

"If things don't work well we can always take on another and give you some more practice. Wielding a weapon can take time to get the hang of, so it's completely normal to miss more than half your strikes when starting out."

(Hate: 3) Calrex: 1468/1470 | EN: 144/144
(Hate:0) Aya: 120/120 | EN:6/12

Starter Boar: 2/4
10 DMG | 1 MIT

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ID# 67898 results:

 Battle: 5

 Craft: 8

 Loot: 5

 MOB: 4

"It's completely normal to miss more than half your strikes when starting out."

Calrex's patents and encouragement continued to pull Aya out of the stressful, hurtful, lethal situation she was getting herself into the determination was visible on her face. But the internal monologue was still trying to distract her, pull her away from her concentration "This is why boars are a bad idea" Then the determination was exchanged for a smile,. A smile which flashed across her face like the rays of the sun. "I wonder who has killed more players," She mused "Boars or orange players"

"Come on Aya you've got to focus this time" she reminded herself.

She prepared herself mentally. Then crouching low before she sprang at the boar she slashed towards the beast with her weapon but again her blade missed the flesh of the animal but instead gave the beast an impromptu hair cut. It didn't look impressed with Aya's efforts. "Come on you Can do this, nearly there" she encouraged herself looking apologetically in Calrex's direction.

(Hate: 3) Calrex: 1468/1470 | EN: 143/144
(Hate:0) Aya: 120/120 | EN 6:/12

Starter Boar: 2/4
10 DMG | 1 MIT

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ID: 67925
Battle Dice: 7 (Accuracy +3) = 10 (Disregarded Due to No Action Taken)
Craft Dice: 7 (Battle Healing Activated)
Mob Dice: 4 (Evasion +2) = 2
No Action Taken

"If I had to take a guess, I wouldn't be sure, although I think the boars have certainly got the advantage in numbers."

Calrex gave a small laugh at his teammates joking question. If he was being honest, it was possible carelessness would be the actual killer. He had heard the stories of gungho low level players going out into the field zones alone, only to be taken down by basic boars because of their low level. It wasn't really a battle of player against monster than two equal level creatures duking it out. He had been through it as well, and he had to say the risk of death was likely more present as a lower level than a frontliner.

Seeing Aya's apologetic glance he gave an encouraging smile and a nod, "That last attack was really close. I'm pretty sure you're getting the hang of it. Keep at it and eventually the second sense will start to kick in."

Weaving out of the way of another charge from their opponent Calrex gave a quick exhale to keep focused. He still had the boar's attention, and that was the duty he needed to fulfill.

(Hate: 3) Calrex: 1470/1470 | EN: 144/144 (+88 Battle Healing)
(Hate: 0) Aya: 120/120 | EN:6/12

Starter Boar: 2/4
10 DMG | 1 MIT

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