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[PP, F1] The need for adventure (Aya,Calrex)

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"That last attack was really close. I'm pretty sure you're getting the hang of it. Keep at it and eventually the second sense will start to kick in." Aya turned looking at the boar and something clicked inside her head  taking herself to a place far away somewhere only she knew. Instantly calming the pounding pressure in her head from the constant barrage of abuse the internal monologue was trying to inflict on her. She felt different like she had grown 6ft in moments, she knew what she had to do now, before she thought she knew now she actually knew. Eyes trans-fixed on the boar (And nothing else) letting out a long drawn out breath. And then she darted forwards, nothing wavered her from her quarry, slashing vertically at the beast which squealed in pain and burst into a thousand strands of light and dissipated. Aya looked at the floor breathing heavily she didn't know if she could look up because the world around her had changed, she had changed.

(Hate: 3) Calrex: 1468/1470 | EN: 143/144
(Hate:0) Aya: 120/120 | EN:6/12

Starter Boar: 0/4
10 DMG | 1 MIT

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As Aya's blow connected Calrex gave a smirk, watching the boar as it burst into crystals. Unfortunately, this time around nothing seemed to appears for their loot, but it was understandable, since the large difference in level between the bluenette and his teammate. Nonetheless, the point of the first battle wasn't to get loot, but to help the young woman get more comfortable with combat. Flicking his sword into a reverse grip he resheathed the Grand Blade II into the scabbard on the back of his hip.

"Nice work! I knew you could do it."

He gave a friendly smile, putting his free hand into his jacket pocket, "Let's go ahead and take a quick breather for now so that you can regain your energy. It usually takes a few seconds for a full recharge to occur when out of combat. However, in the meantime..."

Walking over he swiped on his menu, moving to his inventory to produce an item for trade. A small black crystallized stone wrapped around a simple string-width rope appeared in his hand, "This should come in handy for you to use in the meantime. I think you understand why everyone recommends beginning players to travel in groups, as from that battle it would sometimes take a long period for you to get a clear shot. During that time a simple boar could get the better of you. However, since you are going to be needing to likely do more combat in the future, this stone will give you a boost to your accuracy, which should make it a bit easier and increase your chances of survival."

Gifted Corrupted Stone to Aya

Corrupted Stone: +2 Accuracy

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Calrex's words encouraged Aya she knew now no matter what she had finally killed something looking around on the ground she was dismayed to see no loot could be seen, but that didn't matter too much. She was proud of herself something she hadn't felt in a long time. The internal monologue was silent. Resting her hands on her knees, bent double Carex's offer of a rest was greatly received "Thank you" she puffed feeling better from her battle weakness.
She was considering her disappointment over the lack of loot when suddenly she Looked up sharply as Clarex held out the item he was offering to trade it was small and black, a crystallized stone wrapped around a simple thin rope. Aya held out a shaky hand taking the item "Thank you" she smiled "But I don't have much to offer in the way of a trade" Her cheeks blushed with the embarrassment of the situation she was in, she was a proud person and didn't like taking what she couldn't give back.
Aya added the corrupted stone to her inventory and immediately equipped the item placing the rope attached to the stone around her neck tying it off, forming a necklace. Her stats instantly changing to increase her accuracy. She smiled "Right where next?" 

Gift received corrupted Stone from Calrex

Corrupted Stone: +2 Accuracy

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(6 HP Recovered / 1 Energy Recovered)

With the battle concluded, and his teammate now equipped with the Corrupted Stone he had gained, Calrex gave a nod as he looked at his health and energy bars. Both were barely touched in the last fight, and with his out of combat recovery both had returned back to full in a few moments. "Let's go ahead and see if we can find any materials in the environment for now. After all, we're out here to get you materials right?"

He gave a friendly smile before beginning to scan the environment for potential useful items, "Don't worry about the trinket either. The only trade I would like is for you to simply survive this game. I've heard far too many news about beginner players falling to boars, so I'd like to do what I can to remove that threat, heh."

ID: 69058
Loot Dice: 4 (Search and Detect +2 / Item +1) = 7 (No Materials Found)

As Calrex continued to look around unfortunately it appeared that the area of the field zone they were in was barren of useful items, at least from what he could see. Of course, it had also been quite some time since he last went on a material gathering excursion, so it was also possible that his skills were rusty, "Heh, I still remember when I could find lots of materials in a single area. Now it seems it's going to be a bit more difficult."

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ID# 69441 results: Loot: 4 (No loot)


Calrex was looking around “Probably for loot” Aya thought as she decided it as best to start looking herself. On a quick scan the area looked barren of anything that was useful. Selecting her menu she took out the notebook scanning the pages to check there wasn't something she was overlooking but it seemed that, no there was indeed nothing useful in the area. Aya turned to the back of the book and selecting a pencil added detail into the map she had been drawing for her self. Calrex spoke through her concentration confirming her fear. "Heh, I still remember when I could find lots of materials in a single area. Now it seems it's going to be a bit more difficult." She selected her inventory and sent the pencil and note book back safety. “I'd been having difficulty myself one place, a forest outside of Starting city, was recommended to me but it was barren. I did think it was my inexperience and nervousness but now I'm starting to think otherwise. Is there anywhere you think we could go next? “

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ID: 69461
Loot Dice: 15 (Search and Detect +2 / Item +1) = 18 (Materials Found)

"Yeah, the spawning point for materials in the environment is much more scarce than before, so it's possible that the forest might be low on them for now. That might change later on, but usually if you are able to check with the information brokers they can give tips as to where materials have been frequent found. I still have yet to get a good idea of the spawn rate, but it's useful to have in mind."

Checking one last place the bluenette was able to discern a small material that may be useful for crafting, a strength discolored flower that he added to the inventory before getting back to his feet, "There's a series of strange plateau-like grassy plains nearby here that might be a good place to check out. If you want we can head in that direction."

Loot List:
1 Material

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ID# 69498 results: Loot: 11 (No materials found)


Calrex's information filled Aya with new questions, " Who are these information brokers? I wonder if any stat at the Dragon's Head inn? wonder if they charge for the information? They must do how would they earn a living otherwise."

Whilst listening Aya scanned the area, as Calrex added the flower to his inventory Aya thought she recognised it taking out the note book again she quickly flicked through the pages coming to the page she needed marking in it where they were, "Maybe I could become a broker, Or not, you like starting city too much" She giggled to herself, this was a kinder internal monologue one Aya had almost forgotten she had. Suddenly close to where Calrex had picked the first flower she spotted a second but this one had been squashed beyond use, "At least they seem to be spawning here. Question is, has it been there all along? how could I have missed it the first time? Or has it spawned whilst we have been here?" She wondered. Smiling and looking up she replied "Sounds good to me, lead the way."

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ID: 69525
Loot Dice: 8 (Search and Detect +2 / Item +1) = 11 (No Materials Found)

"Alright then, I believe it was this way."

Orienting himself in the general direction of the landmark area Calrex began to walk along, scanning the environment. It had certainly been some time since he last did so, and from what he could tell his skills were certainly a bit rusty. He probably missed a huge collection of alchemist materials as they went along, feeling that he might have accidentally stepped on one of the flowers he had just added to his inventory a few moments ago.

It wasn't long before they had arrived, looking out at the plains. Each level seemed to be like a plateau, the general outline equivalent to being as if someone had stacked a series of plates on top of each other. To the bluenette it was a strange design choice, but aesthetically speaking it fit the fantasy setting of SAO, "Ok, here we are. There should still only be boars in this area, so if we stay close my level will probably force their AIs to refrain from engaging in combat, so we can search around until we find enough."

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  • 2 weeks later...

ID# 69967 results: Battle: 6, Craft: 3, Loot: 7 , MOB: 7


As Calrex set off Aya followed on beside him as quickly as her legs could carry her, she'd forgotten recently the difficulty she had keeping up with taller people due to her short stature. Her purple hair and long coat flowing behind her as Calrex strolled, taking in the surroundings and searching for items. Aya gave up after a-while trying to spot items as the scenery flew by her, her head spinning. She took out the notebook and began to search thoroughly Calrex off in the distance but still visible. "Nothing here" she sighed and looking up from the book she realised her guide was closer than she had realised, almost knocking into him. Taking in the view she was taken aback at the beauty of what surrounded her she thought starting city was beautiful with it's narrow streets that could suddenly bring you out into a bright sunlight courtyard. Or the rain pouring down the windows of the starlight cafe and the patterns of light from the outside. But this was different. Aya listened as she took in what was being said to her, new found confidence increasing with this information. "I didn't find anything on the walk hopefully this will be a bit more productive" she replied with a smile "I've never been to this area it is beautiful," as she started to search the area around where they were stood.

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ID: 70214
Loot Dice: 13 (Search and Detect +2 / Item +1) = 16 (Materials Found)

"Heh, I'm surprised you haven't seen it before, or at least heard talk about it. It's a fairly popular part of the first floor that players use for training most of the time, since only boars tend to spawn here. Looks like we got lucky though, there doesn't appear to be many player at the moment, so the environment item drops should be higher."

Looking across the ground the bluenette knelt down near a point where one plateau met another, seeing that a strange root appeared to be growing tucked away from the sunlight. Pulling it out from the ground the part of the plant beneath appeared turnip-like in shape, although it was soft to the touch like a berry. Adding it to his inventory he gave a nod, "Well, found something else that might be of use. Any luck on your end?"

Loot List:
1 Material

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ID# 70277 results: Loot: 10

"Oh, I've heard of it but... " Aya's voice lowed to a whisper "This is the furthest area I've traveled to on the first floor" her cheeks burned with the ignorance she had of this world, the fear of a death worse than boar had kept her from exploring for too long. She looked back through the pages of the book, again, in desperation that something on the ground would resemble something of use to her.

Aya continued to look around "Nothing of any use, yet" She held up yet another trampled herb "This one was useful at some point," She grumbled letting out a long drawn out breath and throwing it aside.

“I thought it was the area I was searching maybe I'm just no good at searching, need more practice.” she mumbled. Beneath the long purple hair and the long swishy clothes Aya was starting to feel the disappointment reach further into her, the internal monologue sired and quickly she looked in the opposite direction to continue her search.

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ID: 70344
Loot Dice: 6 (Search and Detect +2 / Item +1) = 9 (No Materials Found)

"Yeah, it's something that will come with time and experience. There's a couple of skills that have been discovered which help assist with this type of activity, so if you're one that's more likely to avoid combat than actively engage, they may be worth investing points into."

Kneeling close to where he discovered the last material Calrex thought he saw another root of the same variety. Unfortunately, what he had seen was just the shadow cast by one of the plateaus, a mere optical illusion at best. Getting back to his feet the bluenette dusted off his hands before stepping back, beginning to calmly scan the environment with his eyes, "Nonetheless, the spawn rates for the floors seem to be about the same, so eventually you'll also start to pick upon the spawning patterns, that way you can also home in on consistent spots to check."

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ID# 70522 results: Loot: 20

Aya, reading the book she'd spent hours writing up by candle light in the Dragon's Head inn between remembering to eat, sleep and occasionally look out on the world by climbing onto the roof from her attic bedroom window and escaping over the roofs of starting city. Smiling, something caught her eye flicking back through the pages as something in the book, she was sure, resembled what she was staring at on the ground. She protected it with her body, protecting it in case any wandering feet blemished what could at this point be weed or treasure.

Scanning the page she was looking for she looked quickly in Calrex's direction.. Well this sure isn't rubbish in fact... As she placed the notebook gently on the ground and pulling the herb with care, out from where it sprung from the ground. This will do nicely As she sent it quickly to her inventory, before it could become blemished and finally picked the book up from the ground. "Shall we continue, if things are re-spawning we may be in luck"

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ID: 70652
Loot Dice: 16 (Search and Detect +2 / Item +1) = 19 (Materials Found)

"Yeah, let's go ahead and keep looking. I think the respawn might have just triggered a new cycle."

Confirming his suspicions, Calrex looking on top of another platform, finding another odd-colored herb around the grass and foliage, plucking it and adding it to his inventory, "With any luck we should be able to get some more materials in this area that will prove useful. It looks like there's a lot of herbs in this area that would be useful, but any berries, unique plants, or other odd flora and fauna may be useful."

Getting to his feet the bluenette returned his hands to his pockets, calmly panning across the landscape with his eyes to try and see any other objects that would be useful as materials, "This is certainly going better than a lot of my past trips looking for materials. Guess luck's on our side this time around."

Loot List:
1 Material

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  • 3 weeks later...

 ID# 71621 results: Loot: 6

Listening to the bluenette Aya looked around the the scenery she couldn't help but be taken aback by the increasing amount of new beauty she could see in front of her. sShe fresh guilt wash over her again for not venturing out of starting city before and at the same time excitement for the new adventures she would be having in the future.  
She had a sudden feeling as if she was meant to be hungry, and started to crave cookies and ice cream. Smiling to herself remembering all the happy memories she had because of cookies. 
Snapping out of her day dream she quickly looked around and bent down to inspect another squashed weed.
"Noting seems to be appearing here yet," she grumbled. 
"Take your head out of the cookie bowl and you may get somewhere" The internal monologue glowed at her from where it was currently sulking.
"Shut up" she whispered, suddenly realising that although it had barley been audible, her adventuring partner may have heard her, embarrassment crept up her cheeks.
"Ermm shall we keep going?" she said shakily. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

ID: 73276
Loot Dice: 3 (Search And Detect +2 / Item +1) = 6 (No Materials Found)

"Yeah, nothing on my end either unfortunately. This one of the...well...interesting parts of material gathering outside of combat, heh. For lack of better wording at least. I thought that I had a pretty good handle on the respawn cycles of the items, but at times it throws a curveball, so there's probably a really complex algorithm to their generation in the game."

Tossing aside a rock he thought to be some kind of previous ore Calrex gave a small sigh as he returned his hands to his pockets. Hearing Aya ask if they should continue he gave a nod, "Well, we can keep going until we're got at least a decent haul to keep your shop going for a while. Since you're first starting out you'll likely not be able to perform many crafts per day, but one you level up a bit those materials are going to be expended rather quickly. One of my friends is constantly asking for more because tey keep needing to produce more crafts, and it eats through their supply like no one's business."

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  • 2 months later...

ID# 79715 results: Loot 13 (non found)
Aya spotted a nearby outcrop of boulders,"maybe the height advantage will help." she though whilst moving towards them determined to find something useful. 
Aya agilely manoeuvred herself up the outcrop reaching the top of the largest bolder. As she did so whisps of purple hair, loosened by adventure, blew gently in the breeze. She pulled herself upwards and immediately threw her arms in front of her face. The sun was starting to descend in the sky, blue was splashed with purple, pink and gold. The Height advantage was defiantly helpful  "Ermm Should we head back to the safe zone soon?" The anxiety laced question escaped her head before she had a chance to stop it and came charging out of her mouth. 
"We could continue to search on the way" she added not wanting to sound too desperate to move to safety and end the searching, she still needed a lot more materials.
Aya turned to start the decent from her vantage point and spotted something shiny on the ground. Quickly dismounting the boulder she rushed over to the patch of shiny to discover that it was, squashed shiny goodness which was no longer helpful to anyone. "Hump" She grumbled to herself. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

ID: 80404
Loot Dice: 7 (Search and Detect +2 / Item +1) = 10 (No Materials Found)

Hearing Aya's query about heading back towards the safe zone Calrex glanced skyward to check the time of day within the game. "Hm...it does seem like it's starting to head into late afternoon. Might be a good time to start heading back. Things shouldn't be a problem if we run into night, but I'd rather avoid putting her at risk against the stronger monsters that spawn."

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea. We are a good distance out from the gates leading back in, so we should be able to do a decent amount of gathering before we arrive."

As he began to make steps towards the Starting City the bluenette began to scan the ground once again for anything potentially useful. Unfortunately, he wasn't having any luck on his end. There was evidence of spawning points that may produce useful materials, but they were likely in the middle of their respawn cycle. Giving a small sigh to himself he returned his hands to their respective jacket pockets. Looking up at Roc he gave a nod, wordlessly commanding the duo's plans. The blue peregrine falcon changed his overwatching flight pattern, merely hovering in place in preparation to depart back towards the safe zone.


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  • 1 month later...

 ID# 84611 results: Loot: 19
Aya's shoulders dropped, relaxing as she heard Calrex's words, they would be returning to the starting zone soon and that means safety, food and a good book.
The cool afternoon's air swirled around the loosened strands of her long hair blowing them across her vision. She sighed undoing her hair and quickly braiding it into two plaits her arms contorting as she did so to reach the bottom of the long purple locks.

Her long purple hair now tamed Aya turned to follow the bluenette ,who was also scanning the ground, as she did so Aya spotted something in the rocks of the outcrop of boulders she had just been standing on. "No it can't be," she thought she recognised the shiny materials in front of her as being extremely useful. "No, Check, go on quickly" She said to herself. She selected her notebook from her inventory and quickly scanned the pages "Yes Whooooo, Shiny!" She squealed with glee as she ran full pelt towards it, scared the shininess may actually disappear. Picking the materials  she had correctly recognised as being extremely useful in a blur she immediately added it to her inventory and returned the book before the shiny was lost.

"Yes, Finally seem to be getting somewhere" She beamed, returning to follow the bluenette now a little way off ahead of her. 



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ID: 84928
Loot Dice: 3 (Search and Detect +2 / Item +1) = 6 (No Materials Found)

"Heh, you certainly seem to be having better luck than me at the moment. Good eye."

Calrex gave a small laugh as Aya ran a short distance, promptly returning with what appeared to be another item. It was good to have a companion along for these trips. Non-combat materials gathering at times could be really tedious, especially if after a significant amount of time you didn't have anything to show for it. He remembered the times he had gone to the tenth floor, spending almost all day looking for something to donate to the shops.

Just like then, the immediate area around him didn't appear to have anything of use for Aya, at least in terms of her profession. There were thing that may or may not be useful for smiths and other jobs, but not an alchemist.

"Looks like we're still making good time to, so if we need to slow down the pace a little to see if we can get any more before arriving just let me know. It's still going to be some time before the night phase out here."


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