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Koroshira's journal

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Username: Koroshira
Real name: Shiro Kusage
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Male


"Those who believe that they'll achieve greatness from heroism
are both naive and destined to die early."

>>About: Shiro didn't seem to be anyone special. He was born into an average, middle-class family, who doted more on his older brother of two years than himself. It wasn't that they didn't love him, it was just his odd lack of returning the affection. Even at a young age, Shiro was quiet and didn't beg for attention like most children would. His brother was really the only one who could coax a true smile-however small it was-out of him, not the one Shiro plastered on his face for his parents when they spoke with him.

Truth be told, he wasn't very outspoken, nor very noticeable. Observation was really the only thing he excelled at, or even cared to work at. Throughout his entire schooling career, he was always the kid in the back who seldom spoke and who everyone's eyes passed over. Even his grades were just passable marks. He truly seemed content to just sit there with a small smirk as he overheard everyone's conversations. While most people would pout and whine about being an outcast, he reveled in his nonexistent social status. It allowed him to know a little something about everyone, and that was enough to make him feel above the others. They didn't notice him, and therefore, he heard everything. It was more than a hobby to him. It was who he was.

At least until Shiro's brother decided to pull him aside in the middle of eighth grade year. Shiro's brother, Kuro, was as big of a Stride fan you could get. It was what he loved to do, and wanted to pursue as a career. He already was captain of the Stride Club at his high school, and he believed the best thing to do was to give Shiro a new hobby. He wanted to train his brother, which started out as well as you might it expect it would trying to make a scrawny, pale introvert run. However, with an iron will and a heavy fist, Kuro actually managed to get Shiro to try earnestly with less heated complaints than when they first started. He may have had a hard time showing affection, but annoyance and anger were were definitely close at hand. However, it slowly became something that Shiro enjoyed and looked forward to, even going as far as using it as an energy burner and boredom reliever.

A couple years had gone by, and while Shiro was no where the same speed as Kuro, he had a bit more agility and endurance. He had even grown from the scrawny kid he used to be, to a taller, lithe scarecrow of a body. His eyes though, stayed the same: A cold, steely color a few shades darker than his and his brother's naturally silver hair. Of course, while he was at school, nothing had changed much, except that he was a sophomore and making great use of the information highway that was high school. He overheard so much gossip that he actually wished he could erase some of it. How long could a girl drone on about relationships and who was sleeping with who for? His grades didn't improve much, but they didn't drop. Kuro was a senior and still captain of the stride club. Everything was going great. At least, until Kuro fractured his legs after vaulting out of a classroom window, showing off as usual. He was able to walk again, but he couldn't go back to stride. The club practically shut down without Kuro, and that almost crushed him...at least until he got Shiro to replace him (much to the younger brother's outrage). The club needed a captain that was capable of pulling off what Kuro could do, and since Shiro had gone under Kuro's Stride Training From Hell (as Shiro had dubbed it), he fit the bill. While Shiro was less than pleased and close to lashing out at something, but what else was he to do? He became the Stride captain, grit his teeth at the fact that his name started circulating the more meets his team did, and brought attention back to them again. After a while, he would have been lying to himself if it didn't fill him with a rush of pride every time he heard his last name shouted or his team carrying him on their shoulders after a big race. It got to the point that at the end of his Sophomore year, he won his team the gold, as the best high school Stride Team in Japan. A title that they kept for another two years, as Shiro's senior year came around, and his pride morphed into one of arrogance. While Shiro was winning gold medals, Koro had gotten into gaming as he couldn't exactly experience the thrill of running anymore. He got hooked quickly, and when Akahiko Kayaba announced the release of his technological wonder, The Nervegear Virtual Reality headset, Koro knew how to repay his brother for filling in his shoes. While Shiro wasn't really into gaming, Koro knew he could get him involved. He managed to save up for Sword Art Online and a Nervegear combo box, and as a congratulatory present for Shiro's latest Stride tournament, offered it to him. If only he knew what would have occurred on that day, November 6, 2022, 1200 hours, he would have wished he hadn't wasted his money in the first place.



Confident- Shiro, while not very outspoken, is truly confident. He may not speak out about it, but he has no doubt of himself or his abilities. The Stride Club only boosted this, as being captain taught him he had to coordinate with his team, and he always assured them that they would win. There was never a speck of doubt. However, this can be often interpreted as pride and arrogance.

Perceptive- Shiro, even from a young age, was quite observant. He searched for the small details in things and listened for any and all conversations that he could. Very little got passed him when he was searching his surroundings. The downside to this being that he could go a little overboard, searching and picking out every little detail in his surroundings that he lost track of what was happening in front of him.

Patience- Shiro owned the patience of a saint, able to spend hours waiting and observing what was happening without a complaint. In fact, he was more prone to complaining about someone interrupting him during this time. 


Arrogance- Shiro, as observant as he is, overestimates his abilities, believing him to be above those around him. While Shiro always believed he was special in a way other weren't, being captain of the Stride Team only worsened it, making him believe he was both more capable mentally and physically than his peers. The only upside being that he was more the type to smirk smugly and just pick people apart mentally, then actually voicing his opinions. Most of the time, anyway.

Callousness- As you probably gathered, Shiro isn't the warmest individual, much less the kindest. When it came to matters of drama among his club members or those who wished to associate themselves with Shiro, he gave his input in often times very blunt or cold ways, more often than not being immensely harsh. The way he saw it, he was just being honest, but Shiro often times bordered on being brutally so.

Aloofness-  Aside from his Stride Team, Shiro himself is quite disconnected from his peers, at first by lack of being noticed and recently by choice. He spent his whole life believing himself above those he observed, that Shiro truly didn't wish to associate with them. The only exceptions being his brother and his Stride Team (which he resisted in the first place for the exact reason stated). Also, please note that while he is patient, anger is not foreign to him. He won't shout or yell, he's more prone to making a retort, picking apart the person who angered him.


>>Weapon: One handed Straight Sword


Total Skill Points: 5
Available Skill Points: 0




One-Handed Straight Sword >R1



1. 1h Straight Sword
2. Cloth clothing


1. 10 Bread
2. 15 Water

* Picture is from Vampire Knight. The character being Zero Kiryu. I brought it upon myself to do some editing mainly because I am a terrible artist, and I sadly don't have the money for a good animation program. We all know Blender sucks.

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