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[SP-F5] Where's The Damn AC? <<Blood in The Sand>>

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Ratatosk had no idea he'd find himself on the fifth floor again, the heat was unbearable, slightly better than the ninth. "Jesus christ, wonder how hot it'd be if I wore my fourth floor winter gear here." The thought of it made him cringe. He was at the 'Mad Max' floor to do a quest, the good old bulletin board never failed him when it came to things like this. "If only I had a dime for every paper on the board, I'd have less than ten dollars." For a board meant to give quests to people, it didn't have that much in store. There were low levels here and there just trying to make their way up, but perhaps things have changed for the better since then.

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"Damn it, it's too hot..." He wasn't in the mood to do his quest yet, between him sitting there doing nothing and killing a shark in the heat, he'd rather just be a couch potato in the coldest building in the 'Mad Max' town. "The boss fight on this floor must've sucked, maybe I should ask a frontliner about that some day." His mind was beginning to work out how it would feel like, and it wasn't good. If only he knew that it was just two people fighting that boss, but that reminded him of something else. A while ago he wanted to be a frontliner to fight bosses, but now that they're getting stronger and more players are dying... Well, he isn't going to chicken out, of course not. Ratatosk was going to train his ass off to fight in the frontlines (And now that you can't get PK'ed in boss fights he's definitely signing up).

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There's nothing better than a good old gallon of water pouring down your throat on a hot eternal summer day. "Even in the night this floor is hot, but not as hot as that one person I met in highschool..." He was remembering things again, but the blonde forced himself to stop. Eventually he'd have to get off his couch potato arse and actually do that quest he took, "God damn sand shark, why couldn't you have gone to the first floor? There it's much cooler and not [censored] boiling hot enough for you to cook eggs on a rock." Ratatosk wanted to test that out some time in the future.

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He mustered up all the courage left in him to walk outside the door and finally begin his quest. As soon as his skin touched the sunlight, he felt like a vampire about to turn to ashes from sun exposure. Ratatosk unsheathed his blade and mindlessly walked around the desert until he found the sandshark. "Huh? What was that." The blonde walked over to a certain spot and what do you know? A shark. "I wonder how dirty his gills are, but I can ask that after I kill the damn thing." It went by pretty quickly, before he knew it he had the field boss down to the red zone of its health bar.

ID# 66457

Battle 8

Mob 4

Ratatosk: 100/100 HP, 16/25 Energy, 39 Mit, 2 Eva, 3 Acc

SA Used (Shadow Explosion, 9x1): 12 x 9 = 108

125 - 108 = 17

Sand Shark: 17/125 HP, 30 DMG

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Remember how everyone in SAO would trip or fall for some reason when they're fighting? No matter how graceful you are, it will strike you. "What the [censored]! Why the hell do I keep tripping like this, it's almost like it's a game mechanic." His loss of balance gave the Sand Shark an opening, allowing it to attack him with whatever the hell it's using, teeth, tail, although it would most likely use it's teeth cause it's a bloody shark. "Speaking of blood, I wonder if this shark can sense it from two miles away."

ID# 66458

Battle 5

Mob 10

Ratatosk: 99/100 HP, 14/25 Energy, 39 Mit, 2 Eva, 3 Acc

SA Used (Shadow Explosion, 9x1): MISS!

Sand Shark Attack: 30 - 39 = 1

100 - 1 = 99

Sand Shark: 17/125 HP, 30 DMG


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One last swing with his blade was enough to end the sand shark, now that's one more quest off the board that he had to do. Just a few dozen more and he'll be frontliner material, or not. "Yes! Quest complete, let's see how much experience this gives me." A quest completed notification popped up in front of him as he viewed the rewards, "Nice, now I'm twenty six. That's ten more levels to go before I start fighting floor bosses." But he knew his reputation around Aincrad, if he were to fight in a floor boss battle he'd most likely die due to people refusing to heal him. "It's a disgusting world out there, who would've known that if you put everyone in a death game... They'd so willingly throw each others lives away just because of a personal vendetta."

ID# 66592

9 (6+3, No Crit)

Mob 2 (4-2)

Ratatosk: 99/100 HP, 5/25 Energy, 39 Mit, 2 Eva, 3 Acc

SA Used (Shadow Explosion, 9x1): 12 x 9 = 108

17 - 108 = DEAD (-91)

Sand Shark: -91/125 HP, 30 DMG, Dead

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He quickly decided to go back to the first floor because who the hell would want to stay on the 'Mad Max' floor? "Teleport! Town of beginnings!" Eventually the blonde would need to start spending more time on the higher floors, but he heard that there were spiders there so that was probably what influenced him to say on the first. Now what would be his next move? A group of beginners came into his sight asking around for help on leveling up. They were begging a player who appeared to be of a higher level to help them out, his response was a cold and insincere "No."

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Ratatosk connected to the beginner's, he too was like that at the start. He checked his energy to make sure he had enough to help them level, but unfortunately he didn't. Still, he had to help in some way, the blonde walked towards them but then another player offered help to them. "Well, at least they have some help now." The beginners rushed off with their newly found leeching target leveling buddy, they'd probably get to level ten by the time they return. His perception of his surroundings seemed to slow down, it'd been a long time since he felt the calming sensation of watching day turn into night.

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His hype for watching the sky turn a different color was comparable to watchdogs watching paint dry. "I remember the arena fights I used to watch, I wonder if they still have free entry, or was it the other way around?" The boy's feet took him to the place of interest, the arena on the first floor, well, it wasn't really an arena, more like an oversized dueling area. Turns out, entry to watch is still free, that's good on his wallet. "Oh hell yeah! Who's fighting this time?" Everyone in the arena looked forward to seeing the two fighters walk out, and when they did there were wild cheers. "Oh [censored] no, not these damn assholes who look like KPOP stars..."

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The most unspeakable thing happened in the arena, fanservice. When the two opponent's decided 'Hey, let's do some fanservice instead of fighting', they took off their shirts and immediately almost all the females watching the fight screamed in awe. "Holy fu-, what has arena fighting turned into?" Ratatosk was beginning to regret coming here, but then something worse happened that would surely make him regret he was ever born. "Well my opponent, draw your sword!" Watching two six packed men draw their swords was a little... Too much for him, but more so for everyone else in the arena.

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The display of sword fighting was surprisingly entertaining, they used what looked like traditional rapiers to fight each other, it was a first hit duel just like actual fencing. His eyes couldn't keep up with their swords, they were so fast that he wasn't even sure it was humanly possible. While he was focused on the movement of the clashing rapiers, the female audience was focused on the movements of their abs. "That's amazing, I should definitely see a dagger fight next." That came out wrong, way wrong actually.

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