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Zwei's Journal

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Username: Zwei
Real name: Reiji Haruka
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4"


*The picture is of Zwei from Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom*
About: History/personality

Reiji's life couldn't have been better. He promptly became well beloved by everyone. His personality, appearance, grades, and were far more prominent than his wealth, not to say he was poor of course. His family obtained quite a bit of money from his already dead grandparents, but money seemed to have little effect on others. Not many cared that he was rich, and mostly everyone wanted to acquaint themselves with him. Personally, Reiji didn't know how to talk to anyone. Despite being the most popular kid, he had made felt like he was something he shouldn't have been. Being extremely uncomfortable, Reiji purposefully became aloof with everyone but his sister, Sakura, and without much attention from his parents, he also distanced himself from them. Being only one year older than Reiji, Sakura knew how to comfort him. Overtime, she encouraged Reiji to make more friends, and he tried. As the years went by, more and more people became aggressive towards Reiji, strengthening his bond between his sister and severing any chance of a bond between anyone else. Some even began taking violent acts towards him, and with Reiji's lack of knowledge in any sort of defense, he was easily beat. Of course, this didn't go on for long before his sister found out. By the time Reiji was 10, his own attributes had turned against him. Everyone hated Reiji because of his money, grades, looks. They didn't even bother to pay attention to his personality anymore. Reiji realized his mistake, and he knew he couldn't fix it. His only solution was to stay by sister's side, but that didn't last for long.

When Reiji was 14, his sister had gone on a school trip, but she never said where. All the same, Reiji became saddened, and as soon as she was gone, Reiji felt empty. He had no one to talk to, no one to keep him busy. The trip was supposed to last a week, but it was cut short by one day. Everyone noticed the missing bus, and no one had any clue where it could have gone. Some had theories about how the driver had gotten lost, and some had even believed the bus had crashed. This went on for a month, and even Reiji began to panic. The other kids who hadn't gone started to bully him more often, and more severely. Without his sister, Reiji felt hopeless, and on the day he received a paper about what had happened to the bus, Reiji tried to kill himself. From what the officers reported, the bus had somehow driven off a cliff that fell into a large, dense forest below. The only remaining parts of the accident had been bones and a few bodies. His sister's body was listed as missing, but Reiji knew she didn't escape. Believing his sister was dead, Reiji had stood on the school roof, ready to jump off. He would have done so had it not been for the stranger who burst through the door and told him to wait. Being the first person Reiji met that didn't start spouting insults, he listened. He had gained a new friend.

The following years turned out to be better than he expected, though he didn't feel the same without his sister. His new friend, Aika, had proven to be likeable, but he didn't fully befriend her. Knowing what his sister could have gone through, he didn't want to feel the same pain again. Reiji made a promise to protect himself and Aika. Learning multiple forms of fighting, and how to use many types of weaponry, Reiji felt more confident about his promise. Soon after, bullies started to shy away after learning what Reiji could do. Though Reiji felt safe and he had a friend to keep him company, he still felt empty. His emotion began to fade as time went by, and within a year, Reiji had become almost completely emotionless. Hints of his feelings expressed themselves from time to time, but it was far too subtle for anyone to notice. He understood his sister's death took everything from him, and he planned to protect and keep what he had left.

When Reiji turned 16, Aika had bought him a Nerve Gear headset along with a game, Sword Art Online. Reiji knew Aika really just wanted it, yet he felt somewhat happy. Reiji had started resorting to games whenever he felt bored, or when he didn't know what to do, but only when Aika would play. She loved to game, as Reiji learned within his first few months of meeting her. Apparently, Aika had bought one for herself, and she planned to play with him. So on a day when Reiji was free, he set up the Nerve Gear for both Aika and him, and laid next to Aika. He never expected to start a whole new life.


Forebearance- Reiji's past turned him into quite a forbearing individual. He's able to resist most provocation, yet there are a few things that could push his buttons. Overall, his forbearance allows him to focus in tough times.

Reliable- Despite his trust issues, Reiji can be very reliable. Given a task, Reiji makes sure to see it to the end. It doesn't matter how long he's had said task, he strives to complete it. His reliability helps him make more friends than enemies, and it also gains others trust.

Understanding- The ability to "understand" situations allows Reiji to make his decisions quicker and without much thought. Reiji uses logic to determine his choices, not emotion. Though this can reflect upon him with harsh consequences, it can be even more rewarding. This allows gains others trust, though it almost equally causes some to lose their trust in Reiji due to his logical choice.

Blunt- Reiji can often be blunt towards others, and that usually lowers his reputation with them. Though when he is blunt, he doesn't have have a completely pessimistic view, but in general, he can easily lose friends. Without the aid of others, his tasks become more difficult.

Callous- Reiji's callousness hinders his ability to bond with others. Though he once would show limitless emotion at a younger age, his past causes him to appear cold and unfriendly. Unfortunately, this happens to ward off those who would be interested in a friendship with him.

Overambitious- Over-ambition controls a large part of Reiji's life. With one main goal in mind, Reiji prioritizes that over everything else. This usually causes him to overuse himself to achieve his goal, and he would sacrifice even friends for his own good if he saw fit.

Level: 1

Skill Points

Total Used: 5

Total Available: 0

Total: 5




Weapon skills:
» Novice- One handed Daggers




  -10 bread
  -15 Water


-Simple Steel Dagger: Right Hand

-Casual Clothing

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle:
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress: 




-Currently: None




Story Thus Far

ARK 1: Awakening



Current Amount: 0

Transactions: None yet

Edited by Zwei
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