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F1 PP: "Re: Start!"

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He gave her a confused look, staring at her as though she were completely and utterly insane, and, in a sense, she was. Who would do such a thing? Why would they go to such lengths just to try and smooth over their interactions with another? Wouldn't it be best to simply cut your losses and move on? In a way, yes, but that wasn't Esther's way - that wasn't her way, and be damned if Arc was going to jostle her completely from that path with a few hostile glances and words.

Esther didn't intrude on his space this time, she didn't ask questions as to why he had such a look on his face - she simply offered him a smile, hand still outreached. Esther ignored his remark, he had every right to be confused. She was resetting their meeting, in some wild hopes that it may lessen his ire against her. "Arc." Esther repeated, the name, as though she was committing it to memory. He gave her hand a slight slap, not exactly the handshake that Esther was hoping for, but the effect remained the same. He pushed past her, making a comment alluding to his goals.

"That's nice, I'm one of the girls who is going to brigthen the way till it happens."


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He snorted a laugh. "Good luck with that," he called back over his shoulder as he headed out into the field. "Might be as you can do something. Leastways, more than I can do with a sword and a bad attitude. Either way, different strokes, different folks. I'll see you in hell one way or the other, right?" His mischievous smirk disappeared as he headed toward the horizon. He could leave it at that.

Hell was relative, really. If he saw her again tomorrow, they would still be in hell, right? It was a fair thing to say. It might be a day, it might be a year, but he got the feeling he'd be hearing from Esther again.

Until then, he had work to do and an axe to grind. This world was gonna pay, and he was going to make it happen.

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