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[SP - F2] End of the Cave <<Let There Be Light>>

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It would only be soon where he would find himself falling asleep on this bench, however he thought about getting to a hotel room... however he needed to save his Col for equipment, he sighed realizing he is broke and needs to get Col desperately... maybe he chose the wrong profession, maybe he should of taken Artisan or Blacksmith, artisan sounded good to him. Crafting all these different sort of trinkets... however he wants to see where this profession would take him. Making tasty treats never would hurt anyone, he noticed that there hasn't been expert level cafe's around... maybe he could try to do so... he smiled at this thought and began to think about how he would do it, maybe this would be the solution to his Col problem. However, he didn't think about it too much since he found himself drifting into sleep before actually falling asleep.


Complete -

500 Col from Giant Bats + ID:67216 LD: 8*25=200 Col from Quest = 700 Col Total

4 MAT's from Material Gathering

2 SP

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