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PP-F1: Who am I, Really?

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Esther gave a wry smirk,  she figured she was getting through to him, slowly, painfully slowly, but surely."Is that a challenge Arc? Cause I think you have learnt by now I rarely give up in regular circumstances. Throwing that my way? Well I suppose as your friend I'll have to ensure you get that, eh?"  She gave a laugh.  Feeling a little better after a drink and a chat. She wasn't sure if Arc felt the same way, he seemed to want to high tail it out of there as fast as humanly possible. Esther wondered, it was most likely because the subject had shifted to Mari and Thom. She made a mental note to not mention either of them to him in the near future, even if she felt that he was just figuratively shoving his head into the ground.

"You've made me feel a little better, thanks, you're a good friend." Esther stressed the word, driving it home that she considered him as such. Regardless of what he said, did or thought. 


He turned to leave, and Esther gave him a final wave. "Maybe we should quest together sometime?"

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Arc glanced back and furrowed his brow quizzically. "Quest? Sure," he replied. "That's what I do. I help people."

He flipped open his menu and glanced through the options for a moment. As his finger found the "add friend" button, he sent an invitation to her with no real thought. He didn't see that sort of thing the same way other people did. When all things were considered, it was a list of contacts that you could quickly browse and use to send messages or items conveniently. When it popped up, he added. "Make sure you give me details on the quest so I know what to prepare for. Then, we can discuss payment."

Several of the other players glanced his way when he spoke. He caught a few dirty looks from people who had been listening to the conversation for more than a few seconds. Arc disregarded them. "I'm more than happy to help other players get stronger. The better we all are at this, the quicker and more likely we'll all get out of this world alive. That's the ticket, isn't it?"

With a quick turn, he pressed his palm to the door. One man muttered something to the effect of "what a jerk."

Arc glanced back at him for a moment, a soft smile on his face. The man quickly averted his eyes. "People in this world don't get it at all," he muttered. "All these people with delusions about living life as they normally would under these circumstances don't understand what's at stake. That's the reason people are dying. There's not enough commitment to excellence. There's so much stagnation, so much weakness."

He let out an exhausted sigh. "I'm not weak. I won't ever become weak. I won't be made useless. I will fight until I can't anymore, and even then I'll keep fighting."

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