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[SP-F1] << Earning A Living >> Ctankep Cave <<COMPLETE>>

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I am standing in front of the new set of light plate armor, which is standing against the wall majestically. I adore the 14th century design of the armor, and it fits my body perfectly. I hope the smithy in his shop accepts my tip, because that was a lot to give out just to thank him.

I begin to take the pieces apart and start donning them one by one. It is always vital to start from the legs, because the lower parts will be perfectly lined up with the upper components. After spending a total of thirty minutes donning the armor all by myself, I walk around to test how well I can move around in this tin can. 

So far, I am still agile in the suit, and it feels very satisfying to wear them for the first time. I equipped my new Dread sword and walk out of the inn I rented for last night.

As I wander around the streets of the Starting City, a thought crashed into my mind. Positively.

Edited by Dante Kurosaki
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Ever since I got that iron ingot, I keep thinking of whether I should make a living of blacksmithing or just keep on adventuring until I die or get tired of it.

Yesterday, I ventured through the city, stopping at several armory stores and just took a good peak at any open window. I discreetly observed blacksmiths hammering into the hot, orange metal, as sparks were beautifully formed like fireworks. Yes, these sparks somehow gave me a peace of mind, and I love how they even light up the workplace in a split second. I could tell that the light provided by sparks are very bright, and immediately the thought of that light being a symbol of hope among the darkness became prevalent in my mind.

Besides that, I actually got to see one of the blacksmith NPCs forging the blade of a katana. I watched the blade being intensely heated in the fireplace and then quenched into a small, rectangular pool of water. The sound it produces as the blade is quenched is simply an orchestra to my ears.

As I sit in the Good Luck Lounge today, I stare at the ceiling as I flip up the face of the bascinet helm. I think, it is time for me to be a Blacksmith and open my own shop.

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As soon as I exit the Good Luck Lounge, I notice someone banging metal against the anvil with his hammer. Apparently, he has his own armory stand, and there are several arms and other equipment a warrior could have on display.

Probably, out of curiosity I approach the stand, and the man, who turned out to be an NPC glances at me and stops hammering. He sports an overgrown, white beard and hair, and judging from his face, he must have lived his life as a blacksmith in God knows how many NPC years. He flashes a crooked grin and begin speaking in a gruff voice.

'Looking for wares to make yourself stronger, young man?"

I realize that this is a great opportunity to ask if he could train me to be a blacksmith, and much to my satisfaction, he agreed.

"Blacksmithing is my form of art for years," he says. "Everybody deserves at least one weapon to protect themselves. The world can be a s**thole to humanity, so who knows you would ended up getting mugged, killed, imprisoned, etc. Besides, you don't just take or buy a weapon and start swinging at whatever bastard is after you. You must at least know the strength and flaws of your weapon, even if it is already fused with magic. You must also make sure it retains its durability, so it will never die suddenly when you are in a f**ked up situation."

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"Whaddya say, young man? Do you want to learn the art of blacksmithing with me?"

His lecture and invitation to blacksmith training sold me well. Just after he finishes speaking, a new message appears in front of me. A quest called 'Earning A Living' will be initiated if I choose 'Yes'. Instantly, I accept the quest, and listen further to what the old smithy will say to me.

"Very good," he says. "Now the first you have to do will be the most vital part of this particular art. Of course, you will have to gather some metal ores such as iron, steel, etc. But know this, simply extracting the ores aren't enough. You have to make sure they are in pristine condition, and be careful when you extract them. S**tty quality metal equals to s**tty weapons. Here is my pickaxe."

I receive his tool as he explains further in regarding to a mining location he recommends for me.

"From the south entrance of the Starting City, you will reach the Crossroads. Take the right fork and just keep going. You'll find the entrance of a cave blocked by a wooden door, but I think it can be easily broken. You will find high quality ores there, and bring back at least five of them. I appreciate it if you bring more than the minimum amount. 

Oh, and be careful in there. I heard little rumors of a Giant Centipede residing in the cave. If you actually encounter it, watch out for its fangs eh? According to adventurers that survived the attack, the fangs aren't poisonous, but it hurts like a f**king stonefish. Are we clear so far?"

I nod in response. The smithy smiles.

"Then good mining, adventurer!"

Edited by Dante Kurosaki
Reduce required amount of materials
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It takes a few minutes for me to travel across the grasslands, turning to the right fork of the Crossroads and walking further towards the forest. This entire walk relaxes my legs, and the air today is very fresh to breath in. The sky is clear blue with some clouds above, and it really keeps my mind peaceful and sane. I am a little sad at the thought of moving on from Floor 1, but once you leveled up and had to fight advanced monsters, there isn't any choice. Even if you stay here for a living, I feel that not only it would be pointless with the lesser monsters not providing much experience, but it would be tedious to go back and forth between adventuring in dungeons and sleeping in a house at a large city. 

There is a trial in front of me now, and I am following it. Dead leaves are scattered everywhere, and the whole forest is quite noisy with the sounds of crickets and some birds. To be honest, I don't want to see or fight a f**king rhinoceros ever again. 

It is around thirty five minutes later that I finally see a clearing ahead of me. There are some rocky dead ends at the front, and looking just at the right, there is the entrance itself, loosely sealed by a wooden door.

The door has seen better days, as the wood is rotting and looks slightly damp. I approach the door and kick it down repetitively with my foot. Conveniently, the inside of the cave seems to be illuminated by torches. It's either the work of Aincrad or the previous players, perhaps to mark this cave as their main source of their metal ores.

Gripping the pickaxe and knocking the metal breastplate of my plate armor, I slowly step into the depths of the foreboding crevice.

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The cave's passage opens up several meters from its portal. I carefully look at the walls for any signs of different coloration. As I arrive at a two way junction, I saw a part of the wall that are lit by two torches. I walk up to that wall, and there, I could see some of the ore sticking out. I start working on the extraction, the pickaxe does a very good job at breaking the rocks.

ID: 67628

LD: 6

Even though it is really a metal ore, there are only tiny amounts of steel on it. I do not think it is worth extracting, so I throw it aside and take the left path of the passage. This is where hieroglyphics are prevalent among the walls, and they are glowing.

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The glowing hieroglyphics depict strange, 'Blair Witch'-esque symbols with a few drawings of people or monsters standing below some of the symbols, the people have their arms raised up as if they are worshipping these symbols. I get unnerved as I think that they glow just to give us a warning that something is coming to get us. As I venture further into the passage, I stop to look at another ore vein beside a pair of round rocks. This one looks promising, since the vein sports different colors.

ID: 67634

LD: 5

Again, it doesn't have metal ores, only useless minerals for this quest such as gold and copper. I know they can be forged into weapons or armor, but iron or steel have better durability in my opinion. 

I move on through the passage, passing some more hieroglyphics.

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A dead end is ahead of me after I covered a few more meters in the passage. It also ends with an ore vein at the ground, so I have to kneel down and work on digging out the ore with the pickaxe. Hopefully, I can get a proper ore this time. I do not care if I stay here for a long time. I plan to get more than seven ores if possible.

ID: 67635

LD: 17

Materials: 1/5

My expression brightens up as I realize that I am lucky this time. Picking up the ore I just dug out, I can positively identify it as an iron ore, although I double check by looking at its description in the inventory. The ore, grayish/whitish in color, is cold to the touch, and the beautiful texture makes itself a promising material to forge my first equipment, if I ever succeed in making one.

As I am about to walk back towards the junction, I hear what sounds like a loud, grinding sound. In other words, it sounds like rock sliding on rock. Immediately, the thought of those symbols, the darkness and the supposed Centipede spooks me out, so I draw my Dread sword, just in case I need to kill whatever's inside the cave with me. However, I make a startling discovery as I pass by the two rounded rocks.

These rocks are no longer clamped together like they used to be. Instead, they are separated, revealing a rather medium cervice leading to a new passage. I could feel the wind blowing from that hole, but there is no way I'm going in there with the thought of being trapped by these rocks. 

I got up and run quickly to the junction and explore the other passage.

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This passage leads to an area that is completely different from the other parts of the cave. The path opens up as I walk forward, only guided by the torches on the cave walls.

The first notable difference I saw in this passage is that they are numerous crystals at the ceiling, providing illumination around the area. The strange attribute these crystals share is their stalactite-like appearance, as if water is combined with some unknown matter, thus altering the textures or whatnot. They also frequently change color like this rainbow effect you would see in good ol Windows Movie Maker. 

Aside from the crystals, this area I am standing in right now looks more like a chamber, and lucky for me, there is a lone rock sitting just at the center of the 'chamber.' I set down to work.

ID: 67687

LD: 11

Sadly the rock has no contents within itself. Disappointed with the result, I keep on walking.

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I notice glowing colors on the wall as the passage makes a sharp turn to the right. What I see is simply astounding.

In front of me is a very large chamber, and this is perhaps the final part of the cave. There are crystals everywhere, and there are numerous rocks to mine for the materials I need. Satisfied that I reach a proper workplace, I stroll around the chamber randomly to appreciate the beauty of the chamber. Noticing a rock containing an ore of some sort, I begin mining, hoping for a good result.

ID: 67689

LD: 12

The ore turned out to be an emerald of some sort, but this isn't the material I am looking or crave for. I move on to the next rock, but not before hearing a slight tapping sound, which I ignore. Caves make random noises after all, and they are not acoustic friendly.

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Seeing a pile of rocks at a corner of the chamber, I take good care of stepping into the ground as the rocks are sitting a little higher at the wall. Thankfully the pickaxe is long enough to enable me to resume my work.

ID: 67690

LD: 13

One of the rocks is broken up completely by the sharp tip of the pickaxe, but no ore is seen falling from it. There are still plenty more to mine at the same spot, so I keep focusing on my objective. 

Now, have you heard of a Russian movie called 'Stalker?' It is one of my favorite movies of all time, and one of the works which I consider a masterpiece in cinema history. 

Whoops, that rock is almost about to break. I thought it would be a little tough as its other siblings are.

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ID: 67691

LD: 1

At first I was confused when I watched the film for the first time. The cinematography is too slow for normal standards, and there are several plot elements that confuses me so much. However, as I begin to really pay attention towards the film, I begin to understand at least a little more, and soon I could grasp the concepts of The Zone and The Room, which are the main plot elements in the movie. 

I believe that the director, Andrei Tarkovsky, once commented on the slow pace of the film: "The film needs to be slower and duller so that viewers who walked into the wrong theatre may have time to leave before the action starts."

Needless to say, the more I watched the film, the more I liked it. Stalker is a film that is not only unique in terms of ambience, sounds and cinematography, but it is very captivating and perfectly presents the allegory of human consciousness. It is something akin to the essence of what man of: a tangled knot of fears, fantasies, nightmares; and a yearning for something that is beyond our grasp yet intrinsic to our eyes. 

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ID: 67682

LD: 4

What's ironic about the film is that exactly around seven or eight years after the film was launched, the Chernobyl Nuclear accident happened. The Exclusion Zone is eeriely similar to the landscape of the Stalker version of the Zone. People make urban explorations of Chernobyl and dub themselves 'stalkers', travelers in the film that regularly goes in and out of the Zone. Urban exploration in a radiated, ghost town sounds pretty cool. You get to see the relics of people's lives back at the happy days, and go into abandoned buildings just to see what is left in the interior. Maybe there are toys. Maybe there are interesting belongings left by the evacuees..

...or maybe there are gas masks. I know there is a school which its entire floor is full of dirty, decrepit gas masks, giving off a creepy feeling to the atmosphere.

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ID: 67693

LD: 17

Materials: 2/5

Anyway, enough talking about the film. I understand that it is not for everyone, for it is too artsy and too complex to understand its themes, meaning and plot. Back to my work, check it out. I actually got another iron ore. How excellent!

There are a few more rocks left at the wall, so I think it will be worth it if I mine all of them. Raising my pickaxe, I bring it down harshly to deliver more strength into the tool. So far, so good.

I could still hear occasional sounds of some big insect crawling, and I wish i haven't ignore it. I am too distracted to care about it, as I want to get this done as soon as possible.

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ID: 67694

LD: 8

Still no luck. I havent realize that I already make a big hole as a result of breaking the walls. I never thought there would be a burrow here. It must be a home for moles or something. Regardless, I think I am done with this part of the chamber.

I move on to a new part of the area and think of a good beer and setting up my own armory. The crystals seem to start rapidly changing their colors, as if they are indicating something. I feel very uneasy.

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ID: 67695

LD: 17

Materials: 3/5

Another iron ore extracted. The rock was particularly tough, it took a lot of heavy banging to get the ore out, which can be seen at the surface of the rock.

Just two more materials, and everything will be done.

The unusual sound is getting louder, and I think of the supposed Giant Centipede in the cave. I think I better work fast, so I run to a random rock without thinking and just mine the f**k out of it before that creature comes here. 

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ID: 67695

LD: 3

Not wanting to waste my time, I run around the area looking for any ore veins that are still untouched by my pickaxe. Even though I originally planned to look for additional ores, I decide to abandon the plan and get the f**k out of here. This place is giving me the creeps, it reminds me of a local cave I explored as a child.

The crystals seem to be shaking a little, and the shifting of their colors gradually begin to die down. I am still skeptical of this sign, it could be a calm before the storm. 

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ID: 67701

LD: 8

No sooner after I confirm that an ore vein I just mined is empty, a loud crashing sound is clearly audible behind me. I turn back with my sword drawn and notice that the hole I exposed earlier became larger, and what came out of the hole is the exact creature that the blacksmith told me earlier.

The Giant Centipede crawls eeriely among the walls as it notices my presence. It f**king jumps away from the wall and land right in front of me, now rising up its body to have a better look at me. Apart from its many, sharp legs, it bears a pair of large mandibles, clicking together as it is ready to devour its latest meal.

I brace myself for the worst that is about to come, and start moving side to side in an attempt to dodge its first attack. The Giant Centipede shrieks loudly.

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Dante: HP 20/20

Giant Centipede: HP 14/15

ID: 67702

BD: 6

MD: 1

I couldn't believe that I actually manage to jump backwards at a swift speed as the Centipede launches its head towards me. Its mandibles are speared into the ground instead, and the tips ended up being slightly stuck into the rocky floor. As fast as I could, I swing my sword across one of its giant eyes and it shrieks again, removing its mandibles from the cave floor immediately. 

I run away from that pest to a corner of the room, hoping to plan my next attack as it catches up to me. But instead of doing so, it just remains static, locking its eyes towards me like a guided missile. As I catch my breath, leaning against the wall, I heard a very loud spit and turn around quickly. 

A f**king acid projectile is heading towards my direction! And it is fast as hell! I need to move!

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Dante: HP 20/20

Giant Centipede: HP 13/15

BD: 6

MD: 5

I end up ducking down with the projectile passing over my head and splattered against the wall. The Centipede is already crawling towards me at a rapid speed. I leap towards the creature and stab its forehead with my sword, causing it to shriek profusely until I withdraw the blade.

The Centipede sizes up towards me like a snake, and proceeds to circle around me with its large body. Immediately I realize what it is going to do, and I turn around as fast as I can to face its head. I'm not gonna get wrapped up by such a disgusting pest. I yell like a madman as I rush towards the direction of its head. I want to jump onto his body and give him a good, deep stab. 

(If MD gets a 9 or 10, it would coil around Dante, making the latter earn a Paralyze effect from the beast's massive coil)

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