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[SP-F1] << Earning A Living >> Ctankep Cave <<COMPLETE>>

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Dante: HP 13/20

Giant Centipede: HP 12/15

ID: 67704

BD: 6

MD: 7

The plan both work and doesn't work at the same time. I manage to give its body a slight pierce, but in return, I got headbutted at the chest, knocking me off its body. The damage is pretty high, damn if I die right here...it would be a f**king misery.

This headbutting would have been painful if I haven't equipped my plate armor now. I grin menacingly at the thought of winning this battle. Yes, maybe I can get a Material from this pest. 

I raise up my sword, readying to strike as the Centipede prepares to launch its mandibles towards me for the second time.

Edited by Dante Kurosaki
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Dante: HP 13/20

Giant Centipede: HP 12/15

ID: 67707

BD: 4

MD: 4

The mandibles spread themselves apart  for the Centipede to pierce both sides of my body, but I manage to step away and instead let it catch the blade of my sword. I withdraw it from their grasp and walk backwards as the Centipede slowly creep up towards me, making a slightly hissing sound. It is about to do the same attack as it once again launches itself toward my head.

I grit my teeth, now deciding whether to keep on fighting, or run away like a coward. My knees tremble for the first time as I try to remain focus for this battle.

Edited by Dante Kurosaki
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Dante: HP 13/20

Giant Centipede: HP 11/15

ID: 67708

BD: 8

MD: 1

At last I decided. I rather get injured while fighting this piece of s**t than running away and fail the quest. I swing my sword vertically at a downwards arc, hitting the face of the Centipede as the mandibles almost make their impact against my armor. 

It lets out another shriek and gets onto its remaining legs, now is the cue for me to run.

However, no matter how fast I try to run from the Centipede, it keeps up its crawling speed and attempts to use its mandibles as a reach weapon. I turn around and begin swinging my sword madly, gritting my teeth as sweat rolls down my forehead.

Edited by Dante Kurosaki
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Dante: HP 4/20

Giant Centipede: HP 11/15

ID: 67709

BD: 2

MD: 10

Well f**k this s**t I'm out! Goddamn mandibles got my head instead, it f**king hurts like hell! I don't even know how I can survive such an injury! The Centipede will definitely kill me, and there's no way I can let that happen!

I better run quickly, and never come back to this chamber! As fast as my legs can carry, I turn tail towards the exit and sprint for my dear life. The shrieks are becoming demonic and louder as I feel the Grim Reaper coming close to my soul.

Edited by Dante Kurosaki
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Dante: HP 4/20

Giant Centipede: HP 10/15

ID: 67710

BD: 10

MD: 1

As if getting injured in the head isn't enough, the Centipede blocks the exit effectively before I could reach it, and, probably, due to my desperation, I sprint faster and launch my sword towards one of its eye, severing it with numerous slashes in the process. The Centipede moves its head aggressively at the mortal injury, and soon as I come to my senses, I realize that my life is ultimately saved.

I slowly step backwards as the Centipede composes itself, and stares at me briefly before blood starts to coming out of its now empty eye socket.

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Dante: HP 4/20

Giant Centipede: HP 0/15 (Affected by +1 Bleed)

ID: 67711

BD: 3

MD: 2

LD: 16

Materials: 4/5

Obtained 75 Col from loot

The bleeding effect of my sword pretty much take affect on the Centipede. More blood and gore burst out of its eye socket like a dead whale's exploding gut as its final shriek echoes throughout the large chamber. The Centipede falls to the ground, moving forward a little in an attempt to crush me, but fails to do so. The fall almost cause a minor earthquake.

I breath rapidly as I stare at its corpse, which later disengerates and drops a good looking iron ore and a total of 75 Col. I don't believe it....this was pure luck...I actually killed a giant monster for the first time! F**k yes! Hahah! Take that motherf**ker! Who's the king now huh?! Who's the ultimate monster slayer of Aincrad?!

Huff..huff...hold on, I need a breather...huff...

....that was a very climatic fight...I think I learned my lesson today...

Always equip myself with potions and better equipment for an increasing chance of survival. 

Edited by Dante Kurosaki
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The armor was almost broken due to the heavy damage of the Centipede's damage. My head still hurts like hell, and I feel really dizzy. But I just want one more Material before I can go back to the Starting City. I notice one of the few ore veins that, much to my surprise, is located on the floor of the chamber. It doesn't matter how I miss these particular vein, I just get to mining straight away, banging its surface with my pickaxe at a fast pace.

ID: 67718

LD: 17

Materials: 5/5

Phew...I found the last iron ore for my quest. Gently picking it up from the ground, I stuff it into my inventory and f**k off from the chamber, and eventually the entire cave at a quicker pace. 

It is quite surreal to see the open sky, the sun and the grasslands again after spending so much time in the depths of a cave. I let out a huge smile as I am proud of my victory of the previous harsh battle. I am glad that I survived, and I thank my sword for naturally having a Bleed effect to finish off the pest. 

But most importantly...I have to thank the smithy that forged this weapon. Maybe I can pay him another visit.

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After arriving at the Starting City, I go back to the same stand where the old blacksmith works at, but he is nowhere to be found. I notice a sign hanging at the front of his stand, it read: "Having a toilet break. Will resume work after 15 minutes."

Either he disappears from the city as commanded by the game, or NPCs really have the need to s**t and piss. Shrugging my shoulders, I step into the Good Luck Lounge for a nice, cold glass of beer. I think some players are looking at my torn armor, or my bloodied head, but who gives a f**k? I just want to be alone and have a relaxing drink.

Sitting down on the empty seat, I take several sips of my beer as I count the total amount of the iron ore I collected so far. Five...that should be enough to make some equipment for myself. I do heard that there is a general store that sells Materials, but you know what, I think it is better to search for them than wasting Col for them.

Just as I am about to lean against the chair, to ponder about my new life in Aincrad, I heard a familiar voice.

"Well son, you look like you have seen the Centipede. Did you kill it?"

I turn my head to the left, and there he is, standing with his arms behind him as he gives me a slightly s**t eating grin. I nodded with a smirk and show him the ores I have with me.

"I am very impressed of you, young man. To think that you would actually survive its mandibles," he speaks as he hands me his hammer with a grin. "Speaking of that f**king pest, come. Let's get you patched up and start training right away."




Obtained 5 Materials

Obtained 2 SP (1 +1)

Obtained 475 COL (400 + 75)


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