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(PP-F1) Celestial Ascendant Initiation (Adhaerere)

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Jonathan sat in town square on the first floor. He had been informed by Itzal of two players who may have interest in joining the guild and he intended to recruit them. Jonathan opened upnhis messenger and sent a message to the player <<Adhaerere>> informing her to meet him by the fountain in town square on the first floor. Jonathan equipped his equipment, The white and Gold armor protecting him from Neck down. His Golden Sword was on his Back and his White and gold shield at his side. He was a bit excited himself. This would be his first order of business as a guild and his first initiation. His thought fluttered back to being a low level with Itzal. Look how far I have come. Well hopefully Itzal was not pulling his leg. 

Edited by Morgenstern
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 Adhae was busy working in her shop, setting bowls in the sink to touch with the extendable faucet and immediately appear cleaner. She loved the way it looked; just her touching an object to the bowl would make it glow red and then lose its shine and return as a perfectly clean instrument. It was a lot easier than back home; no manual labor went into the cooking process. It all happened automatically and quickly. Once she was finished, she dried off her hands and hung up her apron. The door was open and her foot was on the cobblestones of the street outside when she got the message. 

 She didn't recognize the sender, and so opened it with a small amount of apprehension. She quickly scanned over it and went back inside, sitting down at a table near the door. "Meet me at the fountain..." Adhae didn't know what to think, but figured it couldn't do her any harm. And she needed to head out anyways. Giving a little shrug, she stepped outside again and walked down the road towards the town square. She passed the crowds of people with relative ease, staying to the right of the road and following the current until she found the turn she needed. Only a few more turns brought her into the Town Square, the giant plaza looking almost too perfect. The manicured walls and garden were just what you would expect from a starting town, but were just too unrealistically beautiful. Adhae sighed softly and continued to the fountain in the middle of the square, looking around for who sent her the message. She wasn't quite sure what to look for, and so stood very obviously right next to the fountain, turning her head in circles to find the message sender. 

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Jonathan waited, looking around. He looked back to the fountain, and seen an ambered haired girl with glasses. She seemed to be looking for something. Jonathan smiled and strolled forward. He stood in front of the woman and said, Oh, Hello. I would be guessing you are Adhae. You are the girl that was interested in the guild, right? Jonathan seen the girl's expression which shattered his spirit. Itzal really did scam me didn't he? Sorry, my friend Itzal told me you possibly wanted to join the guild.... Jonathan stood listened for a reply. Maybe he had not been completley scammed. 

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 Nobody appeared for a few seconds as she looked around. Being as impatient as she was, she wasn't planning on waiting around for ages for the man (at least, she assumed it was a man) to show up. She had things to do, people to speak to. And children to manage. Poor little Mason was requiring a lot of her attention as of late, though she was alright with that. She needed an occupation on here. Attending to the needs of another would keep her happy in here. Spending all her time grinding for mobs was not something she wanted to do; it could only be fun for so long. Especially with goals of the front lines, Adhae needed a lot of experience, and having something there to liven up the monotonous act of levelling would make her happier overall. Friends certainly had a way of cheering her up, but she needed a more devoted companion, and children could fit that description most accurately. 

 "Oh, hello. I would be guessing you would be Adhae." She turned towards the noise as she heard it on her left, recognizing her name and addressing the person who said it. It looked to be a man of a smaller stature than she, but had a stockier build. His equipment was damn impressive as well. She flashed him a smile and nodded. "Yes, that's me. You're uh, Morgenstern? The one who sent me that message?" She listened intently as he continued, her expression brightening as he said Itzal's name, but furrowing her brow as he spoke about a Guild. Itzal hadn't told her about anything that had to go with a guild. She didn't even know those existed in the world. "Um, no, he hasn't talked to me about anything to do with a Guild. I didn't even know those were createable. But, if Itzal is in a guild, he probably knows what he's doing. Tell me about it." She gave him a friendly smile, encouraging him to speak. 

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Jonathan smiled as the woman spoke. She said his username, and Jonathan rubbed the back of his head. Just call me Jonathan. It is what everyone else does. "Um, no, he hasn't talked to me about anything to do with a Guild. I didn't even know those were createable. But, if Itzal is in a guild, he probably knows what he's doing. Tell me about it."She luckily, seemed to know Itzal which gave him something to go off of. She also seemed quite interested in the guild. First off, we are called the Celestial Ascendants. We are a guild devoted to helping lower levels rank up, and to help them be able to protect themselves and make a difference. It is small at the moment and practically in its Beta as a few things are not yet established, but we are growing quickly. We would love to have you join us.... Then we could continue on your initiation as I had originally planned. 

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 "Nice to meet you Jonathan."

 Taking another look at the player, she tried to assess his skill level. Obviously, the equipment he had was bought at a shop. It looked expensive, with those colourings. He held the shield like he knew how to use it, and wore the armour the same way. He had experience then. The sword on his back certainly didn't seem tame either. Maybe this was someone to make friends with. He obviously had Itzal's trust if they were in the same guild together, and trusted Itzal more than most people in this game. 

 As he spoke about the guild, she listened intently. As he explained the reason of the guild's creation, her eyes lit up. This was exactly what she needed. Her calling was to help people in whatever way she could, and giving new players a chance to prove themselves was precisely how she could do that in the game. Maybe she could get Mason to join as well and could help him that way. Having other stronger players available to train him would be better for him in the long run; Adhae could only give him so much in the way of lessons. He hadn't even used his little knife yet. 

 "I'd love to join, yeah. This sounds perfect for me. I enjoy helping people as much as I can, and this is a chance for me to do that. Thanks to Itzal for telling you about me. What sort of initiation do you have? Let's get started on it right now," she said, smiling.

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OOC Sorry for the delay, was busy

As Jonathan spoke, he noticed the woman seemed interested and loved the idea of his guild. He could tell by the way her eyes lit up. Jonathan smiled. He seemed to have actually hooked her on the ideas. She spoke telling him of her wish to join, which Jonathan could only smile to. She even seemed eager. Great!... an initiation consists of determining what role you will play, and then we will see your current strengths in that roll as we move to test your abilities so far. But first, our most sacred rule is to ask you to give us your word that you will not murdur or attack any of our members, and that in the instance you shall be kicked and possibly attack for doing so. He had no thought that she would do anything like that. She seemed to be nice. He just had to say it because it was key in the initiation and this was supposed to be formal. He wondered what role the girl would choose. She had four choices, Scout, Tank, Healer, and Damage Dealer. IT took Even ?Jonathan abit to decide which one he would pick. Once he had his mind set on damage. 

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