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[SP-F1] Gravely Kicks << RGQ Easy >> << COMPLETE >>

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"When there is no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth. Does that sound familiar to you, lad?" asks a hooded NPC. He is entirely covered with a dark cloak with a gloomy appearance, the way he sits on his chair makes his appearance less solid than he is supposed to be as a human. Although his face is concealed with some sort of octopus mask, the voice gives away his middle age, somewhere in his 30s or 40s. 

I am in his hut because he invited me as he notices me walking entering the Starting City after my stroll across the fields. He told me that there is an errand he wants to give me, and I will be fairly rewarded. Because I need more materials and COL for my shop and myself, I accepted his invitation.

His hut is quite spacious, but it is full of trinkets and relics of various cults, some which seems to resemble familiar cults such as the Cthulhu cult and Satanism. He explains that he collected all of these strange items because the supernatural world is his magnum opus in terms of his interest. 

"Now. adventurer," says the hooded man. "Do you wish to listen to my tale, or do you want to get straight to the point?"

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I choose the former, as I have the feeling that whatever quest he may give won't be as normal as slaying typical mobs or gathering items. The hooded man leans back against the chair, tapping his fingers onto the table.

"Deep within the forest, there is a small graveyard that is long abandoned by Aincrad inhabitants. Except for me. I frequently go there to pay respects for my friend that was buried in the graveyard. He was one of the best lads of my life...it's a shame that he died of some unknown disease. 

So anyway, I went to the grave a month ago to do my usual deed to my dead friend. I guess one of the dead couldn't find peace in the afterlife, because the moment I kneel in front of my friend's grave, he possessed his own, skeletal corpse and woke up from its long, permanent slumber. That would be easy to fight, if he wasn't calling his other dead mates to join his haunting at the site. Naturally, I ran as quickly as I could, and thankfully they did not give chase. 

But now I cannot pay respects to my friend as long as these skeletons are still standing. I checked their presence every week and it is always the negative result, if you know what I mean. You may now know the quest I am going to give you. Nod if you understand."

Of course...exterminating the skeletons...what could go wrong? I wield a strong, black sword that would cut my foes cleanly, thanks to my frequent sword training. 

The hooded NPC nods gleefully. "Hopefully you are well-equipped, adventurer. They are not armed with a weapon or shield, but they may still be dangerous with their bare, bony hands. Good luck!"

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It will be a waste of time to narrate about my journey to the forest, so I will cut to the part where I am heading to the graveyard in the forest. Now keep in mind that this is nighttime, and thankfully I was given a lantern by the hooded NPC. I do not find the darkness eerie to my eyes, for the lantern provides enough lighting to see what is in front of me. 

I am following a trial that I assume to be a path to my objective, since it is covered by dead leaves and some mosses. The silence is occasionally broken through the sounds of crickets and owls. The sound of the latter urges me to turn around to look for owls, as they are one of my favorite bird species. Strangely, I can barely see them, save for a silhouette that resembles one. 

Owls are the most silent hunters in the bird kingdom, their talons are as deadly as a dagger. Whenever I handle some owls at one of my favorite zoos, I always wear gloves or put a cloth onto my hand prior to the handling, because their talons can pierce your skin no matter how lightly they perch onto your hand or arm. 

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Besides their deadly talons, the head parts are also one of the interesting features of the owl. The whole head is like a satellite dish since, with the help of its symmetrical earholes, it can create a 3-D auditory map of its surroundings. In other words, it can be a living radar. The eyes provide binocular vision for the owl, enabling it to look into longer distances. As a bonus, their eyes also serves as its night vision, thus making its hunt more successful in addition to its silence and talons. 

The owl can swivel its head in 360 degrees, which...honestly sounds bizarre. At the very least, they can use this ability like a security camera equipped with night vision. 

As a conclusion, its excellency as a hunter is what makes me attracted to the owl. Evolution had done a perfect job at creating a perfect killer in the bird kingdom.

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As the trial comes to an abrupt stop, I look ahead to see a decrepit metal gate. Most of the metal are rusty but the gate is still easy to open. It makes a creaking sound as I lightly push it. I pass through it and found myself at the grave site I am looking for.

Like any other areas of the forest, the ground is also covered in moss, but the graves of the deceased are covered in decaying cobblestone. I draw out my sword as I put my lantern down on the center of the graveyard, anticipating the rising of one of the skeletal corpses. 

Fifteen minutes have passed as I am sitting down near the lantern, munching on my ration which consists of biltong (African dried meat) and cold water. No signs of strange occurrences ever appear in my sight...I begin the suspect that the hooded man is tricking me...or..

I think I hear something rattling...

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As I get onto my feet, I see it. One of the skeletal corpses moans inhumanely at my presence, revealing its small, sharp teeth. Small bits of flesh still remain in the arms and legs, and a mixture of blood and dirt are scattered on its torn, ragged clothes. It walks in a similar way a person with injured legs would do, however it can become agile when engaged in combat.

Despite having no weapon or armor with it, the skeleton can deliver kicks with its bare feet, as well as biting with its small teeth (applies to critical rolls only). 

As I am prepared to attack the corpse, I hear more rattling behind me, though they sound a little more distant. Not wasting any more seconds, I walk towards my foe as I immediately swing my sword towards his head. The skeleton already knows what's coming, because it is already opening its jaws wide as it lunges itself towards me.

Gotz: HP 48/60

Skeleton: HP 4/9

ID: 68371

BD: 7

MD: 10

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To my great shock, the skeleton grabs my incoming blade as it almost reaches its neck. It proceeds to chomp onto my shoulder, and I yell in great pain as I resort to stabbing the skeleton into its ribs. The skeleton, realizing the pain I inflicted upon it, steps back as it bellows inhumanely while holding its fractured ribs.

My black sword seems to be very effective against him, as his health decreases as a rapid state until it reduces to almost a quarter of its original length. This brings up my confidence in this fight, as from now, I trust my strength in this sword...and my skill. 

The skeleton's friends draws near, but the rattlings soon stop suddenly. I look behind me to see the other two standing still, as if they are aware of my strength and thus rely on their friend to finish me off.

As I am distracted by that unusual sight, my foe gains the advantage by running towards me. Luckily I hear his rattling bones and turn around quickly with my sword swung towards him once more.

Gotz: HP 48/60

Skeleton: HP 0/9

ID: 68374

BD: 10

LD: 1

Obtained 1 Material.

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Before he could grasp my neck, I chop off his arms and step onto his foot as I decapitate him brutally. Even though there is no blood coming out, the skeleton displays his mortality by struggling to stand up in its headless state, but it drops dead with a heavy thump. It drops one Material, in the form of a metal ore. I swiftly pick up my small reward and turn around to face the other two, living corpses.

I saved myself from using my Sword Arts earlier so I can use it against any other creature that may be stronger that these two. I say so because I have a foreboding feeling that something is controlling the corpses...it could be a necromancer...or...maybe Death itself..

Only one of the skeletons advances forward while his friend stays back, but not before patting him in the shoulder as a sign of good luck. Inhaling angrily, my violent instincts arrives at the gates of my mind as I start swinging my sword wildly.

Gotz: HP 48/60

Skeleton: HP 9/9

ID: 68375

BD: 5

MD: 2


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The skeleton quickly takes out a dagger it has been hiding on its rear for the whole time, and blocks my attack perfectly. I grin as I notice the change of difficulty in this fight. This is going to be fun...

Both of us trade blows against each other's blades, this is when I notice that its dagger is similar to a Viking dagger. Despite the blade's short length, it is still capable of clashing against weapons thanks to its width. Not wanting to keep this fight going on forever, I step up front at the right to strike the skeleton at the shoulder or, if possible, the neck, but it catches the incoming strike too, and now it is struggling to push my sword away. 

At this point, I begin to knee it in the stomach to lose his balance, but its determination grows strong, as it starts to place its bony hand onto my face, trying to shove me harshly. 

Gotz: HP 36/60

Skeleton: HP 4/9

ID: 68377

BD: 6

MD: 10

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As my face is shoved sideways, the skeleton stabs the area that is close to my right armpit. It is quite painful, but even though I can withstand it, I fear that this injury will impede the ability to perform a right-handed swing attack. My expression turns from worry and excitement to pure rage as I widen my eyes angrily and grit my teeth tightly. I lift up my sword as I hold down the skeleton's right shoulder and bring my blade down onto the base of its skull, fracturing it. 

The skeleton leaves its mouth open as a way to express the mortal pain it is experiencing. I move my blade back and forth like a saw as I try to pull the crack apart with my free hand. The skeleton is still able to draw the dagger out from my wound, but now it seems too weak to carry its blade any longer.

RRGH...so..hard...! Split it already!

Gotz: HP 36/60

Skeleton: HP 0/9

ID: 68378

BD: 10

LD: 3

Obtained 1 Material


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"Rrreaargh!!" I scream madly as I slam my blade down to its skull again, then use both of my hands to pull apart the crack. As hard as I could, I keep on pulling apart until the skull starts to split in half. The skeleton drops onto its knees as a result, and I use this opportunity to stomp the crack with my foot, effectively breaking the skull in two. I huff and puff as I glare at the last, skeletal corpse, who is already drawing out his dagger, but seem nervous. 

I pick up my sword from the ground, since I dropped it during my previous action of killing. I walk up to him as he points his dagger to me in a pathetic attempt to warn me that I should stay away from him, but I knock his weapon away and cross my right arm around my neck, preparing to unleash a backhand strike against his head. 

Gotz: HP 26/60

Skeleton: HP 3/9

ID: 68380

BD: 9

MD: 7

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I am kicked on my left leg as I swing my sword towards the skeleton's skull, causing the blade to shift towards its neck instead. The impact of the kick is quite strong, as my bone feels like it is about to be fractured. Damn...it hurts...but it is not as painful as the tusks of the boar that assaulted me in this place! 

Withstanding the pains from the kick, I pull my blade away as I have made a deep cut on the skeletal corpse's neck. Like its already dead friend, it drops its knees onto the ground as it becomes weak. It still grips the dagger as it looks like it is planning its next move, as long as it could stand again of course...

I step backwards to give some space from him so he won't get on my range, then I grip my sword tightly as it is raised up high above my head. Off with his head!

Gotz: HP 15/60

Skeleton: HP 3/9

ID: 68381

BD: 1

MD: 9

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Before I could bring my sword down towards its skull, the skeleton lunges towards my legs like a wild cat, and plunge its dagger deep into my left leg to advance the pain it already received earlier. I scream in pain at the impact of the sword, as I look at my foe who is now hanging on onto my legs. Enraged, I begin to hit its skull with the pommel of my sword, but he keeps himself from letting me go, so obviously this isn't going to work.

I change my plan as I point my blade downwards, but the injury of my left leg causes my aim to be unstable. I feel the dagger rubbing itself into the flesh of my leg as I grit my teeth, trying not to emit another yell. i become shaky as I am starting to lose a bit of my blood...stay..still...

After several more attempts of stopping myself from shivering, I maintain my aim once more as I bring down my sword quickly to the base of the undead's skull.

Gotz: HP 15/60

Skeleton: HP 3/9

ID: 68382

BD: 1

MD: 3

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My attack fails as the skeleton manages to grab the incoming blade from above, and does its best to push it away from its skull. The blade, however, is getting closer to its target thanks to my strength, but my wounded left leg is still one of the main obstacles of this fight. My balance is slowly getting weaker, and if I can't kill the skeleton quickly, I will be as good as dead by the time I am pinned to the mossy ground.

Rrgh...this sucks...getting stabbed by a cadaver who happens to be armed with a weapon from one of my favorite time periods....it will be a sicker joke if I die from it...

I think I should retreat as soon as I am done..whatever that is going to be appear next...will kill me instantly...grrgh..

Push it further...kick its legs and push it further! I want to see its rotting brain matter spilling from the cavity on its f**king head!

Gotz: HP 4/60

Skeleton: HP 3/9

ID: 68407

BD: 1

MD: 9

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"AAH! F**k!" I scream loudly as the skeleton resorts to its sharp, small teeth, biting my right leg and gnawing violently through my pants. Many times I have use my free fist to knock him hard in the head, but this persistent corpse wouldn't let go, as it decides that it will start feasting on my flesh. 

I frantically move my injured legs around, kicking in the air as I hurriedly swipe down my finger and rush towards the inventory to equip one of my two potions. As soon as the vial is in my hand, I pop off the lid and swallow the liquid quickly into my mouth, before focusing back towards the skeleton, who just stops gnawing my leg.

My health is decreasing gradually. Dying in a place like this is probably the s**ttiest thing I could ever done at the last phase of this battle. I keep this thought prevalent in my mind as I manage to raise my sword once more, aiming for the side of the skeleton's head.

Gotz: HP 3/60 (Restored to 14 HP, but decreases back to 3 due to critical hit)

Skeleton: HP 3/9

ID: 68409

BD: 3

MD: 9

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The skeleton adapts a new strategy: it uses its dagger to cut the bite wound on my right leg at a deeper depth. Pain jolts across my body as I struggle to keep fighting. So much for getting my health restored with one potion...what a waste...

I access the inventory for the last potion, and I swallow the liquid before the skeleton could stop me from restoring a bit of my health. It hangs onto my iron breastplate while reaching for my battle, and now my new fear surges as I realize that it will likely aim for my neck.

I grab its face and put a lot of pressure on keeping its jaws away from my face. The skeleton emits a haunting moan as it clamps its jaws together twice, my finger slowly reaching for its eye sockets. I do not know if gouging its eyes out will ultimately stop its further attempts to bite me. The only way to know is to find out all by myself.

Gotz: HP 3/60 (Restores +10 HP, but decreases back to health due to attack)

Skeleton: HP 3/9

ID: 68413

BD: 3

MD: 8

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Nope...it never works at all. Gouging its eyes out was a useless method, for the zombie doesn't stop itself from reaching towards my neck and clamp it down. It does something that his friends never get to do: sucking out my blood like a vampire.

I can feel my blood draining into its mouth, the color of my skin starts to turn pale as the pupils of my eyes becomes blank. Pushing it away is futile as my strength is practically sapped away. The skeleton embraces me in a death hug, as if it is trying to tell me that my death is now imminent and I will be his new companion in the land of the limbo. 

No..., I thought to myself. This cannot be the ending to my life...not like this...I would not mind if I am to accompany any of my friends that are dead...but this? This is simply bulls**t, I rather burn myself than letting him taking away all of my blood!

Gotz: HP 3/60

Skeleton: HP 0/9

ID: 68414

BD: 9

LD: 10

Obtained 1 Material!

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No...my shop...my....shop...who the f**k is going to take care of it if I'm dead...?! Some faggot would steal my business and ruin it...or even steal my credit for my creations! No way in hell I will let that happen! That shop is mine, motherf**ker! Get the f**k off me! AAARGH!!

I finally regain my strength to go berserk as I painstakingly drive my sword through the neck of the skeleton. It still hangs on to my neck with its jaw, so, while gritting my teeth in great anger, I use my bare hands to rip apart the cut wound and tear out its windpie, shoving it into the living corpse's mouth. As it chokes to death, I kick him away and severe his head for extra measure.

I never feel so lucky and satisfied in my life, I let out a deafening war cry as I lift my sword up in the air, cheering like a savage. I drop onto the ground as my pant heavily, looking at a material the skeleton dropped upon its death. Slowly, I crawl towards the object and place my hand over it, my consciousness is slowly fading...

...heh...my adventure....is still ongoing...

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I do not know how long I am asleep, but as my dreams of cosmic horror and women come to an end, the sun is already rising. I could hear 'The Thieving Magpie' ringing in my ears, leading me to believe that I am hallucinating...at first. I turn my head slowly to see an NPC girl, whose age is somewhere between 14 to 16 years old. She is wearing a cloak similar to the hooded NPC, except, well, she isn't hooded at all.

She sports a bob hairstyle, and at her waist there is a wazikashi holstered at her belt. The whole time I am looking at her, she is already smiling at me with a greeting: "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

I nod without even thinking who she is, all I care is that I am safe, and presumably, I am in her house. Scratch that, I am actually in that guy's house, and this is confirmed when I set my eyes on him, who is sitting at his table while staring at a Cthulhu idol. 

...I guess he was checking the grave to see if the coast is already clear, and then he paid his respects to his dead friend before picking me up...huh..where are my materials?

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"Senpai and me want to thank you for cleaning the graveyard, adventurer," says the girl as she checks all of my wounds at my body. I remain still and silent as I look at her youthful face, she is quite a looker in my honest opinion. After seeing that I am pretty much healed, she goes to the table and picks up three objects, then she hands it to me. The objects turn out to be the steel ores that I collected from the three skeletons, and I nod to her as a sign of gratitude.

"Would you like something to drink?" The girl asks sweetly. Immediately, I am already craving for a lemonade, so I ask for such a drink, which she happily serves me later, complete with ice in the liquid.

The drink feels so refreshing, especially after an arduous, brutal fight with the living dead. As I finish sipping the lemonade, the girl sits down besides me and says, "My partner, we used to be adventurers like you too. Do you want to hear more?"

Since I don't want to hurt her feelings, I agree to hear her story.

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