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A new, mischievous idea storms through my brain as I grin. Without hesitation, I walk towards the mantisman and bash his arm that is reaching for the window. I briefly look through the glass to find no one living in the house. Either the boss and the prisoner is gone somewhere out in the fields, or this house has a secret room in its interior. Back to the insect, I grab his arm and place my sword near his throat, looking at his friend who immediately stops in his tracks as soon as he knows what is going to happen.

"I'll tell you what." I explain. "If you stop attacking me, I will spare your brother. But as a price, you shall answer this question, pest. Do this dome have a basement of some sort?"

Without any form of reluctance, the second mantisman nods. The first one is panting heavily, his life is at stake and will be chose to be taken away...or spared. Depending on what I feel like doing to him. I continue on as I give him a nod.

"I'll let him open the door to this house, and both of you should lead me to your boss. You understand? And you are to not do anything stupid as I negotiate with him to give me the prisoner."

"Y..yes...we will not do so...friend..just...push the button..."

I withdraw my blade from his neck, waiting for him to do what he is supposed to do. The mantisman struggles to withstand the pain as he slowly pushes a brick wall just below the window. It is pushed into a depression and slowly, the 'door' opens vertically upwards, allowing entry to the three of us.

Gotz: HP 78/80

Mantisman 1: HP 0/12

ID: 68784

BD: 6

LD: 14

Obtained 1 Material

Obtained 60 COL

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Wait a minute, three of us? Entering this rock dome? ...Hah! F**k that! I'll just kill them right away!

And right this instant, I betray my words by skewering the side of the mantisman's head with my sword, the slimy blood splatters onto my face, but that is soon gone, as it is washed off quickly by the rain, which is still falling heavily throughout the entire fight. The other mantisman looks at his friend's demise in horror, barely letting out a yelp of grief as he watches his friend's brain being cut in half, dropping the remaining COL and a steel ore he keeps with him. I may have smile at this wonderful spectacle, but I don't feel like it this time...

I slowly turn my head towards the last mantisman, who is now in the brink of tears, gritting his teeth. In a maddening rage, he leaps towards me shouting while flailing his arms like some kind of fan. That looks so f**king reckless. Die already, scum. 

Gotz: HP 77/80

Mantisman 2: HP 12/12

ID: 68785

BD: 5

MD: 10

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Unexpectedly, he leaps to the right side of my body, which is not covered by my shield, and proceed to slash my leg and attempt to bite down the flesh. In response, I knock his head with my sword's pommel multiple times, prompting him to get off and let out more screaming that represent grief and madness. 

"Good grief, he will be in purgatory in no time." I say casually. "Just shut up and stay still, would you kindly?"

This triggers him to yell even louder, and even worse, he is trying hard to flank me even though I bash him away with my shield every time he does so. I'm getting bored of fighting with him, for his attacks are nothing but easy to avoid. I am also already used to the knockback effect emitted by his arms, and because of this, I manage to retain my shield in its position during the attack. I let out a huge sigh of disappointment and charge my sword towards him like a spear.

Gotz: HP 77/80

Mantisman 2: HP 12/12

ID: 68796

BD: 2

MD: 1

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Got to give a little credit to him...at least he catches me off guard. The mantisman perfectly parries my stabbing attack and if I haven't push my shield further, he would have stab me in the same way a player would do after parrying in Dark Souls. The next thing he does is to clash his arm with my sword like a bladed weapon, and this is ongoing for a few minutes until both of us end up stepping into the dome house while still fighting.

...He is really focused this time, the attacks are getting better for him, perhaps due to the fact that he realizes how pathetic he initially looked while trying to fight to buy his brother some time to escape. I keep using my shield and sword to fend off his attacks as he starts to aim towards parts of my body that aren't blocked by my tower shield. The excitement of fighting him grows back into my soul.

Give me all you got, pest. Come on, hit me!

Gotz: HP 76/80

Mantisman 2: HP 12/12

ID: 68797

BD: 3

MD: 7

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"Yes! Put all your strength into your stick arms, private!" I shout as I receive a few more strikes against my shield and my armor's breastplate at one point. The mantisman's incoming attacks are the ones which are never seen in the earlier stages of fighting him. Sometimes he would elongated his arms, and sometimes they would act on their own, similar to the arms of an octopus. and this can be unpredictable sometimes. One of them was able to go around my shield and almost pierce my body, and it would have done so if i haven't bash the insect away. 

As we are staring at each other, I notice one of the stone bricks on the walls seems to not align with the rest of the bricks. This must be another button, but I have an assumption that this will open the door to the basement. 

"What the f**k are you looking at?!" shouts the mantisman as he extends his arms, letting them take control of his attacks.

Gotz: HP 75/80

Mantisman 2: HP 7/12

ID: 68810

BD: 8

MD: 6

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Without warning, I swing my sword and land a hit onto his body, gushing out his slimy blood. I would have make a clean cut if his arms do not manage to get around my plate armor and scratch its back. Feeling the pain jolting throughout his body, the mantisman detracts his arms back to normal size, panting heavily. 

"We can do this all day you know," I speak to him. "Even after sunset, I will still fight no matter how tired you are. I bet that your arms will no longer flail like tentacles at your exhausted state."

The mantisman grits his teeth in response and yells: "Shut the f**k up!" in the same way I did to the mysterious thief. Goodness...the irony of this situation... He rushes towards me at a rapid pace as he intends to bite my neck with his sharp teeth.

"Die in vain, swordsman!"

Gotz: HP 74/80

Mantisman 2: HP 7/12

ID: 68814

BD: 1

MD: 6

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Trying to stab him upwards is a bad idea, because that f**knut flies past my blade and chomps onto my neck. I expect his teeth to be as vicious as a piranha, but...well if anyone had ever seen how Nukesaku tried to bite Jotaro in Stardust Crusaders, it is pretty much the same situation here. It hurt like heroin needles, though. So I swing my arm against the wall, banging him until he lets me go and drops down. I couldn't swing my sword this time as I am washing and bandaging my bite wound with a nearby bandage. 

After tending my wounds, the mantisman stands up, growling viciously as he bears his teeth like a f**king idiot. Come on, can't he be more threatening? 

I walk up to him casually, while speaking: "Don't waste your time trying to look like a monster. You are a f**king insect, get over it. I want to be quick."

Gotz: HP 74/80

Mantisman 2: HP 7/12

ID: 68815

BD: 2

MD: 1

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....well this is awkward...we are standing and glaring at each other for minutes, possibly to plan our next own attacks. Even if my tower shield is raised up, he never bothers to do his typical shield tapping against it. This quest is just a mix of drama and idleness, why the f**k do I accept it in the first place?

At least there is a damsel in distress to rescue, but if she and the leader isn't in this house as well? Where would he take her? The forest? That wouldn't be a problem for me, if not for those minotaurs wandering around the forest. Let's not forget the mist which, for some unknown reason, stays in the forest for, I don't know, an eternity. I really hate things that are hassling for me, even if it comes to killing. 

Goddammit, make your move already! Fine, I will kill you myself!

Gotz: HP 74/80

Mantisman 2: HP 7/12

ID: 68816

BD: 2

MD: 1

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I let out a yell of anger as I bring my sword down towards his head, which doesn't work as expected since he blocks it with one of his arms. He uses the other arm to stab me, but this also fails thanks to my shield. So now this fight is no longer consist of rapid, hard swinging attacks. Instead it is just us striking each other at every few seconds, only to get all of our attempts fail miserably. I try to stab him in the leg, only to have it kicking my arm away. He tries the same, only to notice my leg stepping backwards while my shield knock the green, thin stick away.

This goes on for a few minutes until I remark: "Okay, you know what, I will spare you for real this time. Your boss must be more challenging than you..."

"I'm not falling for that trick again, scumbag," says the mantisman as he extends his arms at a great speed, aiming for both sides of my cheeks.

Gotz: HP 74/80

Mantisman 2: 2/12

ID: 68817

BD: 7

MD: 3

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I grin maliciously as I swing my sword downwards, using the gust of wind produced by the swing to blow off his advancing arm. The mantisman steps back immediately and I sprint towards his body, driving my sword into his groin. I cut him upwards to his throat so he wouldn't shout, just in case the boss might be in the basement. He never let out a scream despite attempting to, and I bash him down onto the floor, pinning his neck with the bottom of my shield.

"You are overall, not that fun to fight." I say in a serious tone. "There were a few moments where you were actually providing me a challenge, but that never last long. Were you thinking of your dead brother so much that you were distracted up until this moment?"

The mantisman chokes violently as his neck cannot handle the heavy weight of my shield, he reaches out to my pants with his arms, and I kick him in the face for that.

Gotz: HP 74/80

Mantisman 2: HP 0/12

ID: 68820

BD: 7

LD: 11

Obtained 1 Material

Obtained 60 COL

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Fuh..what a pain this guy is. I look at the window to see the rain already stopped falling for quite some time ago, and that makes me sad, because I still want to soak myself in the rainwater and just lie down in peace. There is no room for such sorrow, for the sun is now standing in the west, coloring the sky with a mix of orange and red, indicating the time that it is now evening.

I push the loose stone brick I saw earlier, and sure enough, it opens up a part of the floorboards like a trapdoor, revealing a set of staircase leading downstairs to the darkness. I slowly make my way down and use the dim light bulbs on the walls to guide me to the basement. I fear no darkness, but I do fear that I might be ambushed out of nowhere.

...this place is awfully quiet, I can't hear anything, save for my footsteps.

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Moving down to the basement leads to a revelation of how strange these mantismen are. I arrive at a walkway with different rooms, and the whole atmosphere feels similar to an abandoned tomb. Each of these rooms' doors bear the sign, 'Don't Bother Entering.' Thinking that this is some sort of torture room, I hold one of the door's handle as I draw out my sword, gritting my teeth fearfully. I take a deep breath and let out a war cry as I kick open the door and point my sword forwards....only to find something which is either more or less than I expected.

If anyone never heard of an ossuary before, then let me just explain that it is sort of similar to a catacomb. It is a place full of rooms or containers that stores the bones of the dead. Thinking of that place makes me realize the truth of this basement. This place is indeed, an ossuary. There are several stones that is shaped in the face of the deceased, and some of their bones are clearly visible in the room. My best guess is that these mantismen built the dome without ever realizing its existence, until they somehow found its entrance. They probably think that these rooms do not matter to them, so they seal em up for good until now...

Looking at these ancient bones disturb me somehow...I shut the door as I leave the room and check the rest of them. The results are similar. 

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At least they don't have torture rooms, and that is a relief. After shutting the doors of the chambers, I move forward, passing through more skulls and bones in the passageway. The total distance from the entrance to the end is around fifteen minutes away, and soon I reach a dead end in the form of a wooden, bolted door, with a peephole that can be viewed at both sides. I take a peek through the hole and see the interior of the room. It resembles a large cell of some sort, complete with modest furnishings, which consist of a bed, two sofas, two bedside tables and a large table. 

At the center of the room is the boss himself, who is grinning as his prisoner is awaken. The mantisman is somewhere between deep and light green in color, and his arms look sharper. Unlike the eyes of his goons, which are similar to a typical mantis's, his eyes are entirely red. Meanwhile, the prisoner is bound with a pair of shackles, connected by a long chain that is hooked at the ceiling. Only her arms are not free, and they remain lifted up so the boss could see her body, that sick f**k. 

She sports a wavy, bob cut, with her hair black in color. Her outfit is rather...revealing, for her crop top exposes her midriff. Her legs are entirely covered by a long skirt. I can see her opening her eyes as she looks around, tugging the chain before she realizes the dire situation she is in

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The wooden surface of the door feels fragile, and could easily be broken by any weapon. However, for some reason, I decide to keep watching to see what he is going to do to the elf girl, or if he's gonna summon a guard in case someone barges in out of nowhere. I wish I haven't done that...

If there is anything I truly hate the most in the world, it is everything about rape. To me it is one of the most inhumane things one could have ever done. If I ever see a rapist doing his job to a girl, I will go berserk and kill him as brutally as possible. And that is what that f**king mantisman is doing. He whispers some things to her as she begs him to let her go. Of course, he refuses and starts caressing her midriff, before grabbing her top and rip it off completely, exposing her soft, round breasts.

My hands are shaking as I witness this monstrosity. The mantisman proceeds to grope and fondle her cups, before pecking her body and cheeks while he holds her harshly.

As he is about to pull down her long skirt, exposing her hips...I snap. I really snap to the point that I give out the most terrifying scream I can emit, then I equip my shield and break the door down with my sword.

Gotz: HP 79/80

Mantis Leader: HP 15/15

ID: 68828

BD: 2

MD: 10

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As soon as the door breaks down, I immediately sprint forward and swing my sword towards the mantis leader. Unexpectedly, he somehow anticipates my attack and extends one of his arms towards me, which I blocked in partial succession, at the cost of my hand. He lets out a wide grin as he turns to face me, clapping his arms.

"I'm surprised you are able to enter my dome and my basement," he remarks. "Did my friends somehow let you in under your command or--?"

"Your f**kboys are all dead. And now you are going to die as well, scumbag."

His expression becomes serious upon hearing the death of his goons. He slowly caresses the elf girl's breasts, while giving me a death stare. The elf girl yelps and moans as she looks at me hopelessly, squeaking: 'Help..me.."

...Oh I will help you alright. After all, this pest deserves a painful death.

Gotz: HP 79/80

Mantis Leader: HP 7/15

ID: 68830

BD: 7

MD: 4

Energy: 4/8

Used Snake Bite!

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"Well, are you just going to stand there, watching this erotic theatrical act? Huh?" the mantis speaks as he gives her midriff a tiny scratch. The elf girl lets out a brief 'Ah!' as she feels a slight pain on her tummy. Gritting my teeth, I charge towards him abruptly as I manage to bash his face before he could attack and used my Sword Art to slash his body non-stop, leading him to shout in a bloodcurdling scream. He makes himself obviously to me that he is a pussy when I notice some tears falling across his eyes.

"I..is that all you got, human?! T..that is such a weak attack! I can do better! I am the leader of my gang!" 

I never listen to his nonsensical rambling though, because my sword is already heading towards his head at a rapid speed, aiming for his mouth.

Gotz: HP 79/80

Mantis Leader: HP 7/15

ID: 68831

BD: 1

MD: 5

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Tch. He still manages to move his head away from my sword at the last second, but at least the blade isn't heading for the elf girl. I step back a few inches away from him and beckon him to come here by banging my sword against my shield. I intend to keep the girl away from the fight, as any stray attacks would definitely injure her badly. The mantis gives out an annoying chuckle as he stops looking like a pussy and extends his arms.

"Why should I come to you when I have these?!" he speaks as his arms launch themselves towards me like a lance. Both landed against my shield, giving me a staggering knockback effect. I attempt to remain my balance as the arms do not stop themselves from attacking and instead continue hitting my shield to force myself open to them.

This isn't good...I have to charge quickly...and get myself behind cover as much as possible. I would only open myself when I am in close proximity with the mantis leader. 

Gotz: HP 79/80

Mantis Leader: HP 7/15

ID: 68832

BD: 3

MD: 2

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What an unlucky moment for me...even the arms prevent me from advancing. One of them would try to flank me at a rapid pace, and I have to sidestep as far as possible while raising my shield towards the other, advancing arm. I slash my sword wildly to detract them from my personal space, and for only a few seconds it actually works. As their next move, the arms aim towards the legs and possibly my groin, and the only effective way to avoid them from poking my balls is to hold my shield at a downward angle, which is a little awkward.

The mantis leader laughs maniacally as he feels that his victory is imminent. "How do you like my arms' capabilities, human?! This is for my goons!" 

And with those words, the arms unite together, forming a vertical line. As I stare at them in a confused gaze, they suddenly spin like a helicopter's rotor, and they are flying fast towards my head!

Gotz: HP 78/80

Mantis Leader: HP 2/15

ID: 68833

BD: 6

MD: 9

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For a split second, they zip against my forehead before retreating, giving it a decent-sized cut with a small amount of blood slowly sliding out of the wound, slipping across my nose and eyes as I close them. As I am stepping back during the impact, I detract my sword backwards, already planning to cut the 'blades' during their next strike. I can hear the sounds of rotor coming closer again as I open my eyes, and immediately I bring my sword towards the mantis leader's arms, effectively severing them.

The insect looks at his decapitated limbs in horror as I take big steps towards him and stab the f**k out of his neck. He chokes in his own slimy blood, letting out a horrible gurgling sound as I slide my blade back and forth through the mortal wound. I let go of my shield and grab his shoulder as I cut it to force him to kneel down. He struggles to breath, his red eyes look like they are about to pop up as he only manages to let out a small squeak of fear.

Gotz: HP 77/80

Mantis Leader: HP 2/15

ID: 68834

BD: 2

MD: 6

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"Sayonara, motherf**ker!" I scream as I bring my sword down towards his head. But as injured as he is, he is still able to stand up and bite my wrist, stopping my sword from advancing. His teeth is sharper than his mates, but not sharp enough to penetrate the vambrace of my plate armor, which now has a dent thanks to his teeth. I shake my arm violently as the elf girl just watches the whole fight in a shocking expression, I never hear her scream in fear whenever I injure and mutilate him. Perhaps deep down, she is happy that her rapist is going to die in a gruesome death, or she is too shocked to react towards my way of ultraviolence.

I grab his jaw and with my strength, I try hard to pull it apart from my vambrace. The mantis leader is still gurgling in a disgusting way, blood is already spilling from his wound, dripping onto the concrete floor of the cell.

Gotz: HP 77/80

Mantis Leader: HP 0/15

ID: 68835

BD: 8

LD: 1

Obtained 1 Material

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