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[PP - F2] Re-re-match! <<Long Live the Queen>> (Domarus)

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Beatbox yawned as he laid down on a street bench getting some shut-eye, when simply Beatbox had gotten bored. This was one of the rare chances where Beatbox gets so bored that he wants to fight something, it was a rather odd craving... well, there is not much else to do to keep yourself busy in this game besides fighting and material gathering. Beatbox had the most bizarre idea ever though, he figured to help a player take down the Wasp Queen... why? Because simply why not. He had recently met a player named @Domarus, at first though... something was a little suspicious about him, but he seemed to be a good guy... at least he believes so. He sent him a message:


To: Domarus

Heyo. I noticed that you are still fairly low-leveled, listen on Floor 2 I know of a boss that respawns for players to take down, it offers a good amount of EXP... I can help you get some levels. Whatcha say? If you are interested I am laying down at a park bench getting some rest, coordinates are included. 

See ya soon.

- Beatbox 

He sent the message and waited for the player to show, he yawned and got a bit of shut-eye before he would show up, he found himself always being fairly lazy and tired while in this game, he's unsure of why... maybe he's not cut up to be doing things like fighting constantly in this game, however he tried not thinking about it.

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Domarus was eager to test out his new armor.  The entire set was a deadly combination, but when he fought monsters he was hoping to one day have an item that increased the amount of col he received.  He desperately needed it if he wanted to get a unique skill.  Anything to further his goals as dealing the most damage in this game.  The player Arc had informed him that the two handed ax was for multi targeting and while it was useful to have such a skill, he also intended to train himself in a two handed sword for single combat as well.  Of course, this would take time and he figured that he wouldn't share about the extra weapon with anyone unless absolutely necessary.  Maybe he'd tell Esther though, as she didn't like him keeping secrets from her.  She seemed to be the only one in this world besides Keres who wasn't bothered by his darker side.  Not to mention nobody besides her could calm him down or even make him happy the way she did.  He shook his head as he wondered where he should train when a message popped up.  He slid the message open and was shocked to see Beatbox' name, Alisa's lover.  It seemed he wanted to help Domarus level up.  That was perfectly fine with him.  He walked into the town and made his way over to the teleporter and warped to the second floor.  He followed the coordinates until he spotted Beatbox.  Domarus was wearing his dragon bone armor of course, but upon combat he would switch to his stronger armor.  Keeping up the cheerful Knight in shining armor role, he walked up to Beatbox.

"Hey!  Beatbox right?  Mind if I call you Beat?  Glad I'm finally able to spend some time with you!  How's your girlfriend?" he added with a wink.  Yes, his girlfriend.  Alisa.  The naive innocent girl whom was weak in nearly every aspect.  She had some anger yes, but unless trained to use it, the anger only made her weaker.  He had a plan though.  A plan that rested in his inventory as he spoke.


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Beatbox saw the player walking up to him, he yawned and sat up instead of keeping himself laid down on a park bench. "Hey Domarus." he said before waiting for Domarus' full greeting, Beatbox gave a giggle and said "It's no biggie for you to call me that.. everyone has been calling me that lately, so I don't mind it." he stretched his arms outward gave a yawn and then said "Yeah, it's all good spending time with others. Sometimes this game is a lot easier if you tag along some people. And-" he gave a laugh with his wink, he knew who he was talking about, and yes they were in a relationship together, but how he got to know about it is beyond him, maybe he saw us hugging or something. "Alisa is doing fine, she's been doing guild duties so far right now with the whole "new guild" thing, but she's been doing A-Okay." he yawned again and stood back up doing one more final stretch and said "The boss I brought you here to see is over this way, its not far... but it's still a walk, its called the Wasp Queen, it was discovered one day by a small party and to there discovery, it was also a respawning boss, however rewards are as only as good the first time around. However I think you should get some of its bonuses as its rather good to have for beginning levels." he said.

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Domarus listened to Beatbox' response and laughed along with Beat after his comment.  He listened as he mentioned the guild and recalled hearing that Beatbox was also a part of it.  Interesting.  He would definitely need to apply extra caution as he continued along with this world of mind games.  Thankfully, this game was his specialty.  

"Ah yes the guild!  Jonathan talked with me and this player named Hikoru is supposed to initiate me or something?  I'm still not entirely sure when, who or how, but I'm eager to join you guys.  I'm very far behind in level and I need to collect a lot of col as well."  And that was one portion of the reason for his joining the guild.  There were three portions:  To grow stronger and gain col, to influence Alisa further, and to find any suitable followers within the guild.  It would be slow progress, especially if he wanted the guild to survive after he was done.  There wasn't any reason to destroy the guild and especially no reason to get on their bad side.  For now he decided to meet the other guild members.

"So you a part of the guild now too?  What can I expect?"  Then Beatbox mentioned where the boss was and what it was.  A wasp?  Domarus expected this battle to go fast then.  Especially with his new armor.  This would go quickly, especially with a stronger player.  It made sense that the monster wouldn't drop as much experience the second time around, otherwise it would be too easy to level up in this game.  Domarus began to walk with Beatbox as they made their way to the area he mentioned.

"You've done this before eh?  So what can I expect?  Does it have high stats?  Any status effects?"  Domarus was wondering just how strong this monster was though he doubted it would be too difficult at all.  Hell he might be able to solo this fight with his new equipment.  In fact he might suggest or request that at some point.


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Beatbox had listened to Domarus' comments as he continued to walk to the area in question while yawning "Yeah... Celestial Ascendants, and... Hikoru? He's supposed to Initiate you? Well, I have heard of Hikoru before... but I am sure he'll get to you soon. And right now... eh, I am not official. I too have to wait for Hikoru to put me through a little bit of training first. It's a long process for people to join, but it should be worth it." he said before he yawned again. "Yeah, I have done this twice before. Its stats are high... for a beginner, for players like me and above... no this is like a bug in your room versus your foot. It has 50 HP and will hit for around... I want to say 20 HP every hit? However with my stats and equipment... I can essentially one-shot it every time. The reward is a damage potion, the potion itself is the Wasp Queens venom of course... its not as good as perfect quality items... but its a damage potion none-the-less." he went into his inventory and pulled out the potion that he had claimed earlier before "This is it, this is the potion that you'll earn... its called "The Matriarch's Stinger" and it only buffs your damage a little bit." he said before he put it back into his inventory. "There are some other respawning bosses that you can challenge when you become higher leveled, and there is one I haven't even tried out yet. But for now, this is the closest you can get right now with your level."


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Domarus listened to Beatbox talk about how he hadn't yet been initiated and how the process was long.  Domarus cocked an eyebrow.  Long eh?  Was it long because it was challenging?  Or long because it was a time based thing, such as survive such and such for a day or something along those lines?  No matter what it was Domarus would succeed.  He then listened to Beatbox as he talked about the monster's stats.  Domarus grinned.

"That's it?  Fifty health and twenty damage?  Peh.  I could solo this boss easy with my new gear.  You're in for a quick show my friend."  He wouldn't be able to one shot it as Beatbox had mentioned, but he didn't need to.  The combination of his base seven damage, and rank two battle ax sword skills, not to mention his full armor which gave him twenty three MIT, one regeneration and two thorns, this battle would be over soon.  He listened to Beatbox talk about how it dropped a stinger that gave plus one damage.  It was nothing compared to the free potions he had received from the alchemy giveaway, but it would prove useful against a mini boss or fighting against another player that wasn't to the death.  He intended to avoid those if at all possible.  Killing was where he drew the line.  If he had no choice but to remove someone he would rather someone else do it.  However he had never reached that point in the real world and doubted he would need to do so now.  By the time he began receiving followers, and power leveled to a high area, he should have no need to worry.

"Well hopefully my level will increase soon.  I want to start power leveling now that I've received not only my battle ax but my full suit of armor."  As he thought about his armor he wondered how Beatbox would react to it's appearance.  If he would be fearful or hateful toward Domarus, or if he would see the armor as an attempt to scare monsters or his opponents and nothing more than that.


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"Yeah, when you look at it at a certain way, 50 health and 20 damage is not that bad when you think about it. This boss is about as hard as a normal mob on this floor, except that it has a little bit better HP. It's not too too impressive. But the reward is honestly the EXP, it brought me up either one or two levels after defeating it... I can never remember." he said as they kept walking toward the area in which the Wasp Queen rest's and waits for more players to arrive. He had heard Domarus' weapon style and grinned a bit "Battle Axe huh? I am more simple and use One Handed Straight Swords... simpler is better in my opinion. But hey, I guess other people have different styles I guess. I'm not judging." they eventually got to the place where the Wasp Queen is, and the Wasp Queen took flight and Beatbox looked over to Domarus "Don't worry I wont use any of my sword arts on it, I will only do basic attacks on it to deal minimal damage, go on... take the first hit. I don't mind." he said with a giggle as he took out his sword and prepared to do common sword swings at it. 


Beatbox: 360/360

Domarus: 60/60


The Wasp Queen: 50/50



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140 hp

14 energy

7 base damage

rank 2 two handed ax skill

27 MIT

14 dmg thorns

9 health restored on CD roll of 6

Domarus nodded to Beatbox.  No doubt this boss would be useful to him this once but never again.  As they neared the area Domarus went ahead and opened up his battle menu.

"I designed my equipment to look intimidating so I'm letting you know now so that you don't get scared by it."  He grinned at Beatbox to make his joke clear before selecting the armors.  As the dragon bone armor vanished, if Beatbox was watching he would catch a glimpse of a tattoo on Domarus' inner left arm that he had recently applied.  The armor then appears.  The armor was thick, black and intimidating, and pulsed a dark red glow.  The same could be said of his two handed battle ax.  When they reached the spot Domarus heard a buzzing sound and the boss appeared.  When it emerged it's health bars appeared and he rolled his shoulders before drawing his ax.  This wouldn't last long at all.  As the wasp charged, Domarus did the same, his blade's red pulsing glow beginning to mix with a black aura that was triggered from his sword art.  When the two reached each other Domarus released it, swinging his battle ax in an undercut twice in a row, before spinning it around to have the blade crashing down on the monster's head, dealing a good amount of damage.  Not as much as he wanted to deal, but that would change in the future.  The wasp queen was knocked back from the strike and shook it's head, furious that it had failed to land a hit on him.

ID#  68839  BD:  6  MD:  2

Domarus:  140/140 -><- 11/14  the signature is outdated

Wasp Queen:  29/50


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Beatbox figured to just sit back and watch Domarus fight against the Wasp Queen, honestly after seeing Domarus strike against the Wasp Queen once he figured he wouldn't need his help. Beatbox sat back and just watched the fireworks go off in a sense. "I probably have seen worse." he said to Domarus as he got his equipment out and equipped it, yeah... it looked cool and to some it would be intimidating to some, however it didn't faze Beatbox at all, he smiled at his armor and sat back and watched Domarus fight against the Wasp Queen, after seeing him strike against the Wasp Queen and it struggle to hit against him... he knew that he wouldn't need his help. And rather Beatbox was here to essentially guide him to the location in question, he giggled and thought to himself for a moment "I kind of figured he could have done this himself, most beginners have the same equipment as I do when I think about it... sigh... I really need to get to Rank 2 equipment..." he said with a grin on his face, he felt as if as he is no better than the lower levels in this game at the current moment, he wants to join in the front lines... but at this rate... he probably wont get there in a long time, he sighed one more time.

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The wasp queen wouldn't have a great chance against Domarus if it stayed near him and it realized this quick.  Thus the queen flew out of his reach when he swung his ax at her.  Domarus turned to her and went into a defensive position as he noticed what she was planning.  The queen stared at him for a moment, noticing the blonde haired player and deciding to deal with him later.  The wasp queen charged Domarus and as she expected the player charged back.  When he did she moved her wings faster, creating a huge sound shockwave that would knock Beatbox backward and Domarus back a foot, causing him to shield himself with his arms.  When he looked up he would see a huge stinger diving for him.

He had no time to avoid it of course.  there was no way he could.  Thus he took the hit.  And watched his health go down by one point.  Pathetic.  The wasp queen escaped his reach the moment she stung him so his ax missed her.  He flourished his blade, planning on preparing for the next time she attack him like that.  Then suddenly he heard more buzzing and noticed two other smaller wasps emerge from large eggs.  His eyes narrowed as he began to plan out a new and better strategy.  He'd need to get rid of the pests but he was certain he'd be able to knock them out along with the queen together.  Arc had mentioned that the two handed battle was meant for multiple targets, not one.  So Domarus would master the two handed battle ax, and afterwards Arc would teach him how to use the great sword.  Thus when he dueled players or struck against a boss he could use a weapon meant for a single target.

ID#  68896  BD:  3  CD:  6  MD:  10

Domarus:  140/140  <22 dmg - 27 MIT = 1 dmg.  1 recovered with regeneration> -><- 9/14

Wasp Queen:  29/50

Wasp Infant:  20/20

Wasp Infant:  20/20


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ID: 68910

BD: 5+1 (Concentration Used) = 6


Beatbox had watched Domarus fight against the Wasp Queen with his two-handed axe and noticed that the eggs were suspiciously hatching, he didn't remember this about the fight. The Wasp Infants arouse from the eggs towards Domarus and Beatbox did not want to waste any time, he did not want to leave Domarus to fight all three of those Wasp's at once, its bad enough he's fighting a boss alone, Beatbox pulled out his sword and it glowed a bright pure white as he prepared an Area Effect Attack, he lunged at the three wasps while concentrating and lunged at the three waps, with the Area of Effect it was enough to take down the bosses health to one and kill the other two wasps, he looked over to Domarus and said to him "Area of Effect is really handy if you can get the Sword Art, however the boss is still yours to take down, its all yours." and jumped back to let Domarus finish the boss.


Sword Art Used: Vertical Square (AoE) / Damage: 7*(4)= 28

Beatbox: 380/380 EN: 30/38

Domarus: 140/140 EN: 9/14

Wasp Queen: 1/50 

Wasp Infant: 0/20

Wasp Infant: 0/20

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Domarus was about to destroy the infants when Beat box suddenly leaped forward and cut both of them down.  When he mentioned AoE he refrained from growling, or looking angry in general, though he really REALLY wanted to.  Domarus returned his attention to the wasp queen who was now screeching in rage at the loss of her children.  When Domarus charged towards her she swung three legs at him and although he dodged the attack, he could feel the power and force as the legs shot past over his back, feeling the wind push him away a little bit.  Emotions fueled everything.  Now this battle might get a bit interesting.  The queen dove down at him like lightning and he deflected her stinger with his gauntlet.  Then she shot in from another side and once again he blocked with his gauntlet.  Faster and faster this process continued until finally he grabbed the stinger of the wasp.  The creature tried to fly away but the heaviness of the armor kept Domarus fastened to the ground, therefore the wasp queen as well.  With an almighty wretch he pulled the stinger out of it's owner and plunged it into where the creature's heart should be.  The wasp shivered before beginning to curl up and crumble, shattering into pieces of glowing crystals before vanishing forever.  Until the monster respawned that is.  Domarus walked over with the stinger and picked up his battle ax before sheathing it.  He turned to Beatbox.

"I could have handled those but thanks for having my back.  And I know what AoE is.  That's what a two handed battle ax is usually used for.  Well, now that that's over, let's get a drink to celebrate eh?  I know a pretty decent bar on this floor."  


ID#  68913  BD:  8  MD:  5

Wasp Queen dead

Infants dead

Domarus:  140/140  -><-  9/14

+stinger +1 dmg

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"Sorry, I just didn't want you to fight them all by your loansome. I did not know you could have taken down them all. It was my honest mistake." he said with a grin. "Just making sure that you knew what AoE is. You should have told me in advance not to attack them then. Just to let me know, but hey... know I know." he said with a faint smile. He turned around to the area in which they had walked into and gave him a smile and a chuckle "I'm not much of a drinker, haven't seen the point to drink that in a game like this. But hey, we could still go there." he said as he started walking back in which they had came, if it were to be in another direction he would look back and then follow. He wasn't really up for much conversation at the moment, he were really still thinking about being a part of the front lines and trying to figure out on how to get the SP to get to the front lines to begin with, hopefully he could get to the front lines sooner than later.

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